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Cadastral Systems and their Impact on Land Administration in Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
september, 2001

The mandate of the Kenya Government in its objective to achieve sustainable development is to reduce poverty by half by 2015 and transform the country into a newly industrailized nation by the year 2020. This paper reviews the cadastral systems that have been formulated and implemented in Kenya ; the different concepts and techniques used in the preparation of cadastral survey plans and maps; and the impact of the cadastre as a source of spatial data in support of land administration processes.

Land Mali Umma

Journal Articles & Books
september, 2001

For a long time the issue of land and related problems has been debated mostly by academicians, politicians and professionals. Although the problem has remained more or less one of the most talked of in Kenya, the public has very often been left out of the debate. Again mostly the debate has been dominated more by complaining about either the lack of policy or the bad land policies and laws and the failure by successive governments to correct those problems.

Colombia: alcances y lecciones de su experiencia en reforma agraria

Institutional & promotional materials
september, 2001

Resumen A juzgar por la abundante expedición de leyes y de normas orientadas a modificar la estructura agraria, desde la década de los treinta, Colombia da la impresión de haber estado persiguiendo la forma más adecuada de corregir las restricciones más apremiantes, relacionadas con la inequitativa e ineficiente distribución de la tierra, que limitan el desarrollo de su agricultura y el progreso económico y social de los habitantes del campo.

Illegal Logging in Indonesia, South East Asia and International Consumption of Illegally Sourced Timber

Reports & Research
augustus, 2001

The result of in-depth research and extensive on-the-ground investigations, the report exposes the scale of illegal logging and illegal timber trade in East Asia with a special focus on Indonesia. The report also highlights the role played by major tropical timber consuming nations including the US, Europe, Japan and China in driving illegal logging by providing a ready market for illegally sourced timber and timber products. In many of the countries of South-East Asia illegal logging outstrips legal logging, and large quantities of this timber finds its way

Trade Liberalization: Impacts on African Women

Reports & Research
juli, 2001
South Africa
Sierra Leone
Western Asia
Western Africa
Eastern Africa
Northern Africa
Southern Africa

Trade liberalisation processes impact differently on men and women due to the fact that men and women have different roles in production. Despite the fact that women are actively involved in international trade, WTO agreements are gender blind and as such have adverse impacts on women. The General Agreement in Trade and Service (GATS), for instance, provides for a level playing field in service provision between big foreign owned companies and small locally owned companies.

Law No. 10.257 on Urban Policy.

juli, 2001

This Law is composed of 58 articles divided in five Chapters. It regulates the use of urban property with the view of granting the public interest, the well being of the population and environmental equilibrium. According to the Law, urban policy aims at planning the full development of all municipal social and property functions. To this end, the law provides general guidelines, defines competences and functions between the Federal, State and Municipal levels. Moreover, it defines urban policy instruments, regulates the master plans, and urban management democratic structures.

Land Utilization (To Mil Corridor Special Development Area) Regulations, 2001 (S.I. No. 104 of 2001).

juni, 2001
Central America

The area described in the Schedule to these Regulations is declared to be a Special Development Area in the sense of the Land Utilization Act (Cap. 188). The type of development permitted includes agriculture, forestry, wildlife reserve and environmental protection. The Land Utilization Authority shall draw up a Development Plan for the area after consultation with such local persons and institutions as it may think fit. The Plan shall be submitted to the Minister of Natural Resources, The Environment and Industry for approval. The Plan shall be available for inspection to the public.

Land Reform in the Shadow of the State: the Implementation of new Land Laws in sub-Saharan Africa

Reports & Research
juni, 2001

Focuses on the problems of implementing new land laws in Africa, with particular emphasis on those in Tanzania, Uganda and South Africa. Includes background, the policy environment, implementers, accommodative non-state land reform, and radical non-state land reform.

Regulation on internal order in the nature park "Biokovo".

juni, 2001

This Regulation defines the protection, management and other environmental issues aimed to be used as internal rules for the safe and sustainable use of the Croatian Nature Park Biokovo, and also prescribes offenses and determines the penalties for noncompliance with the prescribed requirements.

Implements: Law declaring the mountain Biokovo as Nature Park. (1981-06-08)

Women’s Access to Land in Rwanda

Reports & Research
april, 2001

Closing statement from workshop on culture, practice and law: women’s access to land in Rwanda. Contains recommendations on the marriage problem, the inheritance law, land scarcity and population growth, the land policy and the bill, the environment, discrimination.