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Regional Law No. 288-OZ implementing Federal Law No. 101-FZ on turnover of agricultural land.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations concerning turnover of agricultural land within plenary powers pertaining to the jurisdictional competence of the regional administration. It establishes terms and conditions for allotment of plots of agricultural land pertaining to state and municipal property, and also the modalities of expropriation thereof in regional and municipal ownership. Agricultural land shall be used exclusively for agricultural production.

Regional Law No. 49-OZ “On the particulars of turnover of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

This Law regulates relations concerning ownership, land tenure, and disposal of agricultural land. It establishes terms and conditions for allotment of plots of agricultural land pertaining to state and municipal property, and also the modalities of expropriation thereof in regional and municipal ownership. Agricultural land shall be used exclusively for agricultural production. Privatization of agricultural land, pertaining to regional of municipal property shall be authorized beginning from 1 January 2005.

Regional Law No. 111 “On the particulars of turnover of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

This Law regulates relations concerning ownership, land tenure, and disposal of agricultural land. It establishes terms and conditions for allotment of plots of agricultural land pertaining to state and municipal property, and also the modalities of expropriation thereof in regional and municipal ownership. Agricultural land shall be used exclusively for agricultural production. Privatization of agricultural land, pertaining to regional of municipal property, shall be authorized six months after entry into force of this Regional Law.

Regional Law No. 512-Z No. 1039-III “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

This Law regulates relations concerning ownership, land tenure, and disposal of agricultural land, establishing plenary powers of regional administration and local government in the sphere of turnover of agricultural land. It establishes terms and conditions for allotment of plots of agricultural land pertaining to state and municipal property. Agricultural land shall be used exclusively for agricultural production. Privatization of agricultural land destined for distant (outrun) pastures and reindeer grazing shall be prohibited.

Law on expropriation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Southern Europe

This Law provides all necessary conditions, manner and procedure of expropriation of property and land on the territory of the Bosnia and Herzegovina for the purpose of construction of facilities and/or similar that are defined as public interest.This Law also defines various administrative, procedural and financial aspects regarding the duties and obligation for all participants during the expropriation processes.The Law is divided into VII Chapters and 72 article, including the provisions defining the compensation for expropriated properties.

Regional Law No. 46 “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

This Law regulates relations concerning ownership and tenancy of land, and determines terms and conditions for allocation of plots of agricultural land pertaining to state and municipal property, and also the modalities of expropriation of thereof in regional and municipal ownership. Agricultural land shall be used exclusively for agricultural production, planting of protection belts, scientific research and educational purpose related to agriculture.

Law on State survey and the real estate cadastre.

Southern Europe

This Law governs the State Survey, the Real Property Cadastre, the Spatial Unit Register, the National Spatial Data Infrastructure, geodetic activities in local self-government, special purpose geodetic works, the jurisdiction and the execution of State Survey and the Real Estate Property Cadastre activities, also including the structure and the jurisdiction of the State Geodetic Administration and the Croatian Geodetic Institute, the storage and usage of data and the supervision of State Survey and Real Property Cadastre activities on the Croatian territory (used by land lords, farmers, us

Regional Law No. 2718-608 “On access to information on possible expropriation of land plots for public and municipal needs”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law grants the right of access to information related to possible expropriation, including bailout, of plots of land for public and municipal needs, for landowners, land tenants, landlords and lease-holders. The aforesaid information shall be published by mass media in accordance with the modalities established by local government.

Regional Law No. 1636-III “On transfer to natural and legal persons on condition of ownership of agricultural land plots”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes that in case of privatization of agricultural land due to reorganization, privatization or bankruptcy of agricultural the following categories shall have the right to allotment of land share of agricultural land free of charge: (a) workers of agricultural organizations and women on maternity leave; (b) citizens sacked by agricultural organizations dues to staff cuts after 1 January 1992; (c) retired staff of agricultural organizations; (d) disabled persons due to work in agricultural organizations; and (e) heirs of deceased workers of agricultural organizations

Regional Law No. 2643-III “On establishment of land price in case of land sale to the owners of edifices, constructions and buildings located thereon”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of calculation of the price of land pertaining to public or municipal property in case of land sale to the owners of edifices, constructions and buildings located thereon. The price shall be calculated as tenfold rate of land tax for the current calendar year per land area unit.

Law on railway safety.

Southern Europe

This Law regulates the conditions, standards and manner for safe, orderly and free performance of the railway traffic and functioning of the railway system as an important part of the Croatian infrastructure and economy, with a particular regard for the environment impact and possible damage to the ecosystem caused by the performance of railway related activities.Technical requirements are stipulated in order to fully respect the environmental protection standards, physical planning and construction provisions also necessary for a low environmental impact.The requirements for the reconstruc

Regional Law No. 979-III “On maximum of land area that can be allotted to citizens performing subsidiary smallholding in ownership or on other rights”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes that total area of land plots that can be contemporaneously owed to citizens performing subsidiary smallholding shall be established as average district land share determined at the moment of transfer of agricultural land free of charge in ownership to citizens in accordance with the acting legislation.