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State Lands Regulations.

South America

The Regulations provide in detail for Grants, licences and permissions (application, renewal, transfer, reversion) (Part I), Surveys (II), Sale of preferential claims in case of plurality of applications (III), Grants to small cultivators (IV), Leases (for agricultural and grazing purposes) (V), Permissions for grazing areas on the pasture lands of the interior (VI), Licences of Occupancy (VII), Licences to cut wood (VIII), Licences to collect balata, gums etc. (IX), Licences for quarrying stone, gravel, kaolin and other clays (X), Miscellaneous provisions (XI).

Décret n° 30-225 du 12 septembre 1980 portant création et organisation d’une Direction de la Cartographie Nationale et du Cadastre.

Western Africa

Le présent décret crée au sein du ministère des travaux publics, des mines, de l’énergie et des ressources hydrauliques, une direction de la cartographie nationale et du cadastre.La direction de la cartographie nationale et du cadastre a pour objet l’exécution des travaux de cartographie et de topographie demandés par divers services publics ou parapublics; les opérations de mesure et plan relatives à la conservation de la propriété foncière et à la tenue du cadastre; le contrôle et l'homologation des cartes et plans établis par des entreprises et professionnels du secteur privé; et l'assis

Land (Survey and Measurement) Rules, 1975.

Southern Asia

For purposes of section 3 of the Act, the prescribed authority for the measurement of lands shall be the Surveyor (Amin) of the Survey team, being the local team of the Survey Department (rule 3). The grading of land, pursuant to section 10 of the Act, shall be carried out by the Inspector of the survey team. Rules 5 and 6 concern the surveying and demarcation of boundaries of Panchayat or Panchayat Wards. landownership certificates shall be prepared after survey by the Survey Officer or the Chief of the Revenue Office under rule 8.

Regional Decree regarding the modalities of application of Land Code (1992).

Eastern Europe

Regional Legislative Assembly decrees to extend the sphere of application of Land Code on the regional territory from the date of validation of the present Regional Decree, except for Articles 47-51 that entry into force from the date of validation of the Regional Law on land charges. The provisions of Land Code are applicable to the relations coming into existence after the extension of Land Code to the regional territory. Regional Legislative Assembly is competent authority in the following issues pertaining to the sphere of land relations : 1.

Ministerial Decree No. 811 of 1992 regarding the validation of the Regulation on state control over protection and use of subsoil.

Central Asia

The Government, in accordance with Code on subsoil and processing of mineral resources decrees to validate the Regulation. This document determines objects, duties, rights and establishes the liability of the authorized institutions of state control over protection and use of subsoil. This Regulation is obligatory for all juridical and physical persons irrespectively of the form of property and departmental affiliation that carry out geological survey, mine workings (including hydro-mineral resources) and processing of mineral resources or use subsoil for other purposes.

Decreto Nº 1.424 - Reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 9, sobre planes de desarrollo municipal, compraventa y expropiación de bienes.

South America

El presente Decreto dispone que los alcaldes y el intendente de San Andrés y Providencia levantaran un inventario de los asentamientos humanos que, de conformidad con los estudios adelantados para tal efecto, presenten altos riesgos pera sus habitantes.

Implementa: Ley Nº 9 - Normas sobre planes de desarrollo municipal, compraventa y expropiación de bienes. (1989-01-11)

Land Title Registration Regulations, 1986.

Western Africa

Regulations to provide for the registration of titles to land and dealings with registered land.The 136 regulations are divided into 6 Parts: First registration (I); Adjudication procedure (II); Dealings with registered land (III); Minor entries in the register (IV); Fees (V); Miscellaneous (VI). The regulations are completed by 3 Schedules. The First Schedule contains no less than 53 forms applications, notices, deeds of transfer, summons, etc.

Land Rules 1964.

Southern Asia

The present Rules consist of 46 articles divided into the following Chapters: Preliminary (I); Tenancy Rights, Records of Tenancy Rights, and Ceilings on Tenancy Holdings (II); Ceilings on Land Holdings, Compensation and Sale and Reallotment (III); Compulsory Savings and Credit Arrangements (IV); Miscellaneous (V). As far as tenancy is concerned, chapter 2 establishes that the District Land Reform Officer designated by the Government may appoint several land reform teams "for the purpose of collecting records of owner-cultivators as well as of tenants cultivating lands owned by others".

Decree No. 26 on the National Land Affairs Agency.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decree has been enacted in order (i) to control the utilization of land in general; (ii) to settle the problems in the field of land affairs; and (iii) to review the position, tasks, and functions of the Directorate General of Agrarian Affairs, and to upgrade it to an institution which handles land affairs on a national level: the National Land Affairs Agency. This is a non-departmental government institution which is positioned under the President of the Republic.

Decree No. 179 on Procedures of maintaining the National Land Cadastre and of conducting systematic surveys on the status of land, 1991.

Western Asia

The 7 articles regulate the National Land Cadastre. It is maintained and systematic surveys on the status of the land are conducted by the State Institute for Design "Armgiprozem" for the timely exposure, assessment, prevention and abolition of the effects of any negative phenomena (art.2,3). The Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for, inter alia, the registration of land-owners and land-users. The Decree further stipulates duties of land-owners and land-users relating to the timely and up-to-date registration in the Cadastre.