Resource information
The Regulation consists of 6 Sections dealing with the following matters: 1) general provisions (sect. 1); 2) preparatory work (sect. 2); 3) field work (sect. 3); 4) laboratory work (sect. 4); 5) mapping (sect. 5); 6) legalization and issuing of land certificates (sect. 6). The purpose of agrochemical inspection of soil of peasant farms shall have as its purpose obtaining the reliable quantitative, qualitative and land valuation data in order to fill in the State land ownership certificate for hereditary lifelong possession of the plots of land. Land use planning carried out for the purpose of concession of the plots of land shall include agrochemical inspection of soil and cadastre land valuation. Preparatory work shall include data collection and study of the previous erosion, geobotanical and agrochemical inspection and valuation of land. Field work shall have as its purpose the determination of soil composition. Laboratory work shall consist of the determination of the mechanical soil composition carried out by the pipette method. Mapping shall consist of land survey of the plot of land and the subsequent drawing up the map of the peasant farm. The legalization of the plot of land owned by peasant farm shall consist of issuing soil map, soil acidity estimation map and explanatory note.