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Decree of 27 October 2004 on native people administrative borders in the land Nova Esperança do Rio Jandiatuba, Amazones State.

South America

This Decree, composed of 3 articles, establishes the administrative borders of native people’s Tikúna group, located in Nova Esperança do Rio Jandiatuba land, in the Municipalities of São Paulo de Olivença and Amaturá, Amazones State. This administrative zoning has been promoted by the National Indio Fountation, FUNAI, in compliance with Act No. 6.001 establishing native people Statute.

Aboriginal Land Rights Regulation 2002.


The Regulation establishes the procedure for the constitution of the Local Aboriginal Land Councils, the Regional Aboriginal Land Councils and the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council. The Regulation is completed by eight Schedules.

Implements: Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983. (2017-11-23)
Repealed by: Aboriginal Land Rights Regulation 2014. (2017-03-01)
Repeals: Aboriginal Land Rights Regulation 1996. (1996-09-01)

Decreto Nº 150 – Fija Reglamento sobre organización y funcionamiento del Registro Público de Tierras Indígenas.

South America

En el marco de la Ley Nº 19.253, este Decreto tiene por objeto reglamentar la organización y el funcionamiento del Registro Público de Tierras Indígenas. La Corporación Nacional de Desarrollo Indígena es la autoridad responsable de abrir y mantener dicho registro, en el cual se inscribirán todas las tierras indígenas a que se refiere el artículo 12 de la mencionada Ley.

Implementa: Ley Nº 19.253 - Establece normas sobre protección, fomento y desarrollo de los indígenas. (1998-11-13)

Decreto Nº 982 - Modifica el Decreto Nº 2.664, que reglamenta la Ley Nº 160 de 1994, en lo relacionado con los procedimientos para la adjudicación de terrenos baldíos y su recuperación.

South America

El presente Decreto modifica el que dispone que el Instituto Colombiano de la Reforma Agraria (INCORA) administre en nombre del Estado las tierras baldías de propiedad nacional, y en virtud de esa atribución pueda adjudicarlas, celebrar contratos, constituir reservas y adelantar colonizaciones sobre ellas, en relación al procedimiento y requisitos para la adjudicación de un terreno baldío.

Regulation on forestation.

Western Asia

The present Regulation provides guidelines to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry on planning afforestation activities: (i) Preparation of afforestation projects; (ii) Selection of areas for afforestation; (iii) Organizing forest - social community relations; and (iv) Preparation of annual programs and location distribution tables. One year prior to afforestation, all trees and shrubs that are classified as non-economic will be cleared from the area.

Decree of 11 December 1998 approving administrative limits of 'Kambiwá' native people lands, within the State of Pernambuco.

South America

This Decree approves administrative limits of 'Kambiwá' native people lands, within the Municipalities of: 'Ibimirim', 'Foresta' and 'Inajá', State of Pernambuco. It consists of 2 articles specifying the geographical limits and coordinates of the aforementioned native people land.

Decree of 11 December 1998 approving administrative limits of 'Massaco' native people lands, within the State of Rondônia.

South America

This Decree approves administrative limits of 'Massaco' native people land, within the Municipalities of 'Costa Marques' and 'Alta Floresta D'Oeste', State of Rondônia. It consists of 3 articles specifying the geographical limits and coordinates of the aforementioned native people land.

Native Lands (Amendment) Decree 2000 (No. 15 of 2000).


Lands marked out and defined under subsection (1) of section 19 must be: (a) declared by the Minister by Notice in the Gazette to be vacant lands under the control of the Board; and (b) dealt with in all respects as native lands. Income arising from vacant lands vested in the Board under this section, must be paid to the Central Fijian Treasury and used exclusively for the benefit of Fijians in a manner and for purposes approved by the Minister on the advice of the Great Council of Chiefs.

Decree No. 1.775 of 8 January 1996 ruling on the administrative procedures for zoning native people’s land.

South America

This Decree, composed of 11 articles, rules on the administrative procedures for zoning native people’s land. The Decree establishes that such function shall be implemented by the federal body in charge for native people assistance. Native people groups shall participate during all stages of the process.

Décret nº 97-007PRN/MAG/EL fixant le statut des terroirs d'attache des pasteurs.

Western Africa

Ce décret fixe le statut des terroirs d'attache, c'est à dire de ces unités territoriales déterminées ou reconnues par les coutumes et/ou les textes en vigueur à l'intérieur desquelles vivent habituellement pendant la majeure partie de l'année des pasteurs, et auxquelles ils restent attachés lorsqu'ils se déplacent que ce soit à l'occasion de la transhumance, du nomadisme ou des migrations. Le décret indique les droits des pasteurs sur leurs terroirs d'attache et les espaces pastoraux ainsi que les modalités d'exercice du droit d'usage commun.

Native Title (National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Fund) Regulations.


"Fund" means the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Fund established by subsection 201 (1) of the Native Title Act 1993. The fund is a Trust Account for the purposes of section 62A of the Audit Act 1901. Money that is: (a) appropriated by an Act for the purchase and management of land for Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders for social, cultural or economic purposes; and (b) expressed by that Act to be for payment to the relevant trust account; is to be paid into the fund.

Implements: Native Title Act 1993. (2017-06-22)

Décret nº 99-594 fixant les modalités d'application au domaine foncier rural coutumier de la loi nº 98-750.

Côte d'Ivoire
Western Africa

Toute personne, tout groupement informel d'ayants droit, se disant détenteur de droits sur le Domaine Foncier Rural coutumier, doit faire constater ces droits dans les délais prescrits par la loi n° 98-750. Le constat est effectué au terme d'une enquête officielle réalisée aux frais du demandeur selon les modalités déterminées par les dispositions du présent décret. Dès réception du dossier de l'enquête officielle, le Directeur départemental de l'agriculture et des ressources animales contrôle ce dossier et prépare le certificat foncier qu'il soumet à la signature du Préfet de Département.