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Crown Lands Act.


This Act, consisting of 108 sections divided into nine Parts and completed by one Schedule, makes provision for the tenure, management, and alienation of crown lands. "Crown lands" means all lands of the Territory, including the bed of the sea within the territorial limits of the Northern Territory, and including an estate in fee simple that is registered in the name of the Territory, but does not include reserved or dedicated lands. The main body of the Act (Part 3) contains provisions relative to leases, easements, and servitude.

Public Gardens Regulation Act.


This Act provides for the management of public gardens, i.e. any land vested in the Commissioner of Lands, and designated by him or any entity acting on his behalf for use as public garden. It also prohibits various activities in such gardens and provides for seizure and impounding of stray animals. prohibited activities include: picking of fruits, plants or flowers; destroying of trees; and injuring of animals.

Act No. 40 of 2007 on reindeer herding.

Northern Europe

The scope of this Act is to promote the ecologically-sustainable reindeer husbandry based on Sami culture, traditions and customs. The Act provides for rights and duties of reindeer herders; regulates the relationship with other economic activities having regard to the general interest; regulates the relationship between reindeer herders as far as necessary; and lays the foundation for administration and organization of reindeer husbandry. The Act provides for the establishment of reindeer districts which shall be administered by a district council.

Regional Law No. 159-oz "On protection of land under reindeer pastures".

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations concerning protection of land under reindeer pastures for the following purposes: (a) prevention of land degradation, pollution, littering, disturbance of soil and vegetation cover and other negative impact; (b) land rehabilitation; (c) setting up mechanism of land registration and assessment of the state of land; and (d) application of ecological norms for optimal land tenure. Land protection arrangements related to reindeer pastures shall include prevention of negative impact and prohibition of unauthorized movement of track-type vehicles.

Extermination of Mosquitoes Act (Cap. 312).

Eastern Africa

This Act prescribes measures for the extermination of mosquitoes and shall apply to urban areas, areas near to urban areas and other areas as the Minister may direct. The Act empowers the Minister to make rules prescribing the measures to be taken for the extermination of mosquitoes within any of the areas to which this Act applies.

Commons Act 2006 (Chapter 26).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Act continues to make provision with respect to the registration, use and tenure of common land, the management and control of agricultural activities, vegetation, the exercise of rights of common on common land and related matters.The commons registration authorities shall continue to keep registers of common land and town or village greens and may deregister common land and make other amendments in respect of the register as provided for in this Act.The appropriate national authority shall have the powers to establish commons councils with functions related to the management of agric

Regional law No. 244 “On allotment of agricultural land to citizens for haying and grazing”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes the conditions for allotment of parcels of public or municipal agricultural land on lease to citizens for haying and grazing. Agricultural land parcels shall be allotted to citizens on condition of ownership of agricultural animals thereby. Minimum land area shall be 5 ha. Common access land areas, waterbodies and parks shall not be allotted for haying and grazing. Planting of perennial timber species and shrubbery, and also timber extraction shall be prohibited on land areas allotted for haying and grazing.

Law No. 9693 on the Pasture Fund.

Southern Europe

This Law concerns the administration and protection of pastures and meadows. It defines tasks and duties of central and local State bodies in this sector and makes provision on specialized research institutions. The Law consists of eight Chapters: (I) General Provisions; (II) Pastures Fund; (III) Conservation, administration and use of pastures and meadows; (IV) Prevention of damages; (V) Administration of the Pastures Fund; (VI) Monitoring and control; (VII) Penalties; (VIII) Final provisions.

Ley Nº 9/2003 - Ley de Vías Pecuarias de Castilla-La Mancha.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley tiene por objeto establecer la normativa para la administración y gestión de las vías pecuarias de la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha, en el marco de la Ley de Vías Pecuarias, y de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Estatuto de Autonomía de la Comunidad Autónoma. Las vías pecuarias, son las rutas o itinerarios por donde discurre o ha venido discurriendo tradicionalmente el tránsito ganadero.

Law amending the Law on pastures No. 4342.

Western Asia

Articles 6, 9, 14, 30 have either been amended or new paragraphs have been added. The present Law also amends new articles of the Village Law of 1924, the Law on Natural Disasters 1959, and the Tourism Incentives Act of 1982. The formation of the technical teams is re-defined. The in-forest pastures and grazelands are re-defined by a committee set up by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and cannot be used for any other purposes unless their allocation purposes are modified.