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Regional Law No. 359 amending Regional Law No. 74 “On allotment of land plots to multi-child families”.

Eastern Europe

Article 4 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Plots of public or municipal land shall be allotted to multi-child families with three or more dependent children in ownership free of charge without tender by decision of local government authorized to manage land plots in accordance with acting land legislation”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 74 “On allotment of land plots to multi-child families”. (2011-11-08)

Regional Law No.146-Z amending Regional Law No. 28-Z “On allotment of land plots to multi-child families”.

Eastern Europe

Article 3.2 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Plots of public or municipal land shall be allotted to multi-child families with three or more dependent children in ownership free of charge without tender by decision of local government authorized to manage land plots in accordance with acting land legislation”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 28-Z “On allotment of land plots to multi-child families”. (2011-04-11)

Decree No. 47 of 2014 (II. 26.) Korm. of the Government laying down security requirements and rules of issuance of paper format documents concerning the transfer of property rights of land or containing other kind of written legal transaction affecting...

Eastern Europe

Contracts affecting property rights of land and for the registration of these contracts in the cadastre must be laid down by a legal counsel on sheets of paper bearing the requisites foreseen in Article 2. Such contracts shall be registered with the competent district land office and shall be kept in a safe place by the legal counsel.

Lettre de Politique Foncière 2015–2030.

National Policies
Eastern Africa

Ce document contient la vision, les objectifs et les principes de la Lettre de Politique Foncière, qui a pour objectif général faire du foncier un levier de développement grâce à la sécurisation de la diversité des droits, à une gestion foncière concertée et à la conciliation des besoins actuels et futurs en terre.

Regional Law No. 13 amending Regional La No. 10 “On allotment of land plots to multi-child families”.

Eastern Europe

Article 5 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Multi-child family seeking allotment of a land plot for subsidiary smallholding must indicate in the application the location of the land plot in question within the boundaries of inhabited area (smallholding) or outside inhabited area (field land plot)”.

Amends: Regional La No. 10 “On allotment of land plots to multi-child families”. (2011-09-13)

Décret n° 2013-341-P-RM du 18 avril 2013 portant modification du Décret n°01-040/P-RM du 02 février 2001 déterminant les formes et conditions d’attribution des terrains du domaine privé immobilier de l’Etat.

Western Africa

Le présent décret modifie le décret n°01-040/P-RM du 02 février 2001 déterminant les formes et conditions d’attribution des terrains du domaine privé immobilier de l’Etat.Il s’agit notamment des dispositions des articles 4 (les terrains à vocation agricole, zootechnique, aquacole ou forestière peuvent faire l’objet de concession rurale), 6 (Autorité administrative compétente pour la demande de concession rurale), 7 (Autorité compétence pour l’attribution de la concession rurale), 37 (Demande écrite pour acquérir un terrain domanial), 38 (Bureau des Domaines et du Cadastre en chargé de l’ins

Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 (2015 Asp 6).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Act provides a legal framework that will promote and encourage community empowerment and participation. It creates new rights for community bodies and places new duties on public authorities. The Act amends the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003, extending the community right to buy to all of Scotland, urban and rural, and improving procedures. It also introduces a new provision for community bodies to purchase land which is abandoned, neglected or causing harm to the environmental wellbeing of the community, where the owner is not willing to sell that land.

Arrêté n° 023-MERF-CAB du 22-11-2006 portant qualification du domaine rural en réserve de gestion des habitats ou des espèces.

Western Africa

Le présent arrêté érige en réserve de gestion des habitats ou des espèces, un domaine rural sis à Avévé dans la préfecture des Lacs, et soumis aux dispositions du protocole d'accord annexé au présent arrêté.Les objectifs de protection et de conservation de la réserve visent à: assurer la protection à long terme de la diversité biologique de la zone en y maintenant les conditions d'habitat nécessaires à la préservation d’espèces, de groupes d'espèces, de communautés biologiques ou d'éléments physiques importants du milieu naturel; promouvoir la mise en valeur de la réserve, les activités de

Regional Law No. 151-OD amending Regional Law No. 855-OD “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

Article 7 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Plots of agricultural land pertaining to public or municipal property shall be allotted to natural and legal persons in accordance with Land Code of the Russian Federation”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 855-OD “On turnover of agricultural land”. (2014-04-01)

Regional Law No. 25-RZ “On establishment of the value of land plots within inhabited areas destined for agricultural production”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes that plots of agricultural land within the boundaries of inhabited areas and destined for agricultural production allotted on lease on condition of permanent (open-ended) land tenure as a result of renewal of lease contract or renewal of the right of hereditary possession of such land with the right of lease can be purchased in ownership by lease holder at the cost of 15 percent of cadastre value of such plots of land.

Regional Law No. 162-z “On price of some plots of land located in urban areas and destined for agricultural production without constructions nor edifices thereon”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes that price of a plot of land located in urban areas and destined for agricultural production, without constructions nor edifices thereon, already allotted to peasant farm on condition of permanent (open-ended) possession or as lifelong hereditary possession in case of purchase thereof by the aforesaid categories of tenants shall be 15 percent of estimated cadastre value at the date of submittal of application.