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The city and the road: the urban transformation in the region of Cotia throughout the Raposo Tavares highway

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2007

The study of the urban transformation of Cotia, located in the periphery of the metropolis, aims the documentation of the region urban development, starting on the 18 century, and its analysis, taking São Paulo city as reference. This analysis was elaborated from the social-economics and spatial relations of the urban development, from the city adequation to the metropolitan area planning, from the linearity that the Raposo Tavares highway imposes to the urban composition and the characteristics of the middle-class residence condominiums determined to the territory.

Nepal - Country Environmental Analysis : Strengthening Institutions and Management Systems for Enhanced Environmental Governance

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
december, 2007
Southern Asia

The main objective of the Country Environmental Analysis (CEA) in Nepal is to identify opportunities for enhancing the overall performance of select environmental management systems through improvements in the effectiveness of institutions, policies, and processes.

Globalisation et changement d’échelle dans le gouvernement urbain

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2007

Cet article analyse les relations entre la mondialisation et le changement d’échelle urbaine. Il considère que les dynamiques à l’œuvre dans le processus de mondialisation (politiques néo-libérales, compétition territoriale, suburbanisation) conduisent à de nouvelles contraintes pesant sur les villes. Une des réponses les plus pertinentes que les villes peuvent générer repose sur le changement d’échelle de leurs institutions en bâtissant de nouvelles structures ou en les restructurant pour renforcer leur capacité d’action.

Globalization and the built environment in metropolitan São Paulo

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2007

This study investigates the process of globalization over the past decades as a process of technological progress in computer science and communication and as transformation in the world economic order. It identifies the political and economic causes of globalization and their impact on the social sphere of developing nations. In past decades social inequality has widened in these countries and their large cities. This article also identifies lifestyle changes in the city of São Paulo and their consequences in urban land occupation and use.

Application of protective distances in vicinity of dangerous facilities in urban and spatial plans

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2006

Environmental risk management in production, use and transportation of dangerous materials having been actual theme in the world and in Serbia. Although environmental risk is mostly connected with technical issues, since chemical catastrophe in Bophal-lndia (1986) in the world was recognized that this is complex issue that besides of technical-technological, includes also social-economic, organizational and spatial factors. Spatial component of risk management which is regulated by Seveso II Directive in EU is important for planners.

Forest - poverty linkages in West and Central Asia

Reports & Research
november, 2006
New Zealand

This paper presents the application of the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA) to forest-poverty linkages and the analysis of the main issues that are raised for the Forestry Outlook study. The LSP Sub-programme on access to natural resources initially intended to begin its work in support of the FOWECA project with a regional desk study. However, with Forest - poverty linkages in West and Central Asia 2 sparse literature available, a decision was made to focus the initial work on Kyrgyzstan given the experience of the Collaborative Forest Management (LSP Working Paper 13).

Urban Land and Housing Markets in the Punjab, Pakistan

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
juni, 2006
Southern Asia

This note provides a short overview of urban land and housing market performance in Punjab Province of Pakistan. It describes the characteristics of well-functioning urban land and housing markets and argues that, at present, the Punjab's urban land and housing markets are not performing well. The paper identifies a range of structural and institutional shortcomings that impede urban land market performance, and then concludes by offering recommendations for making land and housing markets functions better.

Globalización, paisaje y vivienda rural / Globalization, landscape and rural housing.

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2006

Las transformaciones del paisaje rural de Chile Central durante los últimos veinte años, el surgimiento de una arquitectura diferente de la vivienda rural, los nuevos patrones de organización espacial y los cambios en el uso del suelo, son algunos de los resultados que pueden ser explicados como una consecuencia de la globalización.

La transition urbaine : enjeux et opportunités

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2006

L'urbanisation et la transformation économique, c'est-àdire la croissance des secteurs non agricoles, industriels et tertiaires, offrent de nombreuses possibilités d'améliorer les conditions d'existence des pauvres. Le défi essentiel consiste à s'assurer que la population bénéficie plus d'un milieu offrant un cadre favorable à l'évolution des moyens de subsistance et des systèmes économiques. Mais trop souvent, on constate une incapacité à reconnaître et gérer la transition urbaine, ce qui se traduit par une urbanisation permanente de la pauvreté, de la vulnérabilité et de l'exclusion.

Ville - campagne : une relation en pleine mutation

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2006

La relation entre la ville et les zones rurales s'est radicalement transformée au cours des dernières années. Une délimitation franche n'est plus guère possible aujourd'hui et c'est le continuum des zones à vocation agricole, des banlieues, des zones d'habitat spontané et des centres urbains qui modèle le paysage. Mais les pays et la coopération au développement disposent-ils des instruments nécessaires pour promouvoir un développement dynamique et équilibré entre la ville et le milieu rural et pour entrouvrir des perspectives aux populations qui y vivent ?