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Displaying 1501 - 1512 of 2002

Namibia: Country Brief

maart, 2012

Namibia is a large country in Southern
Africa that borders the South Atlantic Ocean, between Angola
to the north and South Africa to the south. With a surface
area of 824,290 square kilometers, it is similar in size to
Mozambique and about half the size of the U.S. state of
Alaska. Namibia has a small population of approximately 2.1
million people. It is also one of the least densely
populated countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, with an average

Africa - Making Development Climate
Resilient : A World Bank Strategy for Sub-Saharan Africa

maart, 2012

This strategy for making development
Climate-Resilient in Sub-Saharan Africa is the World
Bank's operational response to climate variability and
change on the continent. Grounded in a climate risk review
of the Africa Region's sustainable development
portfolio, it adds the climate change dimension to the
Region's development strategy and business plan, the
Africa Action Plan (AAP, 2009-2012), and will be an integral

Accommodating Migration to Promote Adaptation to Climate Change

maart, 2012

This paper explains how climate change
may increase future migration, and which risks are
associated with such migration. It also examines how some of
this migration may enhance the capacity of communities to
adapt to climate change. Climate change is likely to result
in some increase above baseline rates of migration in the
next 40 years. Most of this migration will occur within
developing countries. There is little reason to think that

Annual Review of Development
Effectiveness 2009 : Achieving Sustainable Development

maart, 2012

This year's annual review of
development effectiveness (ARDE) is being written against
the backdrop of a global financial crisis, declining growth,
and massive fiscal stimulus efforts to revitalize markets.
Demand for greater development support from the World Bank
has grown, along with concerns that resources be used
effectively and efficiently to achieve their development
objectives. This ARDE focuses on the Bank's performance

Minding the Stock : Bringing Public Policy to Bear on Livestock Sector Development

maart, 2012

Driven by population growth,
urbanization, and increased income, the demand for
animal-source food products in developing countries is
rapidly increasing. Livestock, which already constitutes 30
percent of the agricultural Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in
the developing world, and about 40 percent of the global
agricultural GDP, is one of the fastest-growing subsectors
in agriculture. Growing demand presents real opportunities

Convenient Solutions to an Inconvenient Truth : Ecosystem-based Approaches to Climate Change

maart, 2012

The World Bank's mission is to
alleviate poverty and support sustainable development.
Climate change is a serious environmental challenge that
could undermine these goals. Since the industrial
revolution, the mean surface temperature of earth has
increased an average 2 degree Celsius due to the
accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Most of
this change has occurred in the past 30 to 40 years, and the

Investing in a More Sustainable Indonesia : Country Environmental Analysis 2009 - Summary

maart, 2012

The objective of this Country
Environmental Analysis (CEA) is to highlight the underlying
challenges and opportunities for Indonesia's
environment and management of its natural resources in order
to guide the World Bank support to Indonesian institutions
for more sustainable development. Rather, the CEA sets the
broader context (chapter one) and economic costs of
environmental degradation (chapter two) in order to identify

Tanzania: Country Brief

maart, 2012

The name Tanzania is a portmanteau of
Tanganyika, the mainland, and Zanzibar, the nearby
archipelago in the Indian Ocean. The two united to become
the United Republic of Tanzania in 1964. With a surface area
of 947,300 square kilometers, Tanzania is comparable in size
to Nigeria and is slightly more than twice the size of the
U.S. state of California. Tanzania's population of
approximately 40.4 million (as of 2007) is the second

Review of Available Knowledge on Land Degradation in Pakistan

Reports & Research
februari, 2012
Southern Asia

This publication reviews the historical and current literature on land degradation in Pakistan.
It is intended as a useful guide for Government officials, donor agencies, NGO’s, farmers, rural groups and others in determining a route forward to combat land degradation in-country and in delivering practical assistance on the ground.

Enhancing Carbon Stocks and Reducing CO2 Emissions in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Projects

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Manuals & Guidelines
februari, 2012

There is global interest in promoting mitigation and adaptation in agriculture, forest, and other land-use (AFOLU) sectors to address the twin goals of climate change and sustainable development. This guideline deals with how to enhance carbon stocks in general in all land-based projects and its specific relationship with agriculture productivity. It outlines specific steps and procedures that need to be followed by project proponents and managers of land-based projects to enhance carbon stocks synergistically with increasing crop productivity.

Building Climate Resilience in the Blue Nile/Abay Highlands: A Role for Earth System Sciences

Journal Articles & Books
januari, 2012

The Blue Nile (Abay) Highlands of Ethiopia are characterized by significant interannual climate variability, complex topography and associated local climate contrasts, erosive rains and erodible soils, and intense land pressure due to an increasing population and an economy that is almost entirely dependent on smallholder, low-input agriculture. As a result, these highland zones are highly vulnerable to negative impacts of climate variability.

Desertification: a visual synthesis

Manuals & Guidelines
Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

This book is intended as a basic information kit that tells “the story” of desertification, land degradation and drought at the global scale, together with a comprehensive set of graphics. The book indicates trends as they have taken place over the last decades, combining and connecting issues, and present priorities.