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Reports & Research
mei, 2020

Eviction and relocation are longstanding issues that have had severe consequences for poor communities in Phnom Penh. The right to housing is a fundamental human right, and one that is often ignored throughout the eviction and relocation process. Since the 1980s, Phnom Penh has witnessed the eviction and relocation of more than 50 communities, around 9,832 families, more than 40,000 people, most of whom suffered and continue to suffer as a result of the process.

BTI 2020 Country Report Pakistan

Reports & Research
april, 2020

ABSTRACTED FROM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The most important event in Pakistan during the period under review was the 2018 general election. This was the third general election in a row in which rival civilian individuals and parties contested each other at the ballot box for seats in the legislatures and the chance to form a government. Moreover, it was the second consecutive transfer of power from one elected civilian government to another.

Rethinking “development”: Land dispossession for the Rampal power plant in Bangladesh

Peer-reviewed publication
april, 2020

In this article, we critically review the developmental claims made for the construction of the Rampal power plant in southwestern Bangladesh, in the light of evidence about transformations of land control related to this construction project. Land has become a heavily contested resource in the salinity-intruded southwestern coastal area of Bangladesh. Changes in land control for the construction of the Rampal power plant and similar projects have intensified decades of struggles over rights and access to land.

Frontier finance: the role of microfinance in debt and violence in post-conflict Timor-Leste

Peer-reviewed publication
maart, 2020

Microfinance programs targeting poor women are considered a ‘prudent’ first step for international financial institutions seeking to rebuild post conflict economies. IFIs continue to visibly support microfinance despite evidence and growing consensus that microfinance neither reduces poverty nor breaks the cycle of domestic violence. In the case of Timor-Leste, a feminist political economy approach reveals how microfinance engendered debt allows for the control, extraction, and accumulation of profits and resources by an elite class and exacerbates gender-based violence.

Améliorer le système d'expropriation et de compensation dans un contexte de pluralisme juridique: Leçons du Camerou

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2020

Cameroon is currently witnessing an unprecedented wave of land-based investments, ranging from natural resources exploitation (oil, mining and gas), logging, large infrastructure building, etc. These developments happen in a context of population growth, in an increase in the domestic demand for land. There is a gap between the legislation governing expropriation and compensation in the country, and the variety of customary rules on land and resources. This context of legal pluralism results into endless conflicts opposing communities and the investors, including the State.

Hygienisation, Gentrification, and Urban Displacement in Brazil

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2019

This article engages recent debates over gentrification and urban displacement in the global South. While researchers increasingly suggest that gentrification is becoming widespread in “Southern” cities, others argue that such analyses overlook important differences in empirical context and privilege EuroAmerican theoretical frameworks.

Webinar Report: Land in Post-Conflict Settings

Reports & Research
mei, 2019

Post-war societies not only have to deal with continuing unpeaceful relations but also land-related conflict legacies, farmland and forest degradation, heavily exploited natural resources, land mines, a destroyed infrastructure, as well as returning refugees and ex-combatants. In the aftermath of war, access to and control of land often remains a sensitive issue which may precipitate tensions and lead to a renewed destabilization of volatile post-conflict situations.

Large-scale land deals in Sierra Leone at the intersection of gender and lineage

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018
Sierra Leone

There is wide engagement with large-scale land deals in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly from the perspectives of development and international political economy. Recently, scholars have increasingly pointed to a gendered lacuna in this literature. Engagement with gender tends to focus on potential differential impacts for men and women, and it also flags the need for more detailed empirical research of specific land deals.

Espaços de Resistência:

Journal Articles & Books
oktober, 2018
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America
O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir as dinâmicas de concepção do espaço urbano contemporâneo, visto como espaço social, produzido e reproduzido em conexão com as relações políticas e econômicas presentes no processo de implementação do Parque Dona Lindu no Recife (estudo de caso), discussão essa construída a partir dos discursos de alguns representantes do poder público e da sociedade civil, no período de 2003 a 2011.