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Ley Nº 559 - Ley de delitos contra el medio ambiente y los recursos naturales.

oktober, 2005

La presente Ley tiene por objeto tipificar como delitos contra el medio ambiente y los recursos naturales, las acciones u omisiones que violen o alteren las disposiciones relativas a la conservación, protección, manejo, defensa y mejoramiento del ambiente y los recursos naturales, así como, el establecimiento de la responsabilidad civil por daños y perjuicios ocasionados por las personas naturales o jurídicas que resulten con responsabilidad comprobada.

Regulations Governing Land and Building Use in Hot Spring Areas.

september, 2005

These Regulations are enacted in accordance with the Hot Spring Act.The Regulations provide for land-use zoning and land-use change procedures within hot spring areas. A change of land use within the boundaries of a hot spring area shall be subject to the procedures for change of zoning and land use as stipulated in the Regional Planning Law, the Urban Planning Law, the National Parks Law, and other applicable laws and regulations.

Décret n° 2005-268 du 21 juillet 2005 fixant en matière de protection de l’environnement et de gestion des ressources naturelles, les modalités d'application de la loi n° 2003-308 du 07 juillet 2003 portant transfert et répartition de compétences de l'...

juli, 2005
Côte d'Ivoire

Le présent Décret fixe les modalités d'application de la loi n° 2003-308 du 07 juillet 2003 portant transfert et répartition de compétences de l'Etat aux Collectivités Territoriales en matière de protection de l’environnement et de gestion des ressources naturelles, notamment la protection des forêts, la gestion et la protection des cours d’eau nationaux et internationaux; la gestion des déchets, la protection de la biodiversité, la lutte contre la pollution, la gestion des aires protégées; la gestion du littoral.

Order No. 245 of the Ministry of Environmental Protection validating the Regulation on the organization of protected areas.

juli, 2005

This Order sets forth the provisions for organization of nature reserve (Annex 1), biosphere reserve (Annex 2), national park (Annex 3), landscape park (Annex 4) and protection of the territory of the aforesaid protected areas. It defines the tasks, content, procedure for the development, approval and implementation of the Project for the organization of the territory of the aforesaid protected areas and the protection of their natural complexes. The afore-mentioned requirements shall be mandatory in the process of development, approval and implementation of the land-use planning project.

Regulation on terms and conditions for the management, assignment of maintenance and restoration activities, assignment of tourist activities, security and control in forests, lands and water areas of the protected territories (state property).

mei, 2005

This Regulation determines the conditions for: management, assignment of maintenance and restoration activities; assignment of tourist activities; implementation of forest security and control issues; implementation of management issues as regards the water areas present on the territory of previously designed state owned protected areas (also for national parks, reserves).The management and assignment of activities here listed will be in full accordance with the national strategies, plans and programmes in the field of environment, including the requirements of the international environmen

Critical Pastoral Issues and Policy Statements for the National Land Policy in Uganda

Reports & Research
maart, 2005

Includes the pastoral land question – recognition in law and policy, establishment of protected areas, access and ownership of land, land use and sustainability. Pastoral rights in policy – international research and regional developments, conceptual framework for the Policy, Policy goal, principles and objectives – land and sustainable livelihoods, land tenure, land markets, land administration, land use and management, natural resources and environment.

The Ndungu Report: Land & Graft in Kenya

Reports & Research
maart, 2005

This summary of the Report of the Ndungu Commission on Illegal and Irregular Allocation of Public Land provides an insight into a critical recent episode in the struggles over land and graft in Kenya. Includes land and demography in Kenya; the law relating to the allocation of land; the Commission’s findings – (1) urban, state and ministries’ land, (2) settlement schemes and trust lands, (3) forest lands, national parks, wetlands, riparian resources and protected areas; the Commission’s recommendations; commentary.

Land tenure, land use and sustainability in Kenya: towards innovative use of property rights in wildlife management

december, 2004
Sub-Saharan Africa

Examining the assumption that private property rights create incentives for the management of resources, this paper argues that private property rights and current wildlife conservation and management laws and policies in Kenya fail to provide the solution to wildlife biodiversity erosion.

National Action Plan on strengthening capacity to respond to challenges of biodiversity conservation, climate change and desertification/land degradation (2006-2015).

National Policies
december, 2004

This Action Plan is a national Plan with a cross-sectoral approach, addressing issues falling under its mandate in an integrated way. The timeframe is 10 years between 2006 and 2015.

Regional Decree No. 471 validating the Regulation on regional state nature reserve “Dolgaya polyana” (Long clearing).

november, 2004

Regional state nature reserve “Dolgaya polyana” (Long clearing) shall be classified as complex, constituted with a view of conservation of natural ecosystems and objects of historical and cultural heritage of regional significance. The following activities shall be prohibited: (a) land reclamation and irrigation; (b) soil disturbance; (c) all types of hunting; (d) gathering of zoological, botanical and mineral collections; (e) application of toxic chemicals, mineral fertilizers and pesticides; and (f) burning of vegetation.