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Forests Act (No. 3 of 1999).

Solomon Islands

The declared (sect. 3) objects of the Act are: ensuring effective and ecologically sustainable management of forest resources; promotion of a sustainable commercial timber industry, and; protection and conservation of forest resources, habitats and ecosystems including the maintenance of ecological processes and genetic diversity. The administration of matters affecting forests is entrusted to Commissioner of Forests appointed under section 6 and the Minister who shall be advised by the Solomon Forestry Board established under section 5.

Law on Nature Park "Kopacki rit".

Southern Europe

This Law establishes and declares the area of the state nature park with a special reserve "Kopački Rit" as a Croatian National Nature Park, with the total area of 177 km ².This Law further provides all necessary information and regulates its borders.

Implemented by: Regulation on the establishment of the Public Institution "Nature Park Kopački rit". (1997-09-11)

Regional Law No. 60-ZS “On protected areas”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of organization, protection and management of protected areas. It classifies protected areas as follows: (a) state nature reserves, including biosphere reserves; (b) national parks; (c) nature monuments; (d) dendrological parks and botanical gardens; and (e) healthcare areas and spas. Protected areas of regional significance shall be property of the regional administration and shall be managed by public administration.

Ancient Monuments and Antiquities Act (Cap. 330).

Central America

This Act makes provision with respect to the protection and conservation of ancient monuments and related matters such as the acquisition of land by the Government for purposes of this Act. All ancient monuments and antiquities, whether upon any land or in any river, stream or watercourse, or under territorial waters of the country, shall vest in the Government and no person shall possess or have in custody any ancient monument or antiquity except under a licence granted by the Minister in the prescribed form.

Regional Law No. 1736 “Land Code”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes purposeful use of land and lays down legal grounds for land tenure and land management for specific purposes. It classifies land into the following categories: (a) agricultural land; (b) urban land; (c) industry, energy, communication land; (d) protected areas; (e) land of forest fund; (f) land of waterbodies; and (g) reserve land. Land ownership right shall be subject to mandatory state registration. Regional land can pertain to private, public, municipal and other types of ownership. Agricultural land shall be subject to natural-agricultural zoning.

Minerals and Mining Law (Title 23).

Western Africa

This Act makes provision with respect to exploration for and exploitation of mineral resources, underground waters, geothermal deposits and related matters. It also empowers the Minister to regulate radioactive minerals.The Minister of Lands, Mines and Energy shall be the main administrative authority for purposes of this Act. The Act establishes a Minerals Technical Committee and a Mineral Development Fund.The Act sets out various mineral rights and the conditions at which they can be obtained.

Ley Nº 8/1998 - Ley de Conservación de la Naturaleza y de Espacios Naturales de Extremadura.

Southern Europe

El presente Ley tiene por objeto el establecimiento de normas adicionales de protección del patrimonio natural de Extremadura, para facilitar su protección, conservación, restauración y mejora y asegurar su desarrollo sostenible y su preservación para las generaciones futuras. La regulación abarca tanto la biodiversidad y los elementos singulares de flora y fauna silvestres como los hábitats de las especies y los procesos ecológicos fundamentales.

Decree No. 686 of 1999 enacting the Regional Law on territories of traditional nature management of indigenous scanty population of the North.

Eastern Europe

Regional Legislative Assembly decrees to validate Regional Law on territories of traditional nature management of indigenous scanty population of the North and to forward it for official publication.

Implements: Regional Law No. 173 of 1999 on territories of traditional nature management of indigenous scanty population of the North. (1999-12-24)