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Resolución Nº 353/15/MINAGRI - Lineamientos para la ejecución y aprobación de estudios de levantamiento de suelos para la clasificación de tierras por su capacidad de uso mayor, con fines de saneamiento físico legal y formalización del territorio de la...

South America

La presente Resolución aprueba los Lineamientos para la ejecución y aprobación de estudios de levantamiento de suelos para la clasificación de tierras por su capacidad de uso mayor (CTCUM), con fines de saneamiento físico legal y formalización del territorio de las Comunidades Nativas, que se establecen sobre la base del interés público para la titulación del territorio de las Comunidades Nativas, el cual tiene como limitación la aptitud forestal de la tierra, supuesto en el cual solo se entrega en cesión en uso.

Chittagong Hill Tracts Treaty, 1997.

International Conventions or Treaties
Southern Asia

The Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) peace accord was signed on December 2, 1997 in Dhaka at the Prime Minister's office between the government and the Parbatya Chattagram Jana Sanghati Samity (PCJSS). However, some hill tribe sects and organisations have rejected the accord. Both sides, considering CHT as Tribal Populated Region, recognised the necessity for protection of the character of this region and for overall development of it.

Native Title (Tasmania) Act 1994.


This Act, consisting of 15 sections divided into seven Parts, concerns native titles on land and water resources in New South Wales and aims at ensuring that the law of New South Wales is consistent with the standards set by the Commonwealth Native Title Act. The Act is divided as follows: Validation of Past Acts (2); Effect of Validation on Native Title (3); Other Effects of Validation (4); Compensation (5); Confirmation of Certain Rights Under Section 212 of Commonwealth Act (6)

Communal Land Reform Act, 2002 (Act No. 5 of 2002).

Southern Africa

This Act makes provision for the allocation of rights in land in the areas described in the First Schedule to this Act or in any area which is declared to be communal land under section 16(1)(a) of this Act ("communal land"). The Act consists of 47 sections divided into 5 Chapters.The Minister must establish Communal Land Boards to perform the functions conferred on a Board by this Act within the area for which each Board is established. Boards shall be established for a region, a part of a region or two or more regions.

Land Consolidation Act (Cap. 283).

Eastern Africa

This Act makes provision for various matters relating to the adjudication of title in land in areas of Trust land to which this Act applies in virtue of section 2 of this Act. The Minister may, at the request of a local authority, by Order, direct that this Act shall apply to such area of Trust land as is specified in the Order for purposes of the ascertainment of rights and interests in, and the consolidation of, and the registration of title to, any such area of Trust land (other than land to which the Land Adjudication Act applies).

Décret N° 2010-080 du 31 Mars 2010 abrogeant et remplaçant le décret n°2000/089 du 17 juillet 2000 portant application de l’ordonnance 83-127 du 05 Juin 1983 portant réorganisation foncière et domaniale.

Western Africa

Le présent décret est composé de 143 articles regroupés en dix (10) chapitres) notamment, les dispositions générales (Chapitre I), les organes de gestion domaniale en zone rurale (Chapitre II), les espaces vitaux et réserves foncières (Chapitre III), l’individualisation des droits fonciers collectifs (Chapitre IV), les concessions domaniales rurales (Chapitre V), La gestion des conflits domaniaux (Chapitre), (Chapitre), la constatation des droits sur la terre et régularisation foncière (Chapitre VII), les concessions urbaines (Chapitre VIII), les dispositions transitoires (Chapitre IX), les

Décret n° 2008-1180 du 14 novembre 2008 portant actualisation et adaptation du droit domanial, du droit foncier et du droit forestier applicables en Guyane.

French Guiana
South America

En Guyane, la commission régionale de la forêt et des produits forestiers comprend, outre les membres prévus à l'article R. 4-2, des représentants des autorités coutumières des communautés d'habitants mentionnées à l'article L. 172-4 désignés par le préfet ainsi qu'un représentant de l'établissement public gérant le Parc amazonien de Guyane.

Traditional Owner Settlement (Negotiation Costs) Regulations, 2015.


The objective of these Regulations, consisting of four sections and one Form, is to prescribe the method for calculating the reasonable costs of negotiating land use activities. For the purposes of section 52(2) of the Act, the prescribed method for calculating the reasonable costs of negotiating under section 50 of the Act is the method that: (a) uses Form 1; and (b) includes any one or more of the following costs incurred by the traditional owner group entity in preparing for and conducting the negotiation: (i) decision-making costs; (ii) the cost of professional services.

Ministerial Decree No. 91 of 1993 regarding the validation of the Statute of the Federal Committee on Land Resources and Land Survey.

Eastern Europe

This Decree validates the Statute of the Federal Committee on Land Resources and Land Survey. It establishes that the functioning of this Committee is regulated by the Russian Constitution, Laws, Rulings of the Congress of People's Deputies, Orders of the Supreme Soviet, Presidential and Governmental Decrees and Orders and by this Statute.

Ministerial Decree No. 1056 of 1999 regarding the validation of the Statute of the Federal Committee on Land Policy.

Eastern Europe

This Decree validates the Statute of the Federal Committee on Land Policy. Federal Committee on Land Policy (GOSKOMZEM) is the Federal Authority that coordinates interministerial activity of the issues pertaining to the sphere of land relationship, functional regulation in this field, including the keeping up of land cadastre, valuation of land, land survey , state control over the use of land and the soil protection. Federal Committee on Land Policy has its local (territorial) branches at the regional level.

Decreto Nº 2.663 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 160 de 1994, en lo relacionado con los procedimientos de clarificación de la situación de las tierras desde el punto de vista de la propiedad y de la delimitación.

South America

El presente Decreto reglamentan los capítulos X y XIV de la Ley Nº 160 de 1994, en lo relativo a los procedimientos de clarificación de la situación de las tierras desde el punto de vista de la propiedad, de delimitación o deslinde de las tierras del dominio de la Nación y los relacionados con los resguardos indígenas y las tierras de las comunidades negras.