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The National Land Policy in Kenya Must Address Natural Resources

Policy Papers & Briefs
september, 2004

Although The National Land Policy Formulation Process is concentrated on addressing land issues, the reform agenda requires inter- alia that there are policy directions for establishing an equitable framework for economic growth and access to natural resources. The natural resources in question include water, forests, minerals, mineral oils, wildlife, marine resources, fisheries, pastures, and wetlands.

Natural Resources Management Act 2004.

september, 2004

The objects of this Act, consisting of 233 sections divided into twelve Chapters and completed by four Schedules, include assisting in the achievement of ecologically sustainable development in the State by establishing an integrated scheme to promote the use and management of natural resources in a manner that recognises and protects the intrinsic values of natural resources; seeks to protect biological diversity and, insofar as is reasonably practicable, to support and encourage the restoration or rehabilitation of ecological systems and processes that have been lost or degraded; provides

Destruction and Degradation of the Burmese Frontier Forests: Listening to the People's Voices

Reports & Research
augustus, 2004

The politics of Burma and deforestation:
a. Politics of Burma;

b. Logging and civil war...

Kachin State by PKDS:
a. Logging business:

b. Who benefits from the logging...

Karen State by KESAN:
a. Doo The Htoo District;
b. Mu Traw District (Pa Pun);

c. Toungoo District...
Conclusions and recommendations by KESAN...


Ministerial Decree No. 1094 validating the Regulation on the modalities of elaboration of the land use planning projects on the territories of protected areas, and territories of recreation and cultural heritage.

augustus, 2004

The present Regulation establishes the mechanism of elaboration of the land use planning projects on the territories of protected areas, and territories of recreation and cultural heritage. The aforesaid land use planning projects shall be elaborated in conformity with: 1) decision by rural administration, local self-government, regional, district of city administration authorized to make decisions as regards the allotment of the plots of land; 2) contract concluded between landowner, land tenant and the developers of the land use planning projects; 3) sentence of the court.

Regional Decree No. 379 validating the Regulation on regional state nature reserve “Chulpan”.

augustus, 2004

This Regional Decree establishes that state nature reserve “Chulpan” shall be classified as cultivated land (landscape) protected area constituted for the purpose of conservation of cultivated land and land reclamation area as a reference model erosion-resistant ecologically balanced agriculture in water erosion zone.

Lima: Con-cierto de-sierto barroco

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2004

Convencidos de la necesidad de incorporar criterios de economía, y controlar la tendencia al consumo y a la explotación de recursos que parece regir nuestra cultura, esta vez reflexionamos en torno a la relación entre arquitectura y medio ambiente en las zonas más secas y calurosas de América.

National Environmental Policy.

National Policies
mei, 2004

The National Environmental Policy of Malawi is a cross-sectoral policy with the following objectives: Secure for all persons, now and in the future, an environment suitable for their health and well being; Promote sustainable utilization and management of the country's natural resources and encourage, where appropriate, long term self sufficiency in food, fuel wood and other energy requirements; Facilitate the restoration, maintenance and enhancement of the ecosystems and ecological processes essential for the functioning of the biosphere and prudent use of renewable resources; Promote the

A Summary of Land Policy Principles drawn from the Commission of Inquiry into the Land Law System of Kenya (‘Njonjo Commission’), The Constitution of Kenya Review Commission (CKRC), Proceedings of the National Civil Society Conference on Land Reform an...

Reports & Research
april, 2004

Contains introduction; the goals and objectives of land policy; land sovereignty; land tenure classification; incidents of tenure; historical claims; tenure of land-based resources; productive and sustainable land use; the management and development of land; land rights delivery; demarcation and cadastral survey; land market regulation; land dispute resolution; appendix on national civil society land policy principles.