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2019 SDG Index and Dashboards Report for European Cities (prototype version).

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2019

This 2019 SDG Index and Dashboards Report for European Cities (prototype version) provides an overview of the performance of 45 capital cities and large metropolitan areas on the Agenda 2030 and 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by global leaders in September 2015 at the UN Sustainable Development Summit.

Interactive Relationship among Urban Expansion, Economic Development, and Population Growth since the Reform and Opening up in China: An Analysis Based on a Vector Error Correction Model

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2019

Based on cointegration analysis, a vector error correction model (VECM), and the impulse response function method, this paper empirically analyses the interaction among urban expansion, economic development, and population growth in China from 1980 to 2016. The results show that (I) there is a long-term equilibrium relationship among urban expansion, economic development and population growth, but there is an imbalance in the short term. When urban expansion deviates from the long-term equilibrium, it cannot be restored to equilibrium in the short term.

Hygienisation, Gentrification, and Urban Displacement in Brazil

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2019

This article engages recent debates over gentrification and urban displacement in the global South. While researchers increasingly suggest that gentrification is becoming widespread in “Southern” cities, others argue that such analyses overlook important differences in empirical context and privilege EuroAmerican theoretical frameworks.

Unlocking Ethiopia's Urban Land and Housing Markets

Reports & Research
september, 2019

Ethiopia’s rapidly growing urban centers are facing an unprecedented level of demand for urban land
and housing. How can Ethiopia supply urban land in an efficient and equitable fashion to accommodate
growing demand from industries and individuals for diverse uses? How can existing residents and
incoming migrants afford adequate shelter to survive and thrive in fast growing cities? The Ethiopia
Urban Land Supply and Affordable Housing Study aims to provide practical solutions to these


Predicting Urban Expansion and Urban Land Use Changes in Nakhon Ratchasima City Using a CA-Markov Model under Two Different Scenarios

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2019

This study focused on the prediction of land-use changes in Nakhon Ratchasima city using a CA-Markov Model with GIS. Satellite images taken by Landsat-5 (1992), Landsat-7 (2002) and THEOS (2016) were used to predict land use in 2026. In 1992, the most proportion of land usage was built-up areas (47.76%) and followed by green areas (37.45%), bare lands (13.19%), and water bodies (1.60%), respectively. In 2002, the land use comprised built-up areas (56.04%), green areas (35.52%), bare lands (4.80%) and water bodies (3.63%).

Land and Landscape; Linking Use, Experience and Property Development in Urban Areas

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2019

This article brings together the concepts of land and landscape, tightly linked in urban transformative situations, but rarely used for the purpose to strengthen strategic planning for sustainability. They are investigated as a combined base for land use deliberations, in early phases of planning processes, in practices of different scale, especially in a European context, drawing on planning and landscape policies generally agreed upon, as well as the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Unravelling the Frontiers of Urban Growth: Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Land-Use Change and Urban Expansion in Greater Accra Metropolitan Area, Ghana

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2019

This study analyzed and assessed spatio-temporal dynamics of land-use change (LUC) and urban expansion (UE) within the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) of Ghana. This region serves as a case to illustrate how a major economic hub and political core area is experiencing massive spatial transformations, resulting in uneven geographies of urban land expansion. Quickbird/Worldview-2 images for the years 2008 and 2017 were segmented and classified to produce LUC maps. LUC and UE were analyzed by post-classification change detection and spatial metrics, respectively.

Designing and Implementing a Pro-Poor Land Recordation System

Reports & Research
augustus, 2019

The challenges to tenure security in both urban and rural areas are not only large, but they are increasing due to the different types of pressures making land more and more scarce. There is growing acceptance that only by recognizing and supporting a continuum of land rights, can tenure security be reached for all people in an inclusive way.


Peer-reviewed publication
augustus, 2019

FONCIER EN MAURITANIE : SITUATION, DÉFIS ET QUÊTE D’ADAPTATION(Article scientifique)Par Dr Ousmane WAGUE, coordinateur du master « Migrations, gouvernance foncière et territoriale »Université de Nouakchott Al Asria      SommaireLE FONCIER EN MAURITANIE : SITUATION, DÉFIS ET QUÊTE D’ADAPTATION.. 1RÉSUMÉ DE L’ARTICLE.. 3INTRODUCTION.. 41.    Rappel et situation des données. 4a.     Aperçu sur la situation du foncier en Mauritanie. 4b. Le défi de la fiabilité des données. 52.    Le foncier rural 63. Le foncier urbain. 94.Les grands défis de la gouvernance foncière. 124.1. Quelques constats.

Development Assessment of the Singapore Land

Peer-reviewed publication
juli, 2019

Urban indicators plays an important role in the planning and sustainable development of the cities. This paper presents a methodology to determine the favorability index for development of Singapore based on land cover. The ‘City Index’ of Singapore was calculated using five indicators – Social, Environmental, Industrialization, Economic, and Naturality. Two indices ‘Environmental Capacity of Development’ and ‘Land Restriction’ were used as correction factors in the Singapore favorability index for development determination.

Special Issue: Landscape Urbanism and Green Infrastructure

Peer-reviewed publication
juli, 2019

With the notion of landscape urbanism long neglected, interlinkages between ecology and architecture in the built environment are becoming visible. Yet, the diversity in understandings of the interconnections between cities and nature is the starting point for our research interest. This volume contains nine thoroughly refereed contributions concerning a wide range of topics in landscape architecture and urban green infrastructure. While some papers attempt to conceptualize the relation further, others clearly have an empirical focus.

Legitimacy Dilemmas in Direct Government Intervention: The Case of Public Land Development, an Example from the Netherlands

Peer-reviewed publication
juli, 2019

The current paper examines the legitimacy dilemmas that rise from local governments’ direct policy instruments and market interventions. It takes the case of public land management strategies. The paper argues that current societal challenges—such as energy transition, climate change and inclusive urban innovation—require planning practices to be more effective. Direct government instruments such as direct market interventions have proven to significantly reduce the implementation gap of planning practice.