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Recreational Access Regulation (Alta Reg 228/2003).

Northern America

The present Regulation enforces the Public Lands Act. In particular, the Regulation lays down provisions relating to the authorization of activities carried out for recreational purposes, such as, hunting, fishing, camping, boating, hiking, bicycling, the use of motor vehicles, etc. The text consists of 26 sections divided into 4 Parts as follows: Access for recreational purposes (1); Dispute resolution (2); Miscellaneous (3); Expiry and coming into force (4).

Implements: Public Lands Act (RSA 2000, c. P-40). (2014-12-17)

Forest Regulations, 2001.


Regulations to implement provisions of the Forests Act and to provide for various other matters.The 74 regulations are placed under the following headings: Preliminary (regs. 1-4); Forest roads (regs. 5-12); Forest fires (regs. 13-17); Trespass (regs. 18-29); Enforcement (regs. 30-39); Community catchment areas (regs. 40-45); Private forestry (regs. 46-52); Leases of forest estates (regs. 53-58); Forest recreation (regs. 59-61); General (regs. 62-74).Regulation 4 defines the contents of a forest management plan in the sense of section 8 of the Act.

Regulation 170/2001 amending the Designation of Provincial Forests Regulation (Man. Reg. 226/88).

Northern America

The present Regulation introduces some amendments to the Designation of Provincial Forests Regulation 226/88. In particular,it adds clause c to section 15 of the Schedule dealing with survey and mapping of parcels of lands.

Amends: Designation of Provincial Forests Regulation (Man. Reg 226/88). (2012)

Décret exécutif nº 01-87 fixant les conditions et les modalités d'autorisation d'usage dans le cadre des dispositions de l'article 35 de la loi nº 84-12 du 23 juin 1984 portant régime général des forêts.

Northern Africa

Le présent décret fixe les conditions et les modalités d'autorisation d'usage dans le cadre des dispositions de l'article 35 de la loi nº 84-12 du 23 juin 1984 portant régime général des forêts. L'autorisation d'usage est accordée pour une durée déterminée sur des parcelles délimitées, compatiblement avec la nature des activités de mise en valeur qui y seront mise en oeuvre, et notamment, les activités d'élevage (pépinière, petit élevage, élevage cynégétique), la création de vergers arboricoles et la plantation forestière.

Decree No. 76 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on exemption from land tax of afforestation and reforestation areas.

Northern Europe

This Decree establishes the modalities of exemption from payment of land tax of afforestation and reforestation areas. It shall be applicable to forest species considered regenerated or regrown by State Forest Service, the age of main species for the current year of survey an assessment shall not exceed: (a) coniferous – 40 years; (b) hardwoods broadleaved species – 40 years; and (c) soft broadleaved species and speckled alder – 10 years. Land shall be exonerated from payment of land tax if on it has been performed forest inventory in accordance with the established modalities.

Decree No. 263 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating Methodology of planting of urban protection forests.

Northern Europe

This Decree determined methodology of planting urban protection forests in accordance with land-use planning of territory on the outskirts of urban areas. Boundaries of urban protection forests shall be coordinated with local government and shall be posted on natural boundaries marked on land, for example roads, ditches, power supply lines etc. Local government shall inform State Forest Service on the boundaries of urban protection forests and shall make accessible information related thereto. Urban protection forests of two closely adjacent cities can overlap.

Decree No. 135 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on exoneration form payment of land tax for land plots under young plantations and young growth of forest species.

Northern Europe

This Decree establishes the modalities of exoneration from payment of land tax for land plots under young plantations and young growth of forest species. Young growth shall be identified as such in accordance with the classification of State Forest Service applicable to afforestation and reforestation areas age of which shall not exceed the following parameters: (a) 40 years for coniferous species; (b) 40 years for broad-leaved hard-wooded species; (c) 20 years for broad-leaved softwood species (except for speckled alder); and (d) 10 years for speckled alder.

Crown Resource Land Regulations (R.R.S. c. P-31 Reg. 17).

Northern America

The present Regulations provide for the enactment of the Forest Resources Management Act. In particular, the Regulations lay down provisions relating to Crown resource land referred to in :a) The Forest Resources Management Act; b) The Provincial Lands Act; c) The Natural Resources Act. A licensee within the meaning of the Forest Resources Management Act shall obtain a resource land disposition to use or occupy Crown resource land for the purposes of a processing facility, camp, mill site, timber storage area, quarry, or sand and gravel pit.

Decreto Nº 29.410/MAG - Reglamento del Registro de peritos-tasadores del Colegio de Ingenieros Agrónomos.

Costa Rica
Central America

El presente Reglamento tiene como objetivo establecer las normas que deben regular el funcionamiento del registro de peritos-tasadores del Colegio de Ingenieros Agrónomos, autorizados para efectuar peritajes y avalúos en materia agropecuaria o forestal.

Ministerial Decree No. 127 regarding minimum tariffs for allocation of standing timber.

Eastern Europe

Minimum tariffs for allocation of standing timber are applicable to allocation of timber for the main use felling in the public forests of the Russian Federation. In the course of timber extraction for intermediate use the tariffs must be reduced in the following manner: in case of thinning out and selective sanitary felling to 50 percent, in case of other intermediate use to 30 percent. Minimum tariff includes land tax for forest land. Minimum tariffs differ by main and secondary forest species, forest taxation areas and zones, by groups of timber species and by transportation distance.