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Basic Land Consolidation Act 1951.

Western Europe

The present Act lays down provisions relating to land consolidations. Article 1 establishes that to improve production and working conditions in agriculture and forestry, as well as to improve general land use planning and land development, owned land may be consolidated.

Aboriginal Land (Manatunga Land) Act 1992.


This Act authorizes the grant by the Crown of land at Robinvale to the Murray Valley Aboriginal Cooperative Limited and to extinguish a Crown lease and any other encumbrances over that land.Under section 7 the Act stipulates that no compensation is payable by the Crown in respect of anything done under or arising out of this Act. The Act is completed by one schedule that contains the map of Land which may be granted to the Murray Valley Aboriginal Cooperative Limited.

Repealed by: Statute Laws Repeals Act, 2012. (2012-05-29)

Decree No. 1-CP promulgating the regulation on the allottment of land by State-owned businesses for agricultural production, forestry and aquaculture.

South-Eastern Asia

The Decree provides the allotment of state-owned land destined to planting of perennial trees, seasonal crops and forestation, plus the water surface required for aquaculture farming to individuals, households and organizations which shall invest in the resulting production. Planning and financial evaluation of production costs shall be prepared and funds destined to support all agricultural, forestry and aquaculture activities and operations.

Commons Registration (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2009 (S.I. No. 2018 of 2009).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations amend the Commons Registration (England) Regulations 2008: in relation with the transitional period; by specifying the model entries relevant to registrations made under section 19 of the Commons Act 2006; and by permitting a registration authority to allow an applicant longer than the period of 21 days within which to respond to representations made about his or her application.

Amends: Commons Registration (England) Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 1961 of 2008). (2008-07-21)

Aboriginal Land Regulation 1991.


This Regulation provides for the implementation of the Aboriginal land Act 1991. The Regulation is divided into 8 Parts (56 regulations) and is completed by 5 Schedules. Part 2 provides for the incorporation of claims for Aboriginal land, Part 3 deals with land trusts and Parts 4 and 5 specify, respectively, the powers of the Supreme Court on matters related to Aboriginal land and the decision making process for the granting of Aboriginal land.

Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders (Land Holding) Act 1985.


The Act consists of 33 sections grouped under 5 Parts which covers issues related to the application for leases (Part 2), provisions concerning leases (Part 3) and forfeitures of leases (Part 4). The general provisions contained in Part 5 cover also appeal procedures, with the constitution of panels and of appeal tribunals.

Repealed by: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Holding Act 2013. (2014-09-05)

Mines and Minerals (Amendment) Act (No. 28 of 1980).

Southern Africa

The definition of “tribal territory” is erased from section 2 and instead a definition of “tribal area” is given. Such area has the same meaning as in the Tribal Land Act. Section 71 is amended consequently. The clause of section 13 which prohibits issue of a reconnaissance permit in respect of an area on which a prospecting licence or mining lease is in existence is deleted.

Amends: Mines and Minerals Act. (1977)
Repealed by: Mines and Minerals Act, 1999 (Chapter 66:01). (2008-12-31)

Reform of Customary Law of Succession and Regulation of Related Matters Act, 2009 (No. 11 of 2009).

South Africa
Southern Africa

This Act modifies the customary law of the indigenous African people of South Africa concerning intestate succession regarding of an estate or part of the estate of any person who is subject to customary law who dies after the commencement of this Act and whose estate does not devolve in terms of that person’s will. Certain provisions of the of Intestate Succession Act will apply. The Act also concerns a dispute or uncertainty in consequence of nature of customary law and disposal of property held by a traditional leader who has died and held the property in an official capacity.

Land Titles Registration Regulations 2010 (S.R. No. 17 of 2010).


These Rules of the Head of State, made under section 92(1) of the Land Titles Registration Act 2008, provide for the registration of title or other interests in land and specifically for the service of a Notice by the Registrar under section 5(1)(h) of the Act and attestation of execution of any instrument requiring attestation, which is executed in Samoa. Nothing in these regulations affects ownership of customary land held within the meaning of Article 101(2) of the Constitution or alienates customary land within the meaning of Article 102 of the Constitution.

Maori Land Act 1993 (No. 4).

New Zealand

This Act, consisting of 18 Parts and 2 Schedules, establishes composition, duties and reponsibilities of the Maori Land Court, which shall be the same court as that existing under the same name immediately before the commencement of this Act. In addition to the jurisdiction and powers expressly conferred on it by this or any other Act, the Maori Land Court shall have all the powers that are inherent in a court of record (I).

Native Lands (Amendment) Act 2005 (No. 7 of 2006).


This Act amends the Native Lands Act (Cap 22) in relation with proceedings in any dispute concerning the possession and demarcation and utilization of native lands.Subject to sections 31(1) and 33 of the principal Act, the court shall hear and adjudicate in accordance with provisions of the Lands Code or, where the Code is not applicable, local customary law and the Cadastral Survey Maps (if not proved incorrect), all cases concerning land, land boundaries and transfers of titles to native land register in the registers of native land and any disputes concerning the possession and utilizati

Law of Property Act (C.C.S.M. c. L90).

Northern America

The present Act- consisting of 49 sections - makes provisions with respect to land tenure rights, conveyance of lands, easements, transfer of land, leases, mortgages, and various other matters relative to the registration of titles, use of land rights, transfer of land, etc.