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‘Our land they took’: San land rights under threat in Namibia

Reports & Research
december, 2006

A study of the San, the poorest and most marginalised minority group in Namibia, with little access to existing political and economic institutions. They have been dispossessed of most of their ancestral lands and on lands they still occupy there are major issues of resource overuse, degradation, illegal grazing, unclear legal status and ongoing threats of dispossession. Looks at threats to San lands in 4 distinct parts of the country and the legal issues raised by those threats.

Decree on the Compensation and Resettlement of the Development Project No. 192/PM.

Legislation & Policies
National Policies
juni, 2005

Article 1 - Objectives: "This decree defines principles, rules, and measures to mitigate adverse social impacts and to compensate damages that result from involuntary acquisition or repossession of land and fixed or movable assets, including change in land use, restriction of access to community or natural resources affecting community livelihood and income sources.

Housing and property restitution in the context of the return of refugees and internally displaced persons

Reports & Research
mei, 2005

At its fifty-sixth session the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human
Rights, in its resolution 2004/2, welcomed the progress report of the Special Rapporteur and
requested the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to circulate
the draft principles on housing and property restitution for refugees and displaced persons
contained therein widely among non-governmental organizations, Governments, specialized
agencies and other interested parties for comment, and requested the Special Rapporteur to take

How Should the ‘Ndung’u’ Report Recommendations be Implemented? - What Kenyans Say.

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2004

The report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Illegal/Irregular Allocation of Public Land is finally out! Popularly known as the ‘Ndung’u’ Report, the publication of this three-volume document is important to the Kenya Land Alliance for two major reasons. Firstly, the appointment of the Coordinator of the Kenya Land Alliance to the Commission marked a threshold in the relations between KLA and the Government of Kenya.

History Repeating itself in Zimbabwe? Evictions in 2002 and 1948

Reports & Research
januari, 2003

Presents two personal testimonies of eviction and dispossession to illustrate the long and complex political history of land in Zimbabwe. The first concerns the eviction of white commercial farmers from one district in December 2002, the second of black peasant farmers in 1948, to make way for the white post-1945 white war veterans.

The crisis of land distribution in Southern Africa

december, 2001
South Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

Those who led southern African states to independence promised to redress the inequalities of settler colonialism by returning the land to the people. A generation later the rural poor are still waiting. Many lack access and full rights to agricultural land and, as developments in Zimbabwe and South Africa show, they are getting angry. Where did post-independence land reform policy go wrong?

Despojo, baldíos y conflicto armado en Puerto Gaitán y Mapiripán (Meta, Colombia) entre 1980 y 2010

Journal Articles & Books

Este artículo busca mostrar cómo ocurrió el despojo y la concentración de tierras baldías, y el desarrollo del conflicto en Puerto Gaitán y Mapiripán entre 1980 y 2010. A partir del análisis de registros públicos, mapas y entrevistas realizadas en terreno, este trabajo concluyó que los mecanismos desarrollados por el gobierno para desarrollar una reforma agraria no garantizaron seguridad en los derechos de propiedad, desatando constantes ciclos de despojo.

Transformaciones territoriales a partir del abandono y despojo de tierra asociado a la acción de grupos armados caso María la Baja departamento de Bolívar

Reports & Research

La acción de los grupos armados al margen de la ley ha generado profundas transformaciones en los territorios donde han logrado ejercer su control. En el mundo rural, una de las principales afectaciones especialmente asociada con la acción de los grupos paramilitares, se dio en el abandono y despojo de tierras mediante de diversos mecanismos de violencia y constreñimiento tales como el desplazamiento forzado.

Expropiación indirecta : justificación, regímenes, casos, criterios y usos

Journal Articles & Books
United States of America

A partir del análisis de la jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema norteamericana y del Tribunal Constitucional peruano, así como de nuestro marco normativo, el autor analiza los diversos criterios para determinar cuando estamos frente un supuesto de expropiación indirecta, tales como a magnitud de la medida, la expectativa razonable, el beneficio del Estado, la inviabilidad económica del bien, entre otros.

El procedimiento de expropiación por vía administrativa en Colombia. Análisis sobre los derechos del arrendatario de un inmueble sujeto a tal medida administrativa

Reports & Research

Civilmente se han definido los derechos personales, derechos de crédito o crédito, como aquellos que solamente pueden reclamarse de ciertas personas, que por un hecho suyo o por la sola disposición de la Ley han contraído obligaciones correlativas.