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State Control Versus Hybrid Land Markets: Planning and Urban Development in Transitional Hanoi, Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018

During the post-reform period since 1986, land-use systems in Vietnam have been reformed in terms of the regulation of land markets and the built environment. This study analyzes the changing role of urban planning and the policy of state intervention in land markets to manage spatial changes in Vietnamese cities. Theoretical and empirical approaches are used to analyze urban development and planning practices in Hanoi. The study further describes the constraints of planning systems in hybrid land markets that include both formal and informal land development.

Designing Open Spatial Information Infrastructure to Support 3D Urban Planning in Jakarta Smart City

Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2018

Land administration is essential for urban planning and Spatial Information Infrastructure (SII). Interoperability of land administration and spatial planning will determine the success of SII utilization. This information should be accessible to all member of SII, including businesses and the community. This article proposes spatial planning information as an extension of the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM), the ISO 19152:2012 in order to support spatial planning.

Soil-related sustainable development goals : Four concepts to make land degradation neutrality and restoration work

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018

In the effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to food, health, water, and climate, an increase in pressure on land is highly likely. To avoid further land degradation and promote land restoration, multifunctional use of land is needed within the boundaries of the soil-water system. In addition, awareness-raising, a change in stakeholders' attitudes, and a change in economics are essential. The attainment of a balance between the economy, society, and the biosphere calls for a holistic approach.

Prepared Communities

Reports & Research
november, 2018

Climate change affects poor and marginalized communities first and hardest. Particularly in cities, a lack of access to basic services, a long history of unsustainable urban development, and political exclusion render the urban poor one of the most vulnerable groups to climate induced natural hazards and disasters. Yet strategies focused on reducing these people’s vulnerability to climate change often overlook crucial differences in their needs and situations.

Land Framework of Singapore

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2018

Long-term planning and an efficient system of land administration and management have played a critical role in Singapore’s transformation from a colonial port to highly liveable global city.

Causes and Spatial Implications of violating Building Space Standards in Mwanza (Rock) City: Case of Mahina Settlement.

Peer-reviewed publication
november, 2018

Urban centres emerge, develop and expand. In the course of development or expansion, housing development on hilly landscapes may be more challenging than on relatively flat or flat terrains, forcing developers not to comply with building standards.

Site Evaluation of Eco-towns using GIS and Analytical Hierarchy Process: Case of Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area

Peer-reviewed publication
november, 2018

Uganda’s total population is projected to increase to 61 million by 2040 in the rations of 37million (60%) to 24million (40%) in the Urban to rural areas respectively. Due to population expansion, Kampala as any other urban area is facing the problems of unplanned rapid growth such as: congestion, unplanned slums amongst others. The Kampala Physical Development Plan pointed out the need to develop new satellite eco-towns in the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area of Ssisa and Mpatta to contain population explosion and reduce on the problems being experienced in the city.

Metadata on SDGs Indicator 11.7.1

Manuals & Guidelines
november, 2018

Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and
Target 11.7: Providing universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible,
green and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older
persons and persons with disabilities.
Indicator 11.7.1: Average share of the built-up area of cities that is open
space for public use for all, by sex, age and persons with disabilities

Strengthening Functional Urban Regions in Azerbaijan

Reports & Research
november, 2018

This publication helps guide investment planning and financing across key urban infrastructure sectors of Azerbaijan. It aims to improve the performance of cities—with a focus on economy, equity, and environment. The National Urban Assessment for Azerbaijan is among a series prepared by ADB for selected developing countries under its Urban Operational Plan 2012–2020.

Assessment and planning of the Toronto City Region Food System - Synthesis report

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2018
United States of America

More than 80 percent Canadians live in cities with almost one-quarter of country’s total population living in the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) area. The GGH stretches in a curve around the western side of Lake Ontario with the City of Toronto occupying the northern side of the horseshoe. The GGH is an area of high potential food production as well as rapid population growth creating a mix of difficult to reconcile, opposing demands. For example, the need for housing and residential infrastructure conflicts directly with the need to preserve prime agricultural lands.

Atlas of West African urban food systems: examples from Ghana and Burkina Faso

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2018
Burkina Faso
Western Africa

This Atlas summarizes recent advances in interdisciplinary approaches and research to address the different components of West African urban food systems, including urban and peri-urban agriculture. It thereby draws on the results of several major collaborative research projects and stakeholder consultations conducted in West Africa over the past two decades, and in particular on the UrbanFoodPlus project in Ghana and Burkina Faso (www.urbanfoodplus.org). The publication targets with its innovative design a broad range of stakeholders.

Relationship between the Processes of Urbanization and International Trade, and its Impact on Urban Sustainability

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2018

The dynamics of urbanization and growth of the Latin American city is due to different geographical, economic, and social factors. One of these elements, which has expanded the availability of resources for the urban expansion process is the growth of international trade, whereas it facilitates the import and availability of goods from anywhere in the world and consolidates cities as large markets, making them more attractive each time, which falls again in the process of growth.