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Use and Development of Government and Other Land - Chapter 68 of 21 GCA “Real Property”.


This Chapter regulates the use of Government land and defines uses for specific purposes and for specified parts of Guam. The Director with the approval of the Governor is authorized to grant permits for the use of any suitable government real property, not otherwise occupied or in use, and for any lawful purposes. Articles 2 to 5 provide for use of specific lands and the sale of such land to qualified purchasers. Article concerns a comprehensive development Master plan to be adopted for specified areas.

Conservation Act 1986-87.

Cook Islands

This Act makes provision for the conservation of nature and the protection of the environment in the Cook Islands. It shall apply to such parts of the Cook Islands and Cook Islands waters as are specified from time to time by the Queen's Representative by Order in Executive Council. The Act consists of 57 sections divided into 11 Parts.The Act establishes the Conservation Service as a body corporate.

Décret concernant la protection des marais, des sites marécageux et des zones alluviales d'importance nationale.

Western Europe

Le présent décret a pour but de conserver intacts les marais et sites marécageux d'une beauté particulière et d'importance nationale, ainsi que les zones alluviales d'importance nationale. L’article 4 établit que à l'intérieur des zones alluviales, des hauts-marais, des marais de transition et des bas-marais, il est interdit de construire, d'exploiter de la tourbe et d'effectuer des nouveaux drainages ou des travaux de réfection des drainages existants.

Kerala Forest (Vesting and Management of Ecologically Fragile Lands) Act, 2003 (Act No. 21 of 2005).

Southern Asia

This Act aims at transferring to and vesting in the Government the ownership and possession of all ecologically fragile lands held by any person in order to minimize the degradation of these ecosystems and their biological diversity.The Government shall have the right to declare any land to be ecologically fragile land which shall be deemed to be reserved forests according to the provisions of this Act.The Act provides for the constitution and functions of an Advisory Committee which shall be responsible for identifying ecologically fragile lands which shall then be managed by Forest Depart

Law No. 5485-IIs “On setting up protected area of the Imereti caves and management thereof”.

Western Asia

This Law regulates legal relations in the sphere of setting up and management of the system of protected areas of the Imereti caves, related to management of land area, forests, water and other natural resources, including historical and cultural heritage. The scope of this Law shall be to ensure setting up of protected area, regulation of the management mechanism thereof and conservation of unique natural ecosystem. It classifies categorization of the caves, gives mapping and location of different caves.

National Forestry Reform Law of 2006.

Western Africa

This Act makes provision, in 23 Chapters, for the management and conservation of forest resources of Liberia, defines ownership rights and other rights in forests, regulates commercial and other use of forests resources, provides for the protection of the environment and wildlife in forests, regulates the trade in forest products and provides for various other matters relative to forestry and wildlife.The Act defines the principles of forest management and conservation to be undertaken by the Forestry Development Authority.

Regional Law No. 320 “On expropriation, including repayment, of public and municipal land for public purposes”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law envisages the following cases of expropriation, including repayment, of public and municipal land for public purposes: (a) for public institutions; (b) prevention of environmental and technological disasters; (c) formation of protected areas; and (d) protection of traditional residential areas and way of life of small ethnic communities of the Russian Federation.

Regional Law No. 96-ZO “On protected areas”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates the issues related to formation, protection, keeping, functioning and suppression of protected areas, organization and reservation thereof. It classifies protected areas as follows: (a) natural parks; (b) state nature reserves; (c) nature monuments; (d) dendrological parks and botanical gardens; and (e) healthcare resorts, spas and recreational areas.

Preservation of Sites and Artifacts Act (Cap. 39).


This Act grants power to the Minister to classify any site of historical, ethnological or artistic interest which is in the possession of any person or body corporate domiciled in Vanuatu. The Minister shall inform in writing the owner of any site which it is proposed to classify. The owner may submit to the Minister any representations. Failing to do so shall be taken as indicating the consent of the owner to the proposed conditions of classification.

Minerals Act.

Northern Europe

This Act applies to the exploration and exploitation of deposits, situated on the owned land or on land belonging to someone else, if the deposit contains anyone of the mineral substances specified in section 1 (concession minerals). This Act shall not be applicable to areas within public waters of the sea. The Act provides for the right to exploration and exploitation of mineral substances, and regulates the granting of and conditions of exploration permits and exploitation concessions, compensation, etc.