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Presidential Decree No. 82/1995 on peat land development for food crop agriculture in Central Kalimantan.

South-Eastern Asia

The Decree makes provisions for the extension of peat land to one million hectares in the Province/First-Level Region of Central Kalimantan. The formulation of development programmes is entrusted to a Team for Peat Land Development. The technical implementation of said programmes shall be carried out by government agencies according to the legislation in force.

Decreto Nº 24.411/MP/PLAN - Crea la Comisión Técnica Consultiva de Ordenamiento Territorial.

Costa Rica
Central America

El presente Decreto, que consta de 7 artículos, constituye la Comisión Técnica Consultiva de Ordenamiento Territorial (Comisión Terra), como instancia técnica consultiva del Sistema Nacional de Desarrollo Sostenible (SINADES), bajo la coordinación del Ministerio de Planificación Nacional (MIDEPLAN). La Comisión Terra tiene como objetivo general, proponer el ordenamiento del uso del territorio del país de tal forma que sirva de apoyo a un desarrollo sostenible; y como objetivo específico, elaborará un primer nivel de ordenamiento y acción territorial nacional a escala 1:200 000 (art. 3º).

Resolución Nº 88/00 - Crea la Oficina Nacional de Hidrografía y Geodesia.


La presente Resolución crea la Oficina Nacional de Hidrografía y Geodesia (ONHG), adscrita la Ministerio de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias, como órgano de dirección que ejercerá las funciones de representación y ejecución estatal del Servicio Hidrográfico y Geodésico, con el fin de proponer, orientar y dirigir la ejecución de la política estatal sobre las actividades geodésicas, hidrográficas, topográficas, cartográficas, catastrales, de señalización marítima y de uniformación de nombres geográficos.

Decreto Nº 120/99 - Reglamento a la Ley Nº 311, Ley Orgánica del Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER).

Central America

El presente Reglamento, que consta de 10 capítulos y 38 artículos, tiene por objeto establecer las disposiciones para la aplicación de la Ley orgánica del Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER).

Implementa: Ley Nº 311 - Ley Orgánica del Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER). (1999-07-09)

Decree No. 13 of the State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy and Cartography validating the Regulation on the establishment of administrative and territorial units.

Eastern Europe

This Decree establishes the modalities of delimitation of administrative and territorial boundaries, including mapping, calculation of the perimeter of boundaries, calculation of area of administrative and territorial units, and legalization of the boundaries. In the process of mapping the following boundaries shall be established: (a) administrative and territorial units (urban and rural areas); and (b) areas with special land tenure (protected areas, national parks, biosphere reserves, territories of cultural heritage).

Order No. 59 of the Ministry on Land Policy, Construction, Housing and Communal Services validating the Regulation on calculation of land area in condominiums.

Eastern Europe

This Order establishes that calculation of land area in condominiums and the establishment of boundaries thereof shall be carried out for the purpose of land use planning, establishment of land shares in common property, efficient use of urban land , taxation and state registration of immovable property. Land area in condominiums shall be ascertained in the process of elaboration and mapping of the boundaries of condominium in accordance with land use planning documentation. The Order contains calculation formula.

Surveyors (Registration) Regulations 1992.


The objective of the Regulations (22 sections, 8 Schedules) is to set out procedures for registration and endorsement of registration of Surveyors (reg. 3). They include detailed rules concerning training and registration of Surveyors - course, training agreement, prescribed qualifications, examinations, cadastral law assignment and registration of Surveyors. The Schedules contain forms for various applications, prescribed qualifications and certificates.

Implements: Surveyors Act 1978. (1999-02-25)

Regulation to Provide for the Procedure of Allocation and Administration of Land (L.N. No. 31/1997).

Eastern Africa

The Regulation is made under the Land Proclamation No. 58/1994. It sets out the procedure for the allocation and administration of land and applies to all types of urban and rural land. Land shall be allocated for tiesa, agricultural usufruct or leasehold, on the basis of a master plan. To ensure these rights, right holders shall be given an allocation certificate or lease agreement. To prevent allocation of land to holders with the sole aim of holding land idle, the size of land to be allocated shall be proportionate to the planned aim (art. 3(4)).

Proclamation to Provide for the Registration of Land and Other Immovable Property (No. 95/1997).

Eastern Africa

This Proclamation makes provision for the registration of land and other immovable property. It provides for the establishment of a Cadastral Office, for the registration of all land, rights over land and duties that emanate from such rights, and the transfer of property through sales, donation, succession or other manner. The registration system shall use the application forms and certificate pursuant to Legal Notice No. 31/1997. On the basis of the abovementioned documentation, the Cadastral Office shall keep a map or plan that clearly shows parcel features and boundaries.