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Land Act 2010 (Act No. 8 of 2010).

Southern Africa

This Act makes provision for a wide variety of matters relating to land tenure and reform in Lesotho including the definition of rights in land, allocation of land in rural areas, grant of title in land, vesting of land in authorities, government acquisitions and acquisition and expropriation of land for public purpose, grant of long-term leases and regularization and adjudication of title in land, including resolution of disputes by specialized land courts established under this Act. All land in Lesotho is vested in the Basotho Nation and is held in trust by the King.

Land (Ownership of Freeholds) Act 1976.

Papua New Guinea

The main purpose of this Act is to implement section 56(1)(b) (other rights and privileges of citizens) of the Constitution by defining: (a) the forms of ownership that are to be regarded as freehold; and (b) the corporations that are to be regarded as citizens, for the purposes of implementation of provisions regarding freehold ownership rights.

Regional Law No. 27-RZ “On guarantees of rights of indigenous peoples abazin”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes that indigenous peoples abazin, counting the population of 50 thousand persons, maintain traditional way of life and traditional community management, traditional knowledge based upon traditional nature management inherited from their ancestry. It shall be applicable to areas traditionally populated by indigenous peoples abazin performing traditional community management of their economic activities.

Aboriginal Land Rights Regulation 2014.


These Regulations, made under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983, consisting of 117 sections divided into ten Parts and completed by seven Schedules, establish the provisions relating to land including the exemption of Aboriginal lands from the payment of rates; Local Aboriginal Land Councils; New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council; Investment of money in New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council Account; Honesty and disclosure of interests including codes of conduct; Administration of Councils; Dispute resolution; Land dealings, etc.

Public Law 30-75 - An Act to amend §75108.1 (a) of Chapter 75, Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to cottage industry activity authorized.


This Act amends Chapter 75 of Title 21 GCA so as to allow residential and agricultural leaseholders are authorized to conduct small-scale cottage industry activities, in which goods and services are produced primarily within their leased residential and agricultural lots. Cottage industry activities include small-scale cultivation and farming.

Amends: Chamorro Land Trust Commission – Chapter 75 of 21 GCA “Real Property”. (2006-04-14)

Custom Land Management Act (No.33 of 2013).


This Act strengthens the legal framework concerning title to custom land and concerns management of custom land by customary institutions. It formalizes the recognition of customary institutions termed ‘nakamals’ and ‘custom area land tribunals’ to determine the rules of custom which form the basis of ownership and use of land in Vanuatu. In general the Act aims at holding of custom land by owners as a group. Custom land means land owned or occupied, or land in which an interest is held, by one or more persons in accordance with the rules of custom.

Lands (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1963.

Western Africa

This Act contains provisions pertaining to five different Acts: The Ashanti Stool Lands Act, 1958 (No. 28); The Stool Lands Act, 1960 (Act 27); The Administration of Lands Act, 9162 (Act 123); The Concessions Act, 1962 (Act 124); and The Minerals Act, 1962 (Act 126).

Amends: Concessions Act, 1962 (Act No. 124). (1962-06-14)
Amends: Administration of Lands Act, 1962. (0000)

Ley Nº 26.505 - Ley de la inversión privada en el desarrollo de las actividades económicas en las tierras del territorio nacional y de las comunidades campesinas y nativas.

South America

La Ley consta de 13 artículos, 3 disposiciones complementarias, 4 finales y 2 transitorias. La Ley establece los principios generales necesarios para promover la inversión privada en el desarrollo de las actividades económicas en las tierras del territorio nacional y de las comunidades campesinas y nativas (art. 1º).

Decreto Nº 2.719 - Procedimiento de los Resguardos Indígenas para acreditar la experiencia y/o buenas prácticas como requisito para la ejecución directa de los recursos de la Asignación Especial del Sistema General de Participaciones.

South America

El presente Decreto tiene por objeto definir los parámetros y el procedimiento que los Resguardos Indígenas o las asociaciones de resguardos deberán cumplir para acreditar la experiencia y/o buenas prácticas como requisito para la ejecución directa de los recursos de la Asignación Especial del Sistema General de Participaciones.