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Regulations for the implementation of the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China.

Eastern Asia

These Regulations issued in implementation of article 56 of the Land Management Law, provide for (a) registration of landownership and land-use rights; (b) the systematic surveying of lands, land-use planning, and other mechanisms to control land use; (c) procedures for the expropriation of land needed for public construction purposes; (d) restrictions on the use of agricultural land for housing purposes; and (e) criteria for the determination of the kind and amount of fines payable for offences committed under the principal Law.

Ordinance on land consolidation.

Western Europe

The present Ordinance enforces the Land Use Planning and Building Law of 1 May 1988. Article 1 establishes that land consolidations shall be effected in view of building land, land not designed as such shall be re-allocated. The text - consisting of 19 articles – deals with the following aspects: definition of terms, purpose of land consolidation, survey, principles of allocation, costa, administrative proceedings, legal protection and entry into force.

Implements: Land Use Planning and Building Law. (2008-05-04)

Bye-laws of the Bahamas Association of Land Surveyors (Cap. 251).


These Bye-laws are made under subsection (4) of section 9 of the Land Surveyors Act which provides that the Bahamas Association of Land Surveyors, established under the Act, shall have power to make rules or Bye-laws not inconsistent with the provisions of the Act for the regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business.

Land Surveyors Regulations (Cap. 250).


These Regulations prescribe rules relative to the conduct and practice of land surveyors authorized to act as such under the Land Surveyors Act. The rules concern, among other things, the form and content of a survey including the marking of boundaries, the duty to report to the Surveyor General on certain matters, details of survey plans and verification of boundaries. The Regulations also set out the form of the Register of Land Surveyors, regulate the authentication of survey plans, prescribe survey fees and the form of a complaint regarding the conduct of registered land surveyors.

Real Decreto Nº 585/1989 - Desarrolla la Ley Nº 7/1986, Ley de ordenación de la cartografía.

Southern Europe

El presente Real Decreto desarrolla la Ley que tiene por objeto la ordenación de la producción cartográfica en relación a la cartografía catastral, que es la documentación gráfica que define la forma, dimensiones y situación de las diferentes parcelas o fincas que integren el territorio nacional, cualquiera que sea el uso o actividad a que estén destinadas, constituyendo en su conjunto el soporte gráfico del catastro.

Implementa: Ley Nº 7/1986 - Ley de ordenación de la cartografía. (1986-01-24)

Ministerial Decree No.30 of 1991 of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR 8221;.

Eastern Europe

The Government decrees to validate the program of carrying out land reform on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Annex. State Committee on Land Reform, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the RSFSR, the Forest Ministry of the RSFSR, other ministries and departments concerned, councils of ministers of the republics that make part of the RSFSR and local executive authorities must carry out all the necessary organizational matters for putting into practice the above-mentioned Program. The document consists of VIII Sections.

Ordonnance sur la mensuration officielle (OMO).

Western Europe

La présente ordonnance met en exécution la loi du 5 octobre 2007 sur la géoinformation. L’article 1er établit que la mensuration officielle désigne les mensurations approuvées par le canton et reconnues par la Confédération qui sont exécutées en vue de l’établissement et de la tenue du registre foncier. Les données de la mensuration officielle sont des géodonnées de référence utilisées par des autorités fédérales, cantonales et communales, des milieux économiques, des milieux scientifiques et des tiers pour obtenir des géoinformations.

Regulation on land survey in the Canton Glarus.

Western Europe

The purpose of the present Regulation is to apply a land survey to all municipalities in the Canton. Moreover, landowners are required to tolerate such a survey on their land. The text consists of 38 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: General provisions (A); Organization and division of tasks (B); Triangulation (C); Marketing and survey of parcels of land (D); Tracing of mapping work (E); Costs (F); Final provisions (G).

Provisional Regulation on agrochemical inspection of soil of peasant farms.

Eastern Europe

The Regulation consists of 6 Sections dealing with the following matters: 1) general provisions (sect. 1); 2) preparatory work (sect. 2); 3) field work (sect. 3); 4) laboratory work (sect. 4); 5) mapping (sect. 5); 6) legalization and issuing of land certificates (sect. 6). The purpose of agrochemical inspection of soil of peasant farms shall have as its purpose obtaining the reliable quantitative, qualitative and land valuation data in order to fill in the State land ownership certificate for hereditary lifelong possession of the plots of land.

Survey of Mining Claims Regulation (Man. Reg. 500/88).

Northern America

The present Regulation applies to the survey on the ground of mining claims as defined in the Mines and Minerals Act. Every survey of a mining claim shall be made in compliance with this Regulation. The text – consisting of 43 sections – deals with the following matters: survey where specific requirements not set out, general requirements, limits of error, connections, topography, boundary monuments, inscriptions on posts, determination of boundaries, returns of survey, where compliance with regulation impracticable and repeal.

Ordonnance du DDPS sur la Commission fédérale de géologie (OCFG).

Western Europe

La Commission fédérale de géologie (CFG) est instituée par le Conseil fédéral. Elle accomplit les tâches suivantes: a) émettre des avis concernant des questions géologiques de principe, destinés au Conseil fédéral et aux départements de l’administration fédérale; b) mettre à disposition des bases géologiques pour des décisions d’importance; c) apprécier des expertises géologiques en toute neutralité. Le texte comprend 14 articles.

Abrogé par: Abrogation de l’ordonnance du DDPS sur la Commission fédérale de géologie (OCFG). (2011-11-21)