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Displaying 1549 - 1560 of 2002

Reducing Indonesia's deforestation-based greenhouse gas emissions

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Indonesia has set the target that by the year 2020 its emissions of greenhouse gases will be reduced by 26 per cent relative to business-as-usual conditions. This article analyses the effectiveness of a subsidy to the use of land in forestry as a means of achieving this goal. The analysis uses a general equilibrium model of the Indonesian economy characterised by explicit treatment of land use, disaggregated by industry and by region.

Differential field response of two Mediterranean tree species to inputs of sewage sludge at the seedling stage

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Land degradation and desertification is a common feature in Mediterranean landscapes due to extensive and intensive land use and natural or man induced disturbances. The ecosystem may need external inputs to recover its composition and function as soils are often impoverished and vegetal key stone species lost. We evaluated the effects of the application of fresh and air-dried biosolids in the establishment and morphological and physiological performance of seedlings of Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex under dry Mediterranean field conditions.

Socio-economic determinants of land degradation in Pishin sub-basin, Pakistan

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Agriculture is the mainstay of rural populations, especially in the developing world. Increasing population and the demand for food, fodder and fuelwood have threatened the sustainability of the land resources. Without understanding farmers' perceptions on land-related issues, sustainable management of land resources is impossible because they have intimate knowledge of their land. Besides technical solutions to land-related problems, socio-economic appraisal also plays an important role for solutions to these problems.

Post-wildfire soil erosion in the Mediterranean: Review and future research directions

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Wildfires increased dramatically in frequency and extent in the European Mediterranean region from the 1960s, aided by a general warming and drying trend, but driven primarily by socio-economic changes, including rural depopulation, land abandonment and afforestation with flammable species. Published research into post-wildfire hydrology and soil erosion, beginning during the 1980s in Spain, has been followed by studies in other European Mediterranean countries together with Israel and has now attained a sufficiently large critical mass to warrant a major review.

Desertification in China's Horquin area: a multi-temporal land use change analysis

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

China's Horquin area in the northern farming–pastoral transition zone is undergoing rapid land degradation and rangeland modification that is impacting far broader areas as the source of material for dust storms. Multi-temporal Landsat images of the Horquin core area were used to generate a time series of land use covering about a 30-year period, 1975–2003. We show that the physical environment in Horquin deteriorated between 1975 and 2000, although this situation was more controlled after 2000.

Bandwidth determination for kernel density analysis of wildfire events at forest sub-district scale

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Forest fire is regarded as one of the most significant factors leading to land degradation. While evaluating fire hazard or producing fire risk zone maps, quantitative analyses using historic fire data is often required, and during all these modeling and multi-criteria analysis processes, the fire event itself is taken as the dependent variable. However, there are two main problematic issues in analyzing historic fire data.

Gravel, Soil Organic Matter, and Texture in Fallowed Alfisols, Entisols and Ultisols: Implications for Root and Tuber Crops

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Southwestern Nigeria is replete with soils that have high gravel contents within the subsoils. Most of these soils are being opened up for cultivation as other land uses (roads and housing) are competing for agricultural lands. It is imperative that these soils be properly studied and managed to prevent serious land degradation, which may over the long term militate against food production in most rural communities.

Harnessing degraded lands for biodiversity conservation

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Land degradation affects an estimated 24% of the global land area. While predominantly discussed as an environmental problem, degraded lands have recently been reconsidered as an untapped resource for production industries like agriculture and forestry. Here, we investigate the biodiversity potential of degraded land compared to both used and undisturbed land. First, we find that “degraded lands” and related terms cover a wide variety of socio-ecological settings and that a standardized terminology is clearly needed.

application of the social tenure domain model (STDM) to family land in Trinidad and Tobago

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Family land is a form of communal tenure found in some of the countries of the English-speaking Caribbean inclusive of Trinidad and Tobago. It has been problematic to administer, is sometimes the source of land conflict and litigation, it has been seen as the cause of many land-related problems such as land degradation and fragmentation, and has therefore been targeted for eradication by land title registration programmes. Informal occupation of many years standing on state and private land is also widespread in Trinidad and Tobago.

Applicability of SRTM data for landform characterisation and geomorphometry: a comparison with contour-derived parameters

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

Geomorphologic and hydrologic research heavily depends on digital elevation models (DEM) which are currently being prepared from digital contours. The present study examines the use and applicability of freely available global elevation data source (3 arc seconds finished Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)) in landform characterisation, geomorphometry, river basin studies and other allied scientific applications in comparison with contour elevation data derived from the surveyed topographical sheets.

Visible near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy as a predictive indicator of soil properties

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

It is becoming increasingly important to improve spatial resolutions of soil maps as a fundamental information layer for studying ecological processes and to tackle land degradation. There is growing interest in the use of remote sensing technologies to assist the identification and delineation of spatial variation in soils. This paper investigates whether selected properties of extensively weathered, low fertility soils can be predicted using high-resolution reflectance spectra over the range 400–2500nm.

Linking long-term gully and river channel dynamics to environmental change using repeat photography (Northern Ethiopia)

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

In the Highlands of Northern Ethiopia gully occurrence is linked to poverty-driven unsustainable use of the land in a vulnerable semi-arid and mountainous environment, where intensive rainfall challenges the physical integrity of the landscape. Trends in gully and river channel erosion, and their relation to triggering environmental changes can proffer valuable insights into sustainable development in Northern Ethiopia.