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Law No. 199-XVI on attribution of the status of the objects of national cultural heritage to state enological enterprise “Combinatul de Vinuri de Calitate “Mileştii Mici”.

Eastern Europe

This law establishes that the territory of the state enological enterprise “Combinatul de Vinuri de Calitate “Mileştii Mici” considered cultural and landscape complex of national significance shall be attributed status of the object of national cultural heritage. The purpose of the attribution of such status shall be its conservation for the present and future generations. The enterprise stores and preserves information on traditional enological practices. The area within the boundaries of enological enterprise shall have the status of protected area.

Beach Control Act.


This Act provides for coastal zone management in Jamaica and declares all rights in and over the foreshore of Jamaica and the floor of the sea to be vested in the Crown (sect. 3). Any person who is the owner or occupier of any land adjoining any part of the foreshore and any member of his family and any private guest of his shall be entitled to use that part of the foreshore adjoining his land for private domestic purposes, that is to say, for bathing, fishing, and other like forms of recreation and as a means of access to the sea for such purposes (sect. 4).

Regional Law No. 318-OZ “On protected areas”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law classifies protected areas as follows: (a) natural parks; (b) state nature reserves; (c) nature monuments; (d) dendrological parks and botanical gardens; (e) healthcare areas and spas; and (f) traditional nature management areas of indigenous peoples. Protected areas of regional significance shall be property of the regional administration. Inclusion of land parcels pertaining to natural and legal persons on condition of ownership, tenancy or lease into protected areas category shall be allowed. Boundaries of protected areas shall be mapped.

Regional Law No. 20-5213 “On regional and municipal land-use planning”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes composition and contents of land use planning of urban areas in accordance with territorial planning scheme and documents of territorial planning of municipal units. Land-use planning project shall contain graphic scheme (mapping of boundaries) and textual part. The project shall contain mapping of the boundaries of protected areas, water protection areas and sources of potable water supply.

Regional Law No. 656-KZ “On protected areas”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations, originating in the sphere of organization, conservation and protection of protected areas with a view of conservation of unique and typical ecosystems and complexes, wild fauna and wild flora species, and control of changes in the state of biosphere. Protected areas shall be classified as follows: (a) natural parks; (b) nature monuments; (c) dendrological parks and botanical gardens; and (d) healthcare areas and spas.

Regional Law No. 99-OZ “On some issues of land tenure and land protection”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates some issues of land tenure and land protection and, in particular, transfer of land from one category to another, land survey practices, cadastre registration of land and mapping of boundaries of land parcels transferred from one category to another. It also regulates establishment of public servitude by the regional administration and local government with the consideration of public hearing outcome and classification of land areas as protected areas.

Act on Special Measures for Designation and Management of Areas of Restricted Development.

Republic of Korea
Eastern Asia

The purposes of this Act are to designate development-restricted areas, to limit acts performed in such areas, to purchase lands and to efficiently manage development-restricted areas in order to prevent the proliferation of cities, and to sustain the conservation of the natural environment surrounding cities.An urban management planning with respect to the designation of a development-restricted are shall be formulated by the heads of central administrative agencies and determined by the Minister of Construction and Transportation.

Regional Law No. 601-III “On land”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of transfer of land from one category to another, the modalities of land tenure, rational management and monitoring of land, application of public servitude, land expropriation, establishment of protected areas and land classification. Allotment of land free of charge to categories of citizens that have such right shall be performed by decision of the Regional Government.

Ley Nº 9/2003 - Ley de Vías Pecuarias de Castilla-La Mancha.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley tiene por objeto establecer la normativa para la administración y gestión de las vías pecuarias de la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha, en el marco de la Ley de Vías Pecuarias, y de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Estatuto de Autonomía de la Comunidad Autónoma. Las vías pecuarias, son las rutas o itinerarios por donde discurre o ha venido discurriendo tradicionalmente el tránsito ganadero.

Northern Territory (Commonwealth Lands) Act 1980.


This Act concerns acquisition of lands in the Northern Territory by the Commonwealth. Any land in which an interest was, before 1 July 1978, vested in the Director of National Parks and Wildlife by the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975 shall be deemed to be, and to have always been, excluded from lands described in a Lands Acquisition Notice made in accordance with this Act.