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Land Survey Regulations (Chapter 33:01).

Southern Africa

These Regulations implement provisions of the Land Survey Act with respect to a variety of matters covered by the Act such as: the power of the Director of Surveys and Lands to test surveys; the actual field work of surveys; the drafting of diagrams; the drafting of general plans of survey and surveys of townships and villages; survey records and costs of survey.

Implements: Land Survey Act (Chapter 33:01). (2008-12-31)

Ordonnance nº 74-149 fixant le nombre et les limites des circonscriptions foncières de la République du Zaïre.

Democratic Republic of the Congo
Middle Africa

Le nombre et les limites des circonscriptions foncières de la République du Zaïre coïncident avec le nombre et les limites des régions. la ville de Kinshasa est érigée en circonscription foncière distincte.

Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 73-021 portant régime général des biens, régime foncier et immobilier et régime des sûretés. (1973-07-20)

Ministerial Decree No.493 of 1991 regarding validation of the form of the official document attesting the right of ownership to the plot of land, life-long hereditary property, and open-ended (permanent) land tenure.

Eastern Europe

The Government decrees to validate the forms of the official document attesting the right of ownership to the plot of land, life-long hereditary property, open-ended (permanent) land tenure of citizens (Form No.1), enterprises, institutions, organizations and peasant farms (Form No.2).Regional Governments, territorial, provincial executive bodies and executive bodies of the autonomous territories, the state Committee on Land reform and Support of Peasant farms must provide for carrying out land-survey activity related to legalization and issuing the afore-mentioned official documents.

Décret n° 64-291 fixant les règles relatives à la délimitation, l’utilisation, la conservation et la police du domaine public.

Eastern Africa

Le présent décret fixe les règles relatives à la délimitation, l’utilisation, la conservation et la police du domaine public. L'administration, la conservation et l’entretien du domaine public de l’Etat, tel qu’il est défini par l’ordonnance n° 60-099 du 21 septembre 1960, modifiée par l’ordonnance n° 62-035 du 19 septembre 1962, relèvent d’une manière générale du Ministère des travaux publics.

Regulation on land use planning and land survey.

Eastern Europe

This Regulation governs mapping (restoration) of the boundaries of landownership and land tenancy, and also re-distribution of land. It consists of six Sections dealing with the following matters: (1) general provisions; (2) preparatory work; (3) field operations; (4) office studies; (5) explanatory note; and (6) registration and submittal of the documentation.

Regulations on activities of sworn surveyors.

Eastern Africa

The Act on activities of sworn surveyors establishes the right of surveyors to carry out activities as independent professionals and private entities such as of topographic, photogrammetric and cartographic work. These Regulations regulate such activities. Regulations concern qualifications, authorization, definition of actual work, registration, contracts for the provision of services, etc. The licence of a sworn surveyor is issued by the Minister of Agriculture.

State Landmarks Ordinance 1909 (No. 7 of 1909).

Sri Lanka
Southern Asia

According to the provisions of this Ordinance, whenever any land is sold, leased or alienated by the State the Minister may cause the boundaries of such land to be defined by permanent marks. It shall be the duty of the owner or occupier of any land to keep said marks in good repair. The Government Agent shall, when State landmarks have been replaced or repaired or the boundary line has been defined to his satisfaction, grant a certificate to that effect to the owner or occupier (art. 7).

Notification on the procedures of forest settlement in Bhutan.

Southern Asia

The newly instituted Survey and Demarcation Division shall conduct the survey and definiton of boundaries of the so called reserved Forests of Bhutan and shall widely spread information about the forest areas included under this provision, in order to ascertain eventual claims of rights on forests and their products, land and water courses or grazing and pasture rights. The involved land shall be excluded from the reserved forest areas or expropriated or acquired.

Council of Ministers Decree No. 117/CCM on the management and use of forests and forested land.

South-Eastern Asia

Part I, Management of forests and forested lands: provisions are made on social and community forestry in order to preserve, manage, maintain, rehabilitate forests and forested lands by maen of strategic planning, appointing Directors of Forestry to organize, supervise and implement the plans, encouraging investments in forestry industrial production.

Village Councils Ordinance.

Sri Lanka
Southern Asia

The Ordinance provides for the institution of Village Councils for the purpose of town development and endorses them with the power to order surveys and dispose of the land, to redistribute it between adjacent villages and to issue land taxes or levyand to provide for all related matters, legal and administrative.