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The Little Green Data Book 2005

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
december, 2005

The Little Green Data Book 2005 is based on the World Development Indicators 2005, and represents an abbreviated collection of information. Its production is a collaboration between the Development Economics Data Development Group, and the Environment Department of the World Bank. Development and poverty alleviation-the World Bank's mission-call for a long-term vision. Enhancing environmental quality, improving natural resource management, and maintaining global ecosystems are all important steps toward this goal.

Environmental impact of the mining activity and revitalization of degraded space

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2005

This paper analyses various aspects of environmental impact of the mineral resources’ exploitation in the mining basins, which can be listed as agricultural (and forest) land intake, relocation of the settlements, water course rearrangement, repositioning of roads and other infrastructure systems, decrease in level of ground water, etc. The paper points to the possible application of new technologies in mineral resources exploitation as well as to certain economic (external) effects.

Evaluación ambiental del proceso de urbanización de las cuencas del piedemonte andino de Santiago de Chile

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2005

Las cuencas son complejos sistemas ambientales en que se desarrollan procesos geomorfológicos, hidrológicos, climáticos y ecológicos, que son impactados por la urbanización. En este trabajo se estudian seis cuencas del piedemonte andino de la ciudad de Santiago que se encuentran en diferentes fases del proceso de urbanización, variando entre Macul-San Ramón, en donde casi el 40% de su superficie ha sido incorporada a la ciudad, y Pirque, que mantiene aún sus características agrícolas y rurales.

Globalization of food systems in developing countries: impact on food security and nutrition

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2005
United States of America
South Africa
United Kingdom

Food systems are being transformed at an unprecedented rate as a result of global economic and social change. Urbanization, foreign direct investment in markets of developing countries and increasing incomes are prime facilitators for the observed changes, while social changes, such as the increased number of women in the workforce and rural to urban migration, provide added stimulus.

A presença dos pátios, largos e adros de igreja na paisagem do grande Recife. /The presence of

Peer-reviewed publication
november, 2005

Desde os primeiros recortes territoriais do grande Recife, as igrejas pontuam o cenário urbano com suas torres, seus adros e pátios, sendo fortes símbolos de reconhecimento e identificação de bairros da cidade. As igrejas e seus pátios e adros fizeram parte dos primeiros engenhos e sesmarias, depois freguesias, hoje bairros, conferindo uma certa ambiência urbana que não foge à regra sobre a forma de ocupação característica do Brasil colônia, foram e são espaços de convivência da sociedade das cercanias, constituindo hoje espaços públicos e laicos na maioria das vezes.

Urbanización, precios del suelo y modelo territorial: la evolución reciente del área metropolitana de Barcelona

Peer-reviewed publication
augustus, 2005

En las áreas metropolitanas europeas, la construcción de redes de infraestructuras, fundamentalmente las de transporte, está propiciando la extensión de expectativas urbanísticas a ámbitos territoriales cada vez más amplios, en los que se dan simultáneamente procesos de especialización por tipos de usos y de rentas.

Estudio sobre un Plan de la Vivienda para la ciudad de Santiago. / Study on Housing Plan for the city of Santiago

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2005

El punto de partida en la solución del problema de la vivienda en una ciudad, debe ser ante todo el aprovechamiento racional de los terrenos urbanizados disponibles en el área urbana que, en cuanto a la formación de poblaciones en el área de extensión o no urbanizada, debe obedecer a un plan bien meditado en relación con la posibilidad de extender los servicios urbanos a esa área de extensión. Se expone luego lo que debiera ser un plan de la vivienda técnicamente concebido.

Migration and the rural-urban continuum

Reports & Research
december, 2004

This paper explores the diversity of the experience of migrants to rural, peri–urban, and urban areas using a unique longitudinal data set from the Philippines. In 2003 and 2004, the Bukidnon Panel Study followed up with 448 families in rural Mindanao who were previously interviewed in 1984/85 by the International Food Policy Research Institute and the Research Institute for Mindanao Culture, Xavier University, and surveyed both a sample of their offspring living in the same area as well as a sample of those who had moved away to different locations.

Doha scenarios, trade reforms, and poverty in the Philippines

Reports & Research
december, 2004

The paper examines the possible impact of Doha agreement on Philippine poverty. Using a detailed CGE analysis, the agreement is observed to depress world demand for Philippine agricultural exports, and thus slightly increase poverty, especially among rural households. However, an ambitious full trade liberalization scenario, which involves free world trade and domestic liberalization, leads to increased industrial exports that favor urban households.

Case study: The application of geographic information systems to "Settlement potential along railway lines" in the research project "Settlement along regional railway - the Murgtal example", Universit

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2004

The field of urban and regional planning is experiencing some fundamental changes that are having impacts on the use of computer-based models in planning practice and education. One of the key changes is the use of powerful, cheap and easy to use GIS software and hardware. This has led to the creation of more extensive spatially referenced datasets, making GIS an essential tool for some planners and management tasks such as land monitoring, code enforcement and permit tracking.