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Act on financing of reindeer husbandry and nature-related activities (No. 45 of 2000).

Northern Europe

The purpose of this Act is to promote reindeer husbandry and related natural industries and make them more versatile. The Act also aims at improving the livelihood structure and operating environment in reindeer herding areas and to promote sustainable use of renewable natural resources, development of reindeer husbandry and natural nutrition, and to support the development of rural areas and communities in the reindeer herding areas. It provides rules relative to national and European Community financial support.

Decree No. 290 on Agricultural Law.

Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Eastern Asia

The Law totals 78 Articles and is divided in the following Chapters and: I, Fundamentals of the Agricultural Law; II, Agricultural Production; III, Strengthening of Material and Technological Foundation of Agriculture; IV, protection of Agricultural Resources; V, Management of Agricultural Products. The Law highlights agriculture as one of the major pillars of national economy because it ensures the supply of food to the population and the production of raw materials to be destined to industrial and commercial utilization.

Ley Nº 3/1995 - Ley de Vías Pecuarias.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley establece el régimen jurídico de las vías pecuarias. Se entiende por vías pecuarias las rutas o itinerarios por donde discurre o ha venido discurriendo tradicionalmente el tránsito ganadero. Asimismo, las vías pecuarias podrán ser destinadas a otros usos compatibles y complementarios en términos acordes con su naturaleza y sus fines, dando prioridad al tránsito ganadero y otros usos rurales, e inspirándose en el desarrollo sostenible y el respeto al medio ambiente, al paisaje y al patrimonio natural y cultural.

Ley Nº 5/1990 - Ley relativa al aprovechamiento de pastos en los montes de Cantabria.

Southern Europe

Esta Ley complementa las normas locales sobre pastoreo basadas fundamentalmente en los usos y costumbres. Se aplica a los pastos en régimen común, a las zonas tradicionalmente destinadas al pastoreo así como a otras áreas situadas en la inmediata proximidad de las de pastoreo (arts. 1º-3º). Las ocupaciones de montes con fines de pastos derivan de una concesión y los beneficiarios quedan obligados al pago de un canon anual.

Small Trespass Act (No. 12 of 1891).

Antigua and Barbuda

This Act defines the jurisdiction of a magistrate in respect of civil claims regarding trespass on land and damage caused by animals trespassing on any land. The Act further gives rules regarding the judgment regarding trespass or damage and declares that all trespasses to personal property or to land, except where otherwise provided by this Act or any other Act shall, be governed by the common law of England.

Loi L/95/51/CTRN portant Code pastoral.

Western Africa

Le Code pastoral définit les règles générales devant régir la pratique de l'élevage traditionnel en République de Guinée. Le Code pose les principes juridiques relatifs à l'organisation de l'exploitation des ressources naturelles à des fins d'élevage, à la garantie des droits d'usage pastoraux, aux règlements des différends entre éleveurs et agriculteurs.

Reindeer Management Act (No. 161 of 1990).

Northern Europe

The scope of this Act is to improve the living standards and the opportunity of earning of reindeer breeders. The Act provides them with the possibility to acquire or to exchange lands which may be used for the purposes indicated in Act 590/69 and in the Act relative to Agricultural Production Units (188/77). The Disposition Plan for the land acquired shall be in accordance with provisions of Act 188/77 relating to such plans, and shall be drawn up in accordance with section 13. The Plan shall be submitted to the District Agricultural Offices.

Ley ganadera del Estado de Tlaxcala.

Central America

Por la presente Ley se establecen las bases para la organización, explotación, fomento, sanidad y protección de la ganadería, avicultura y especies menores (ganado ovino, caprino y porcino) en el Estado de Tlaxcala. La Ley define las atribuciones de las autoridades competentes, y en especial de la Dirección de Agricultura y Ganadería del Estado. También regula la creación y el funcionamiento de las organizaciones de ganaderos.

Law No. 2 of 1983 on pasture.

Western Asia

This Law aims to manage and develop the pasture by identifying the areas of rough grazing, planning the grazing according to scientific bases, protecting the natural vegetation, conserving water resources and organizing their use, and conducting studies and researches for the protection of rough grazing. The provisions of this Law concern the state-owned properties allocated for pasture and exclude cultivated lands and other particular cases.

Forestry Reform Code of the Philippines (Presidential Decree No. 705).

South-Eastern Asia

This Act lays down the basic principles of forest management and conservation, makes provision for the administration of forestry (Chap. I), the survey and classification of lands for purposes of forestry (Chap. II), and the use of forest resources (Chap. III).Basic policy principles are outlined in section 2. Section 3 contains definitions.

Loi nº 87-013 portant réglementation de la vaine pâture, de la garde des animaux domestiques et de la transhumance.

Western Africa

Cette loi porte réglementation de la vaine pâture, de la garde des animaux domestiques et de la transhumance. Elle distingue 4 types de pâturages: naturels,ou parcours pastoraux, qui constituent l'ensemble des espaces naturels libres traditionnellement destinés à la pâture des animaux; jachères, ou espaces cultivables laissés en repos ou non exploités; artificiels, aménagés pour la production de fourrages ou réservés à cet effet; post-culturaux, surfaces cultivées entièrement libérées des récoltes, constituées par les restes des sous produits agricoles.