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Models meet data: Challenges and opportunities in implementing land management in Earth system models

april, 2018

As the applications of Earth system models (ESMs) move from general climate projections toward questions of mitigation and adaptation, the inclusion of land management practices in these models becomes crucial. We carried out a survey among modeling groups to show an evolution from models able only to deal with land-cover change to more sophisticated approaches that allow also for the partial integration of land management changes. For the longer term a comprehensive land management representation can be anticipated for all major models.

Les effets des investissements agrobusiness au Sénégal et la régulation des marchés fonciers à Madagascar: nouveau numéro de la Revue d’économie rurale

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2018

Date: 2018

Source: Foncier & Développement

Par: Société française d'économie rurale

Ce nouveau numéro de la Revue d’Economie Rurale aborde les cas des investissements agrobusiness au Sénégal et de la régulation des marchés fonciers à Madagascar. Présentation de ces deux articles en quelques lignes :

Exploiter le potentiel d'adaptation du carbone organique des sols au changement climatique - Document final

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2018

Le colloque international sur le carbone organique des sols (GSOC17) a été conjointement organisé par:

• L’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO);

• Le Partenariat mondial sur les sols (GSP) et son Groupe technique intergouvernemental sur les sols


• Le Groupe international d’experts sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC);

• L’interface science-politique (SPI) de la Convention des Nations Unies sur la lutte contre la désertification

(CNULCD) et;

• L’Organisation météorologique mondiale (OMM).

Liberación del potencial del carbono orgánico del suelo - Documento de resultados

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2018

Este documento presenta los resultados principales del Simposio International sobre el Carbono Orgánico del Suelo (GSOC17) que se llevó a cabo en la sede de la FAO (Roma, 21-23 de marzo de 2017). Presenta los mensajes claves intensamente discutidos y desarrollados por los participantes del GSOC17 y posteriormente revisados y sintetizados por el Comité Científico. El Documento de Resultados del GSOC17 resalta los asuntos más relevantes y las direcciones futuras en relación a la preservación y el aumento del Carbono Orgánico del Suelo en los ámbitos de investigación, práctica y políticas.

Agri-investments and land disputes - How to resolve pre-existing community conflicts over land identified for commercial or development projects (Briefing note)

Policy Papers & Briefs
februari, 2018

This note is for private sector project implementers and financers (development finance institutions, international development agencies, commercial lenders and equity investors) seeking to invest responsibly in new greenfield sites in low and middle- income countries. It aims to provide practical guidance on identifying and addressing community land conflicts to prevent them escalating into disputes between the project and local communities.

Burkina Faso : Zoom sur le Foncier n°11

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2018
Burkina Faso

Date: 19 juin 2018

Source: Foncier & Développement

Ce 11ème numéro du « Zoom sur le foncier » est consacré au projet PACOF / GRN, d’appui à la sécurisation foncière et à la gestion des ressources naturelles, financé par l’AFD, depuis avril 2014. Les activités du PACOF/GRN s’exécutent à travers trois composantes, au profit de quinze communes situées dans les régions de la Boucle du Mouhoun et des Hauts ­Bassins.

6 - Screening Prospective Investors - Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI): Knowledge into Action Notes series

Manuals & Guidelines
februari, 2018

This note is part of an Action Notes series and provides guidance to governments on how to screen and select prospective investment projects to ensure they maximize the social, economic, and environmental benefits while minimizing the risks. It provides investors information on what can be expected in cases of good screening practice.

Assessing the effectiveness of a protected area network: a case study of Bhutan

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2018

An assessment of management effectiveness was carried out for all the protected areas in the Kingdom of Bhutan. During 2014-2016 the Royal Government of Bhutan developed a custom-made tool for assessing management effectiveness: the Bhutan Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool Plus (Bhutan METT +). This was implemented in Bhutan’s 10 protected areas and one botanical park, and the results were verified through field trips and expert reviews.

Brevetto Suolo

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2018

I Brevetti delle Nazioni Unite sono stati sviluppati allo scopo di sensibilizzare, educare e soprattutto motivare i giovani a modificare i loro comportamenti e a diventare protagonisti attivi del cambiamento nella propria comunità. I Brevetti possono essere usati per lezioni scolastiche, attività di gruppi giovanili e sono promossi da WAGGGS e WOSM. Comprendono diversi tipi di attività e idee che possono essere utilizzate facilmente da insegnanti e capigruppo.