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Pas Geometriques Act.

Eastern Africa

This Act declares areas along the coast known as Pas Geometrique to be public domain and makes provision for the survey of lands in such kind of land areas, the grant of leases, rights of lessees, and prohibits dumping on Pas Geometriques. The Minister may grant leases of Pas Geometriques or annexes. The granting shall take place by private contract or public auction. A clause, which imposes the planting of trees on the lessee, shall be included in every lease contract. Cutting of trees on Pas Geometriques requires permission by the Minister and shall be included in the lease contract.

Act on State-owned property of some forests and other self-governing lands.

Eastern Europe

The Act, which is composed of ten Paragraphs, establishes that forests and forest lands belonging to self-governing authorities become State-owned property. The same applies to agricultural lands registered as planned to become forests. The transfer shall be accepted by the Minister of Forestry and by the Council of the State.

Ley Nº 1.248/31 - Código Rural.

South America

La presente Ley contiene el Código Rural, el cual comprende el conjunto de disposiciones que reglamentan, limitan y aclaran los principios a aplicar en el ámbito de los intereses rurales. El Libro Primero (arts. 1º-100) introduce normas sobre las personas y cosas rurales, incluyendo reglas en materia de pesca (arts. 49-55) y productos espontáneos del suelo (arts. 56 y 57). El Libro Segundo (arts.

Act No. 991 on mountain areas.

Southern Europe

This Act sets out the legislative framework related to mountain territories ands their management. In particular, the Act deals with subsidies to be granted for the improvement of such territories, particularly as regards the management of sylvopastoral resources. Further provisions concern the expropriation procedures to be applied, the institutional framework and the procedures for adopting the reclamation plan.

Décret portant diverses mesures en matière d'environnement et d'agriculture (1).

Western Europe

Le présent décret modifie l’article 10 du décret du 18 décembre 2002 portant sur l’évaluation des incidences sur l'environnement et la sécurité; l’article 4 du décret du 3 mars 2004 concernant les données nécessaires au contrôle et à l'exécution de la mesure d'aide; l’article 2 du décret du 23 janvier 1991 portant sur la déclaration annuelle à la Mestbank; l’article 13 du même décret concernant l’entrée en vigueur; l’article 33bis portant sur la teneur en nutrients accordée qui concerne les animaux soumis à autorisation; l’article 33ter du même décret portant sur la régularisation du change

Ministerial Decree No. 47 on the preparation and conclusion of contracts for the lease of national parkland.

Eastern Europe

This Ministerial Decree stipulates that national parkland may be leased for recreational activities in accordance with land legislation, legislation on protected areas and this Regulation. The following plots of land located within the boundaries of any national park may be leased: (a) areas of tourism; (b) areas of ecological education; and (c) recreational areas. Lease contracts must contain terms and conditions, location, purpose of use and authorized activities, and also a prohibition on subleasing the land.

Order No. 310 of the Ministry of Natural Resources validating the Regulation on state registration of the plots of forest land within state forest fund.

Eastern Europe

This Order establishes that state registration of the plots of forest land within state forest fund shall be carried out by state executive bodies responsible for keeping state forest register. State registration shall be carried out in the following cases: (a) allotment of the plots of forest land within state forest fund; and (b) renewal of lease contracts for the plots of forest land and renewal of free of charge forest management contracts in case of conformation thereof to the Forest Code.

Ministerial Decree No. 384 on valuation of land under forest stock.

Eastern Europe

This Ministerial Decree establishes that the cadastre value of land under forest stock shall be established according to the forest group, protection category and type of management, and shall be adjusted according to the annual index adjusted for inflation. Cadastre value of land under forest stock shall be used to calculate land charges for plots of forestland allotted for the construction and servicing of gas pipelines, oil pipelines and power supply lines.

Ministerial Decree No. 48 validating the Regulation on the re-categorization of public forested areas.

Eastern Europe

This Ministerial Decree establishes the list of This Ministerial Decree stipulates that the Ministry of Natural Resources shall submit to the Government the following documents to re-categorize forested areas: (a) application by any natural person, individual entrepreneur, legal person, or state or local self-government body; (b) documents identifying the applicant as either a physical or legal person; (c) report on the selected plot of forest, containing a map and description thereof and specifying the category of the adjoining land; (d) validation of the report on the selection of the for

Decision No. 282/2006/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Cao Bang province in the 2006-2020 period.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of the Cao Bang province.The plan, in particular, shall: raise the forest coverage; solve the issues of environmental sanitation in urban centres, border gates, industrial parks and ore mining areas; assure food hygiene and safety; etc.