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Décret n° 2004-309 relatif à la procédure de délimitation du rivage de la mer, des lais et relais de la mer et des limites transversales de la mer à l'embouchure des fleuves et rivières.

februari, 2004
Western Europe

Le présent décret fixe la procédure de délimitation du rivage de la mer, des lais et relais de la mer et des limites transversales de la mer à l'embouchure des fleuves et rivières, conduite, sous l'autorité du préfet, par le service de l'Etat chargé du domaine public maritime.

Mid-Term Development Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PRSP) 2004-2007.

National Policies
februari, 2004
Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Mid-Term Development Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PRSP) is a strategic instrument with a multi-sectoral approach, relating to the period 2004-2007, whose main goals are (i) to create conditions for sustainable and balanced economic development, (ii) to reduce poverty, and (iii) to accelerate the integration of the country into the European Union. The strategy lays down macroeconomic and fiscal measures, and promotes the private sector growth to attain the objectives above-mentioned.

Preventing Conflict through Improved Policies on Land Tenure, Natural Resource Rights, and Migration in the Great Lakes Region: An Applied Research, Networking and Advocacy Project

Reports & Research
januari, 2004

Contains introduction, research on land and conflict, land issues in Rwanda, Eastern DRC, and Burundi, conclusion. Recent research has pointed to the significance of environmental variables in triggering and sustaining struggles for power in the Great Lakes Region. Contested rights to land and natural resources are a significant element in the dynamics of conflict in the region.

Análisis de la eficacia de los planes de manejo de bosque nativo en la provincia de Chubut, Argentina

Journal Articles & Books
januari, 2004

La provincia del Chubut posee, en la zona andina, 1.000.000 de hectáreas de bosques nativos, de las cuales 133.000 hectáreas, mayoritariamente conformadas por bosques puros de Nothofagus pumilio "lenga" (90%) se consideran aptas para la producción de madera. De ellas, aproximadamente 10.000 hectáreas han sido o son objeto de algún régimen de aprovechamiento forestal. En 1992 se pusieron en vigencia unas normas específicas que básicamente exigen a quienes pretenden extraer madera del bosque nativo la presentación de planes de manejo forestal.

Realities of the watershed management approach: the Magat watershed experience

december, 2003

This paper aims to showcase the experience of the Magat (Philippines) watershed in the implementation of the watershed management approach. Magat watershed was declared as a forest-reservation area through Proclamation No. 573 on June 26, 1969 because of its great importance to human survival and environmental balance in the region. The Magat case demonstrates the important role that ‘champions’ like the local government unit (LGU) could play in managing the country’s watersheds.

A conflict of interests: the uncertain future of Burma's forests

december, 2003

Burma is resource rich, and principal among these resources is timber. This report, based on research and fieldwork carried out by Global Witness in Burma, Thailand and China, examines the roots of the civil war and how conflict and an authoritarian regime (the State Peace and Development Council - SPDC) have been sustained through the exploitation of Burma’s natural resources.The paper argues that Burma is the epitome of unrealised potential - a poor country rich in natural resources and social capital.

Integrated marine and coastal area management approaches for implementing the convention on biological diversity

december, 2003

This report details the programme of work on marine and coastal biodiversity under the convention on biological diversity that aims to assist the implementation of the convention at the national, regional and global levels.The report specifically details the operational objectives and priority activities within five key programmes, including:implementation of integrated marine and coastal area management (IMCAM)marine and coastal living resourcesmarine and coastal protected areasmariculturealien species and genotypes.Highlights of the report include:IMCAM is a participatory process for deci

Models for recognising indigenous land rights in Latin America

december, 2003
Costa Rica
Latin America and the Caribbean

This paper discusses issues surrounding indigenous land rights, sharing an understanding and information about land tenure and titling within Latin America. The study focuses on examples from the country level, with the aim of influencing policy coherence and legislation.In particular, Chapter four of this document examines the implications of indigenous land tenure for natural resource management, using case studies from Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and Peru.

Rush and ruin: the devastating mineral trade in Southern Katanga

december, 2003
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Sub-Saharan Africa

This report explores how the illicit trade in cobalt and copper in Katanga (south-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo) is contributing to the destruction of the country’s economy, the environment as well as the livelihoods of thousands of Congolese people.As the report demonstrates, the volume of the illegal mineral trade is immense. In March 2004 the Central Bank of Congo reported the DRC produced 783 tonnes of cobalt metal.