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Decreto Supremo Nº 008/91/TR - Reglamento de la Ley general de comunidades campesinas.

South America

El presente Reglamento dispone que para formalizar su personería jurídica, la comunidad campesina será inscrita en el Libro de comunidades campesinas y nativas del Registro de Personas Jurídicas de la Oficina Registral, por resolución administrativa del órgano competente en asuntos de comunidades del Gobierno Regional correspondiente.

Presidential Decree No. 2287 of 1993 regarding the conformity of the basic land legislation to the Russian Constitution.

Eastern Europe

This Decree invalidates articles 2-23, 30-32, Part 2 of article 34, Parts 3 and 4 of article 37, articles 39 and 40, Part 2 of article 41, articles 42 and 44, Part 2 of article 47, article 48, point 8 of the first part of article 52, articles 63, 65, 67, 69 and 82, Part 3 of article 83, Part 3 of article 88, articles 97-99, 115-124 of the Land Code of the RSFSR; Law of the RSFSR "On Land Reform" of 1990; articles 5-7, point (b) of the second part of point 1 of article 10 and article 26 of the Law of the RSFSR "On farming" of 1990.This Decree establishes that the authority of the Councils of

Presidential Decree No. 2162 of 1993 regarding reinforcement of the State control over the use and the protection of land for the period of land reform.

Eastern Europe

This Decree establishes that for the period preceding the adoption of the basic land legislation, physical and juridical persons and public officials are committed to civil liability for the following offences in the field of land administration: for the infringement of legal and administrative procedures in urban construction documentation that caused land squatting; for the infringement in the use of land destined for environmental protection, national parks and recreational purpose; for irrational use of agricultural land and lack of protective measures for soil conservation; for dodging

Tribal Land Regulations, 1970 (Chapter 32:02).

Southern Africa

These Regulations, in implementation of provisions of the Tribal Land Act, provide for matters relative to the establishment and operation of Land Boards and the granting of customary and common law land rights to tribesmen and other persons.The 36 regulations are divided into 6 Parts: Preliminary (I); Grant of customary land rights (II); Grant of common law land rights and customary rights under section 33 (IV); Treasure and audit (V); Fees (Part VI).Provisions of Part II concern election of members of the Land Boards, the Chairman, duties of the Secretary and consultation with District Co

Tribal Lands (Subordinate Land Boards) Regulations, 1973 (Chapter 32:02).

Southern Africa

These Regulations provide for matters relative to Subordinate Land Boards established by Order of the President under section 19 of the Tribal Land Act, 1968 and the grant of customary land rights to tribesmen and other persons. Part II concerns the manner of election of these Boards, its internal procedures, and functionaries.

Decreto Nº 1.809 - Normas fiscales relativas a los territorios indígenas.

South America

El presente Decreto dispone que todos los resguardos indígenas legalmente constituidos serán considerados como municipios, y como tales participan en los ingresos corrientes de la Nación de acuerdo con la población indígena radicada en casa uno de ellos, destinándose exclusivamente a inversiones que beneficien a su correspondiente población.

Implementa: Ley Nº 89 - Ley por la cual se determina la manera como deben ser gobernados los salvajes que vayan reduciéndose a la vida civilizada. (1890-11-25)

Native Title (Tribunal) Regulations 1993.


These Regulations provide for: (a) the form in which applications made under subsection 61[2] of the Act are to be made, and (b) the servicing of documents in relation with legal proceedings. An application under subsection 61[2] is an application for the determination of native title made to the Registrar of the National Native Title Tribunal. They are amended by giving new rules for the exemption of fees for the granting of applications and the inspection of Registers. Regulation 17 which provides for the calculation of fees is replaced by a new regulation.

Concessions Regulations, 1962 (L.I. 228).

Western Africa

The Regulations provide for the Tribunal and Related Matters (Part I); concerning application to and procedures before the Tribunal, and General (Part II) concerning the use of roads in concessions, fees and the revocation of concessions.

Implements: Concessions Act, 1962 (Act No. 124). (1962-06-14)

Tuvalu Lands Code (Cap. 46.20.2).


This Code of Laws, made under the Native Land Act, governs native land rights in specified islands of Tuvalu. The Code contains rules relative to land ownership rights and the limitation of such rights by the Land Court. The Code also concerns alienation of rights and the distribution of an estate inter vivos, in case of absentee owner, by will and without a will. Rules also concern exchanges of property, sale of property and use of (village and communal) land.

Implements: Native Lands Ordinance. (1978)

Establishment of Subordinate Lands Boards Order, 1973 (Chapter 32:02).

Southern Africa

This Order of the President made under section 19 of the Tribal Land Act, 1968, establishes the Subordinate Land Boards set out in the Schedule to this Order and defines the composition and functions of these Boards. These Boards shall have jurisdiction in their respective specified areas or villages. Functions shall be transferred from Subordinate Land Authorities to the Boards and include decision making regarding ploughing of land, grazing of cattle, and communal uses of land.