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Chồng lấn quyền sử dụng đất: Thách thức cho quy hoạch và quản lý rừng đặc dụng 2015

Reports & Research
december, 2015

Tài liệu “Chồng lấn quyền sử dụng đất: Thách thức cho quy hoạch và quản lý rừng đặc dụng ở Việt Nam” tổng hợp một số đánh giá ban đầu từ các nghiên cứu của Trung tâm Con người và Thiên nhiên (PanNature), Trung tâm Tư vấn và Quản lý Tài nguyên (CORENARM) cùng Trung tâm Phát triển Nông thôn miền Trung (CRD) trong năm 2014 về hiện trạng chồng lấn quyền sử dụng đất trong hệ thống rừng đặc dụng Việt Nam.

Determinación de la deforestación total y la tasa porcentual de cambio en la Reserva Natural de Pacoche y una zona no protegida en el centro-norte de Manabí.

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015

The purpose of this research was to determine the total average annual deforestation rate and annual percentage change for the period 1990-2008, in order to establish its relationship with landscape fragmentation in two areas of ecological interest in the Province of Manabí, Wildlife Refuge Coastal Marine Pacoche and 1 500 km2 of territory in the central-north of Manabí, between the cantons Flavio Alfaro, Chone and El Carmen.

Spatial modelling and ecosystem accounting for land use planning: addressing deforestation and oil palm expansion in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

Reports & Research
december, 2015

Ecosystem accounting is a new area of environmental economic accounting that aims to measure ecosystem services in a way that is in line with national accounts. The key characteristics of ecosystem accounting include the extension of the valuation boundary of the System of National Accounts, allowing the inclusion of a broader set of ecosystem services types such regulating services and cultural services. Consistent with the principles of national account, ecosystem accounting focuses on assessment of the contribution of ecosystem in generating benefits for human well-being.

El estado de los bosques del mundo 2016. Infografía

Institutional & promotional materials
december, 2015
Costa Rica

Los bosques y los árboles respaldan la agricultura sostenible. Estabilizan los suelos y el clima, regulan los flujos de agua, ofrecen sombra y refugio y proporcionan un hábitat a los polinizadores y los depredadores naturales de plagas agrícolas. Asimismo, contribuyen a la seguridad alimentaria de cientos de millones de personas, para quienes constituyen fuentes importantes de alimentos, energía e ingresos. Sin embargo, la agricultura sigue siendo el principal factor de la deforestación a nivel mundial y, a menudo, las políticas agrícolas, forestales y de tierras no casan.

年世界森林状况 2016 年。信息图表

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015
Costa Rica



Read the http://www.fao.org/3/a-i5588c.pdf ">世界森林状况 2016

http://www.fao.org/3/a-i5852c.pdf ">宣传单

Mecanismo para bosques y fincas

Institutional & promotional materials
december, 2015

El Mecanismo para bosques y fincas (FFF, por sus siglas en inglés) es una asociación entre la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), el Instituto Internacional de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo (IIED, por sus siglas en inglés), la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN), y AgriCord que actualmente recibe financiamiento de Suecia, Finlandia, Alemania, Estados Unidos de América y AgriCord, a través del programa “Agricultores en lucha contra la pobreza”.

Argumentation of economic effect from use of forest ecosystem services in case of land conservation

december, 2015

Solution of ecological problems is an urgent and extremely important task at the present stage of social economic development of Ukraine. Unreasonably high degree of economic (mostly agricultural) reclaiming of area causes spreading and intensification of degradation processes in ecosystems. Conservation of lands, including the one carried out by means of foresting of degraded lands, is the principal way to renature environment. The article concerns an issue of land conservation in the context of ecosystem services of forests.

The change of forest coverage in Lithuania

december, 2015

The article presents the Lithuanian forest land change in the period of more than a hundred years. The causes leading to forest land use change are analysed in the article. The beginning of forestry in Lithuania can be traced back to Sigismund Augustus times starting from 1557, when Wallach reform was launched. However, over time forest land and its use evolved for a variety of political, social and economic factors. In 1795 the state-owned forests in Lithuania amounted to 35% of the total area of forests; other forests were owned by landlords, churches and kulak farms.

Transaction costs of farmers’ participation in forest management: policy implications of payments for environmental services schemes in Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015

Recent research on payments for environmental services (PES) has observed that high transaction costs (TCs) are incurred through the implementation of PES schemes and farmer participation. TCs incurred by households are considered to be an obstacle to the participation in and efficiency of PES policies. This study aims to understand transactions related to previous forest plantation programmes and to estimate the actual TCs incurred by farmers who participated in these programmes in a mountainous area of northwestern Vietnam.

Metaheuristics for agricultural land use optimization. A review

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015

Agricultural landscapes presently cover about 46 % of earth terrestrial surface. This cultivated area is decreasing, whereas the global food demand is projected to increase up to 70 % in 2050. The intensification of agriculture is not a solution to this food issue because intensive agriculture has often resulted in pollution and loss of biodiversity. On the other hand, mechanistic models with optimization algorithms can be used to design alternative land uses for sustainable agriculture.