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This Order sets forth the provisions for organization of nature reserve (Annex 1), biosphere reserve (Annex 2), national park (Annex 3), landscape park (Annex 4) and protection of the territory of the aforesaid protected areas. It defines the tasks, content, procedure for the development, approval and implementation of the Project for the organization of the territory of the aforesaid protected areas and the protection of their natural complexes. The afore-mentioned requirements shall be mandatory in the process of development, approval and implementation of the land-use planning project. Land-use planning project for the constitution of a protected area shall be developed in accordance with the legislation and the provisions of the international treaties with the purpose of defining and substantiating the measures that are envisaged to be implemented within five years related to protection, reproduction and management of natural complexes and objects, as well as defining and substantiating the development strategy. Land-use planning project shall be developed by a specialized project organization in accordance with the current legislation. Land-use planning project for organization of a protected areas shall be applicable to the whole territory of protected area.