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Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015
A questão da terra é um dos pontos nevrálgicos de Moçambique, cujo destaque ampliou-se com a democratização do país em 1990 e a tentativa de adequação da economia ao novo contexto político interno e internacional, que inclui a possibilidade de investimentos privados, assim como o uso e a ocupação das terras moçambicanas.

Land Matters: Dispossession and Resistance

Reports & Research
november, 2015

This report seeks to contribute to greater understanding of how people respond to and resist land dispossession. Regardless of the context or mechanisms of dispossession, victims face common experiences of marginalisation and the failure to respect human rights. It contains detailed case studies on Angola, Colombia, Sierra Leone and Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. The aim of the report is not to draw parallels between these vastly different contexts, rather it seeks to examine resistance to dispossession and replacement.

Farmers Brief for Public Resources

Policy Papers & Briefs
september, 2015

ABSTRACTED FROM INTRODUCTION: This brief has been developed by incorporating farmers’ perspective in relation to the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance Tenure (VGGT) of Land, Fisheries and Forest Tenure in the National Food Security Context of Bangladesh. The brief also recommends some immediate action points from farmers' perspectives, relies deeply on policy documents and exemplify some activities in relation to the national policies and strategic documents.

Narração de sofrimento de Comunidades reassentadas em Tete

Reports & Research
juli, 2015
África subsariana

Durante dois dias, um grupo de 23 camponeses, provenientes de oito aldeias dos distritos de Moaze e Marara, reuniram-se em Mwaladzi, para, em ambiente aberto, informal e parcipavo, parlharem estórias das suas vidas, em zonas de reassentamento ou afectadas por acvidades de mineração na Província de Tete. Através deste processo de auto- reconhecimento, a que denominamos de ʺnarração de sofrimentoʺ, as comunidades interpretam o seu percurso; dando-lhe sendo.

Políticas Públicas de tierras en Paraguay

Policy Papers & Briefs
juli, 2015

En el Paraguay, el problema de la tierra sigue siendo un aspecto determinante de las condiciones de vida de la mayor parte de la población. La actual estructura de tenencia de la tierra, caracterizada por una enorme concentración en un pequeño grupo de propietarios, es fruto de un largo y conflictivo proceso histórico que ha significado el despojo y el desarraigo de miles de hombres y mujeres del campo, al tiempo de que otros han logrado permanecer en sus comunidades, mediante enormes sacrificios y una admirable fuerza de voluntad.

Zimbabwe’s Contested Large-Scale Land-Based Investment: The Chisumbanje Ethanol Project

Reports & Research
juni, 2015

Presents an example of a biofuels production project and its value chain to argue that there is a need for a land and investment policy to guide communities, investors and stakeholders. The expansion of commercial sugarcane farming and the establishment of an ethanol refinery at Chisumbanje in Chipinge District present both opportunities and risks for rural people. Without clarity on land tenure, investors are faced with challenges when deciding the extent to which they can put their money into agriculture.

Ethnic Violence in Morogoro Region in Tanzania

Policy Papers & Briefs
februari, 2015

In early 2015, Maasai and Datoga citizens living in the Morogoro region of Tanzania were victims of deadly, ethnic violence. According to reports from local media, the assaults were instigated by public figures interested in acquiring land, and state authorities have not intervened to protect Maasai citizens. Police protection has instead been given to others who are illegally cultivating officially registered Maasai land. 

Displacement by the Displacees

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

This paper analyses the resettlement process and procedures followed during the displacement of communities from Kipawa and Kigilagila settlements to pave way for the expansion of the Dar es Salaam International Airport in Dar es Salaam city. The paper is based on findings of a PhD research project carried out between 2010 and 2013 that explored procedures and process which caused displacement of the receiving community while resettling the displaced residents from Kipawa and Kigilagila.

Displacement by the Displacees

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

This paper analyses the resettlement process and procedures followed during the displacement of communities from Kipawa and Kigilagila settlements to pave way for the expansion of the Dar es Salaam International Airport in Dar es Salaam city. The paper is based on findings of a PhD research project carried out between 2010 and 2013 that explored procedures and process which caused displacement of the receiving community while resettling the displaced residents from Kipawa and Kigilagila.

Compensation for Land Expropriation in Rwanda: The Need for Conventional Approaches to Valuation

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

In various countries around the world, land expropriation is considered as a major tool used by governments to assemble tracts of land for various activities aiming at public interest. However, determination of compensation which is regarded as a pre-requisite for land expropriation has been a source of controversy in this process. This paper attempts to find out how land valuation for compensation during expropriation is carried out in Rwanda, considering two expropriation projects in Kigali city.

Large-Scale Land Acquisition in Ethiopia- Towards Attracting Foreign Direct Investment

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2014

Large scale land acquisition is a buzzword of the day in the world, more so in Ethiopia. The issue is indeed polarizing, in one hand it is dubbed as land grab and seen as ultimate scramble for land. On the other hand, it is often depicted as key to development, technology transfer and boost in productivity of an otherwise idle land available in Ethiopian lowlands, or somewhere else.