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Does Land Tenure Insecurity Drive Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon?

Reports & Research
juli, 2018

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the detrimental impact of land tenure insecurity on deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. It is related to recent controversies about the detrimental impact of land laws on deforestation, which seem to legitimize land encroachments. The latter is mainly the result of land tenure insecurity which is a key characteristic of this region and results from a long history of interactions between rural social unrest and land reforms or land laws. A simple model is developed where strategic interactions between farmers lead to excessive deforestation.

Estudio de las causas de la deforestación y degradación forestal en Guinea Ecuatorial 2004-2014

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2018
Equatorial Guinea

El presente estudio sobre las causas directas y subyacentes de deforestación y degradación de los bosques en Guinea Ecuatorial se ha realizado en el marco del proceso de desarrollo de la Estrategia Nacional REDD+ (EN-REDD+) y del Plan Nacional de Inversión REDD (PNI-REDD+). La EN-REDD+ y el PNI-REDD+ aspiran a guiar y apoyar los esfuerzos de todas las partes implicadas en la implementación de REDD+ , que tiene como objetivo reducir las emisiones, aumentar el secuestro de carbono en los bosques y mejorar la gestión y conservación de las reservas forestales de carbono.

How private are Europe’s private forests? A comparative property rights analysis

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2018

Private forests are widespread in Europe providing a range of ecosystem services of significant value to society, and there are calls for novel policies to enhance their provision and to face the challenges of environmental changes. Such policies need to acknowledge the importance of private forests, and importantly they need to be based on a deep understanding of how property rights held by private forest owners vary across Europe. We collected and analysed data on the content of property rights based on formal legal requirements existing in 31 European jurisdictions.

Recent transformations of land-use and land-cover dynamics across different deforestation frontiers in the Brazilian Amazon

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2018

After forest governance reforms by the Brazilian government, Amazon deforestation rates dropped by almost 80% between 2004 and 2012. Since then, however, deforestation has slowly increased again, casting doubts on the long-term sustainability of past conservation policy achievements. Clearly, deforestation rates and the associated local drivers of land-use and land-cover change differ considerably across the region, and adapting public policies to dynamic local contexts and actor constellations remains a major challenge for decision-makers.

Zero-deforestation commitments: A new avenue towards enhanced forest governance?

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2018
United States of America
United Kingdom
Costa Rica

The zero-deforestation movement has gained considerable momentum as governments and companies enter into commitments to curb deforestation. The most innovative are multi-stakeholder initiatives, where governments and international organi- zations have joined with the private sector and civil society organizations in making commit- ments to reduce deforestation. These pledges have created opportunities for improved forest governance by envisaging the private sector at the centre of the movement.

Manual de Campo Inventario Forestal Nacional de Colombia

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2018

The manual provides information on the procedures followed by field brigades for the establishment of conglomerates and permanent plots of the National Forest Inventory (IFN). It also provides information about the planning and execution of each of the phases contemplated by the operation, describes the methods, techniques and instruments used in the data collection, and details the process of filling out the formats created by IDEAM to record the data and field information.

Managing forests in displacement settings

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2018
United States of America

The massive increase in demand for woodfuel for cooking caused by sudden influxes of refugees and other displaced people is usually the main driver of forest degradation and deforestation in displacement settings. It places enormous pressure on nearby forests and woodlands and is often a source of tension between the host and displaced communities. A lack of sufficient cooking fuel also has an impact on the nutrition and health of vulnerable people in such settings.

Sustainability of Smallholder Livelihoods in the Ecuadorian Highlands: A Comparison of Agroforestry and Conventional Agriculture Systems in the Indigenous Territory of Kayambi People

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2018

Smallholder farming constitutes an important but marginalized sector, responsible for most of the world’s agricultural production. This has a significant influence in the land use/cover change process and agrobiodiversity conservation, especially in mountainous regions of the developing world. Thus, the maintenance of sustainable smallholder farming systems represents a key condition for sustainable land management and to safeguard the livelihoods of millions of rural households.

Approximating Forest Resource Dynamics in Peninsular Malaysia Using Parametric and Nonparametric Models, and Its Implications for Establishing Forest Reference (Emission) Levels under REDD+

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2018

Forest reference (emission) levels (FREL/FRLs) are baselines for REDD+, and 34 countries have submitted their FREL/FRLs to UNFCCC by January 2018. Most of them used simple historical average without considering the stages of forest transition. This research suggested that the period of calculating FREL/FRLs of simple historical average should be properly chosen if these countries are occupying multiple stages or sub-stages of forest transition.

Access to Markets: Ensuring Forest Communities in Myanmar Benefit from Their Timber

Reports & Research
juni, 2018

The issue paper was developed as a summary of consultations from participants of the “RAFT 3 Policy Advocacy Workshop” held in Yangon in 2018. It aims to provide a snapshot of community access to markets in the region and the importance of supporting policies to provide enabling environment for communities to generate income from the forests for their livelihoods.

Ley General de Desarrollo Forestal Sustentable

Legislation & Policies
mei, 2018

DECRETO por el que se abroga la Ley General de Desarrollo Forestal Sustentable, publicada en el Diario Oficial de la Federación, el 25 de febrero de 2003, se expide la Ley General de Desarrollo Forestal Sustentable; y se reforma el primer párrafo al artículo 105 y se adiciona un segundo párrafo al mismo artículo de la Ley General del Equilibrio Ecológico y la Protección al Ambiente.