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De Winterswijkse Poort. Analyse en gebiedsperspectief

Reports & Research
december, 2001

Binnen het programma Meervoudig Duurzaam Landgebruik is een gebiedsanalyse uitgevoerd, vooral gezien vanuit de betrokkenen zelf (agrariërs, agribusiness, recreatiesector, natuurbescherming, bewoners en andere betrokkenen). Met behulp van gegevens uit het Ruimtelijk Economisch Model (REM) en de CBS-Landbouwtellingen zijn de ontwikkelingen in het studiegebied geanalyseerd en vergeleken met de ontwikkelingen elders. Om de sterke en zwakke punten, kansen en bedreigingen in beeld te krijgen, zijn vervolgens interviews en discussiebijeenkomsten gehouden.

Kansen voor natuur binnen Losser; achtergronddocument natuur

Reports & Research
december, 2001

Deze publicatie gaat over de toekomst van natuur in het landinrichtingsgebied Losser en is een van de achtergronddocumenten die in opdracht van de Dienst Landelijk Gebied zijn opgesteld, waarin het behoud en herstel van natuur- en landschapswaarden ende realisatie van de ecologische hoofdstructuur (EHS) centraal staan. Hierbij is de rol voor de terreinbeherende organisaties alhier - Staatsbosbeheer, Natuurmonumenten, Stichting Edwina van Heek en Landschap Overijssel - van groot belang.

Tackling land degradation and desertification: GEF - IFAD partnership

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2001

Desertification occurs in drylands,which span a third of the earth ’s land surface in over 110 countries.It influences the lives of about 500 000 people – the so-called environmental refugees –including many of the world ’s poorest and most marginalized populations. Each year 12 million hectares (ha)are lost to deserts.That is enough land to grow 20 million tonnes of grain.

Land reform: Land settlement and cooperatives

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2001

This paper discusses the role of FAO support to the Government of Mozambiques Land Commission since 1995, through three consecutive projects. While each has had a relatively short duration, all have been planned and implemented within a single conceptual framework with a much longer time horizon. This has allowed a difficult and complex issue to be progressively developed and nurtured within a realistic time scale, while building up a strong sense of national ownership of the process.

No-Tillage Farming for Sustainable Land Management: Lessons from the 2000 Brazil Study Tour

Reports & Research
november, 2001
South Africa

In November 2000, the World Bank (WB) and the Brazilian Federation for Direct Planting into Crop Residue (FEBRAPDP) organized the third Study Tour on “Producer-Led Rural Organizations for Sustainable Land Management” (PRO-SLM), with particular emphasis on notillage systems (NT).1 The Study Tour followed a 10-day itinerary of over 1,000 km through Southern Brazil, covering Paraná and Santa Catarina States, two states which received WB support through land and micro-watershed management projects.

Rapport d'étude sur les données du bois-énergie au Togo

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2001

A complete thirty-three-page report stating the overall situation of data related to fuelwood in Togo. The report is made up of eleven sections dedicated to the methodologies used, the availability of data, production figures, consumption figures, market circuits, pricing, supply and demand figures, main players, etc. Moreover, an evaluation of data collected is given as well as comments as to how to improve the overall statistics collection process.


Journal Articles & Books
oktober, 2001

In recent years, the need to provide title to small units owned by individuals above and under the surface has been increasing. The need for more intensive development on available land, while ensuring security of tenure, has prompted various jurisdictions to search for solutions. Registration of small units is difficult in many jurisdictions due to planning regulations, which regulate minimum parcel sizes on the ground surface.

The War on Kachin Forests

Reports & Research
oktober, 2001

One of the world’s "biodiversity hotspots" is under siege, as a growing number of business interests
seek to cash in the "peace" in northern Burma’s Kachin State... A project is in progress to build a number of roads in Kachin State in return for huge logging concessions.
While improving and expanding the infrastructure in Kachin State is much needed, the impact of this deal on
the environment could prove to be disastrous...

Sustainable Development: What’s Land Got To Do With It?

Reports & Research
oktober, 2001

South Africa is reviewing its plans and progress towards sustainable development ahead of the 2002 World Summit in Johannesburg. Argues that more attention needs to be given to land reform as a key component of sustainable development strategy. Raises a number of questions and concerns that need debate before the Summit and beyond. Focuses particularly on land reform, poverty and livelihoods, and on land reform and the environment.