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Ley Hipotecaria. Texto refundido.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley Hipotecaria norma el derecho hipotecario, cuya finalidad es la armonización de los asientos del Registro de la Propiedad. El Registro de la Propiedad tiene por objeto la inscripción o anotación de los actos y contratos relativos al dominio y demás derechos reales sobre bienes inmuebles. Las expresadas inscripciones o anotaciones se harán en el Registro en cuya circunscripción territorial radiquen los inmuebles.

Enmendado por: Ley Nº 13/2015 - Reforma de la Ley Hipotecaria y de la Ley de Catastro Inmobiliario. (2015-06-24)

Aliens (Land-Holding Regulation) Act (Cap. 13).


The Act provides with respect to the holding of rights in land and mortgages by foreigners in Grenada. It also provides for forfeiture of illegally-held land and shares of companies that do not comply with the provisions of this Act. The Minister may, if he or she thinks fit, from time to time, grant to any alien a licence to hold land as owner or tenant for any estate or interest either subject to any condition (or not) or grant to an alien a licence to hold land as mortgagee for any estate or interest therein.

Decreto Ley Nº 2 - Medidas sobre hipoteca de bienes muebles.

Central America

El presente Decreto Ley dicta medidas sobre hipoteca de bienes muebles y modifica el Artículo 1.567 del Código Civil que establece la tipología de bienes muebles susceptibles de ser hipotecados.

Enmendado por: Ley Nº 129 - Ley que promueve el acceso al crédito y moderniza el sistema de garantías mobiliarias a través de la hipoteca sobre bien mueble. (2013-12-31)

Regulation on land cadastre.

Southern Europe

This Regulation prescribes the manner of keeping the register of land parcels in the transitional period and the manner of its gradual adjustment when part of the Croatian national real estate cadastre.Keeping of the register of land and land parcels also includes the maintenance of cadastral spatial units, maintaining details of geodetic basis and maintenance of those grounds, subdivision and other geodetic surveys, which are used for the implementation of changes in cadastral, operation and maintenance of cadastral documentation, implementation of changes data on cadastral parcels, buildi

Arrêté n° 1317/2006/MEM/OMH du 30 janvier 2006 portant réglementation de la construction et de l’exploitation des stations-service.

Eastern Africa

Le présent arrêté définit les règles de construction et d’exploitation des stations service qui doivent être appliquées dans la profession pétrolière.En application des termes du présent règlement, nul ne peut, à l’intérieur du territoire Malgache, ni construire, ni aménager une station-service, ni installer des postes de distribution d’hydrocarbures sans une autorisation délivrée par l’Office Malgache des Hydrocarbures (O.M.H).

Regional Decree No. 184-P validating the Regulation “On purchase for public needs of agricultural land plots and agricultural land shares”.

Eastern Europe

This Decree establishes the modalities of purchase for public needs of agricultural land plots and agricultural land shares. Regional Administration shall have preferential right of purchase of agricultural land plots and agricultural land shares put on public sale and the vendor must inform the Regional Administration o sale of agricultural land plots and agricultural land shares by means of written notification. Annex 1 contains notification form.

Decreto Nº 115/04 - Reglamentación parcial de la Ley Nº 8.936, Ley de conservación y protección de los suelos.

South America

El presente Decreto tiene por objeto la reglamentación de los artículos 2º, 3º, 4º, 5º y 12 de la Ley de conservación y protección de los suelos. En particular, el Decreto establece la definición de suelo rural a efectos de la aplicación de la Ley, indica las funciones de las autoridades de aplicación y fija principios en tema de sanciones por incumplimiento de la Ley.

Implementa: Ley Nº 8.936 - Ley de conservación y protección de los suelos. (2001-06-14)

Designation of Eligible Bodies Regulations (N.S. Reg. 12/2002).

Northern America

The present Regulations are made under the Conservation Easement Act. In particular, the Regulations lay down provisions relating to the designation of eligible bodies. Section 4 establishes that if the Minister is satisfied that an organization complies with the present Regulations, the Minister may approve the application and recommend to the Governor in Council that the organization be designated and that its name be added to Schedule “A”. The text consists of 5 sections and 1 Schedule.

Implements: Conservation Easements Act (S.N.S. 2001, c. 28). (2012)

Regional Law No. 1929-ZRK “On establishment of purchase price of plots of land within urban areas destined for agricultural production.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes that the prices of plots of urban land destined for agricultural production in ownership by agricultural organizations or peasant farms allotted thereto on condition of permanent (open-ended) land tenure or as life-long hereditary possession shall be established with 15 percent reduction in relation to its cadastre value.

Law amending the Law on privatization of state agricultural land (shortened procedure).

North Macedonia
Southern Europe

This Law amends certain provisions (procedural matters) part of the Law on privatization of state agricultural land (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia 87/2013).Changes are part of the amended simplified (shortened) procedural matters aimed to make the Law and its related field more accessible.The adoption of this amending Law will also provide for a longer period for payment of the purchase price for the purchase of agricultural land in state ownership if the selected bidder is an individual.

Amends: Law on privatization of state agricultural land. (2013-05-20)

Regional Law No. 814-OZ “On implementation of Land Code of the Russian Federation on the regional territory”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes that local government shall have the authority to make decision on allotment of land plot to natural person in ownership free of charge or to refuse to do so within fifteen days from the date of submittal of application by the person concerned. Minimum land area of the aforesaid plot of land shall be 0, 10 ha and maximum land area shall be 0, 20 ha.

Implements: Land Code (No. 136-FZ of 2001). (2001-10-25)