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Reports & Research
november, 2004
South Africa

1. Degradation of natural resources is a significant constraint to sustainable agricultural development in many developing countries. In particular, water scarcity is a major threat to achieving food security and reducing poverty. Better water management, therefore, is critical to reaching international targets to halve the proportion of people without access to drinking water by 2015.

Cambios vegetacionales antropogénicos en el Cerro Catedral (Río Negro, Argentina)

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2004
South America

En el sector septentrional de la ladera Este del cerro Catedral (41°10’S, 71°30’O, 2.388 m) la práctica del esquí comenzó hace alrededor de 65 años y en la actualidad se desarrolla el centro de deportes invernales más importante de Sudamérica. Se compararon los tipos de vegetación actual y potencial a partir de mapas y fotografías históricas, fotografías aéreas actuales, mapas climáticos y topográficos y la estructura del bosque.

Décret n° 001030-PR-MEFEPEPN du 01/12/2004, fixant les modalités de réalisation des travaux de régénération et de réhabilitation des sites dégradés.

november, 2004

Le présent décret, pris en application des dispositions de l’article 66 de la loi 016/01 portant Code Forestier en République Gabonaise, fixe les modalités de réalisation des travaux de régénération et de réhabilitation des sites forestiers dégradés. L’inexécution ou l’inexécution partielle des travaux de régénération et de réhabilitation des sites forestiers dégradés par le concessionnaire est punie conformément à l’article 276 de la loi n°016/0l du 31 décembre 2001 portant Code Forestier en République Gabonaise.

An Overview of the Market Chain for China's Timber Product Imports from Myanmar

Reports & Research
november, 2004

This article on China's forest trade with Myanmar builds on an earlier study by the same authors: “Navigating the Border: An Analysis of the China-Myanmar Timber Trade” [link]. The analysis in this study moves on to identify priority issues along the market chain of the timber trade from the Yunnan-Myanmar border to Guangdong Province and Shanghai on China’s eastern seaboard.

EU Land Policy Guidelines

Reports & Research
november, 2004

The EU Land Policy Guidelines (November 2004) are intended for EU donors when supporting interventions in rural land policy and administration. They are divided into Part I policy framework, Part II operational guidelines. Part I includes what is land policy and why does it matter?; links between land policy and other major policy areas (e.g. poverty reduction, gender equality, conflict, governance, environment); elements of a land policy programme; central issues for the design of land policy and land reforms (e.g.

Regional Decree No. 471 validating the Regulation on regional state nature reserve “Dolgaya polyana” (Long clearing).

november, 2004

Regional state nature reserve “Dolgaya polyana” (Long clearing) shall be classified as complex, constituted with a view of conservation of natural ecosystems and objects of historical and cultural heritage of regional significance. The following activities shall be prohibited: (a) land reclamation and irrigation; (b) soil disturbance; (c) all types of hunting; (d) gathering of zoological, botanical and mineral collections; (e) application of toxic chemicals, mineral fertilizers and pesticides; and (f) burning of vegetation.

Land Reform, Land Scarcity and Post-Conflict Reconstruction: A Case Study of Rwanda

Reports & Research
oktober, 2004

Contains introduction; conflict in Rwanda; background to the development of the draft land policy; the context: land scarcity and distribution; aims and modalities of the draft land policy – consolidation, access to land for the landless, registration and tenure security, grouped settlements, land use and environmental protection; conclusions and recommendations.

Land, Migration and Conflict in Eastern D.R. Congo

Reports & Research
oktober, 2004

Recent research has pointed to the significance of environmental variables as structural causes and sustaining factors in struggles for power in the Great Lakes. Contested rights to land and natural resources are significant, particularly in light of land scarcity in many areas and the frequency of population movements. Based on interviews in Goma and Ituri, as well as an extensive review of secondary literature, examines issues in Masisi and Ituri, and includes a number of recommendations for the DRC Government, the international community, and civil society actors.

El papel de la ECORAE en la Región Amazónica Ecuatoriana. Un ejemplo de crisis de gobernabilidad democrática en el Ecuador

Reports & Research
oktober, 2004

Esta tesis estará dividida en tres capítulos. El primer capítulo consiste en una revisión de la situación económica, social, política y ambiental de la región amazónica ecuatoriana, incorporando las discusiones actuales sobre los problemas y las demandas que presenta la población al Estado ecuatoriano y a sus organizaciones sociales. El segundo capítulo consiste en una revisión de las políticas y proyectos financiados por el ECORAE, desde 1995 al 2003, además de examinar los conflictos que se han generado dentro de la institución en los últimos años.