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Supporting affordable housing supply: inclusionary planning in new and renewing communities

Reports & Research
april, 2018
United Kingdom
United States of America

This study examined how planning mechanisms support affordable housing supply in Australia and overseas. In England 43 per cent of affordable housing built in 2015–16 (12,866 units) were delivered due to inclusionary planning requirements, while more than 500 cities in the United States have inclusionary zoning or impact fee requirements to supply affordable housing. In Australia planning systems can support affordable housing supply, but additional funding or subsidy is usually required to produce homes affordable to those on low and very low incomes.

Forests and Sustainable Cities

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2018
United States of America
New Zealand

Recognizing the importance of the services provided by forests and trees to urban dwellers, the Collaborative Partnership on Forests proposed that the theme for the 2018 International Day of Forests would be “Forests and Sustainable Cities”. To mark this occasion and promote the widespread adoption of “green” strategies for dealing with urban challenges, FAO invited the mayors of 15 different sized cities from various regions around the world to present their experiences with trees and forests and to show how this green infrastructure has helped address urban challenges.

Playing by the rules? Analysing incremental urban developments

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2018
United States of America

Current urban developments are often considered outdated and static, and the argument follows that they should become more adaptive. In this paper, we argue that existing urban development are already adaptive and incremental. Given this flexibility in urban development, understanding changes in the so-called ‘rules of the game’ which structure and change collective action, is increasingly relevant. Gaining such insights advances the ability of planners to deal with perceived spatial problems. The aim of this paper is twofold.

Metadata on SDG Indicator 11.1.1

Manuals & Guidelines
februari, 2018

The housing sector including its institutions, laws and regulations, touches every single aspect of the economy of a country and has interface with practically every social development sector. People living in adequate homes have better health, higher chances to improve their human capital and seize the opportunities available in urban contexts. At the same time, a housing sector that performs well acts as a ‘development multiplier’ benefiting complementary industries, contributing to economic development, employment generation, service provision and overall poverty reduction.

Le Développement de l'Horticulture Urbaine et Péri-urbaine en Afrique Centrale

Institutional & promotional materials
februari, 2018
Burkina Faso

En 2014, la FAO a mis en place le projet GCP/SFC/001/MUL ‘La sécurité alimentaire renforcée en milieu urbain en Afrique Centrale grâce à une meilleure disponibilité de la nourriture produite localement’’’. Pendant 3 ans, le projet a apporté un soutien matériel et des formations à plus de 3 500 bénéficiaires situés au Gabon, Cameroun, Tchad, Guinée Equatoriale, Sao Tomé & Principe, et République du Congo.

Beneficiile arborilor urbani

Institutional & promotional materials
februari, 2018

Arborii amplasați corespunzător în jurul zonelor construite pot reduce necesarul de energie electrică pentru climatizare cu până la 30% în timpul verii și cu 20-50% în timpul ier nii.

Добробити од дрвећа у урбаним срединама

Institutional & promotional materials
februari, 2018

Крошње великог дрвећа у урбаним срединама су одличан филтер за урбане загађиваче и фине честице. Једно дрво може годишње да упије и до 150 кг угљен-диоксида (CO2) из атмосфере, и тиме допринесе ублажавању последица климатских промена. Дрвеће пружа станиште, храну и заштиту биљкама и животињама, повећавајући биодиверзитет у урбаним срединама. Cадња дрвећа данас је од великог значаја за будуће генерације!

Dobrobiti drveća u urbanim sredinama

Institutional & promotional materials
februari, 2018

Krošnje velikih stabala su prirodan filter za lebdeće čestice i štetne plinove u zraku. Jedno stablo iz atmosfere godišnje uklanja 150 kg CO2 i time doprinosi ublažavanju klimatskih promjena. Drveće pruža stanište, hranu i zaštitu ostalim biljkama i životinjama te time povećava bioraznolikost u urbanim sredinama. Sadnjom stabala danas utječemo na kvalitetu života budućih generacija!

Voordelen van bomen in stedelijk gebied

Institutional & promotional materials
februari, 2018

Grote stadsbomen zijn uitstekende filters voor stedelijke luchtvervuiling en fijnstof. Een boom kan tot 150 kg CO2 per jaar absorberen, koolstof vastleggen en daardoor de klimaatverandering bestrijden. Bomen leveren leefomgeving, voedsel en bescherming voor planten en dieren, en verbeteren de biodiversiteit in het stedelijk gebied. Planten van bomen is essentieel voor toekomstige generaties!