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Regulations of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture on Rural Forestry.

februari, 1995

These Regulations are enacted in order to promote the development of rural forestry and give full play to the role of forest and woodland resources in rural economic construction in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture. The Text consists of 45 Articles.The Regulations make provisions for: forest and woodland ownership and rights; resource management; production and operation; forestry workstation construction; measures for inspection and liabilities, etc. The rural woodland shall be collectively owned by the township and village peasants.

Biotechnology and sustainable crop production in Zimbabwe

december, 1994
Sub-Saharan Africa

This case study of Zimbabwe has examined developments in biotechnology against the background of a well-developed national agricultural research, plant breeding and seeds system. It has then assessed the constraints to biotechnology research, technology development and diffusion in the light of the resources available and the technology transfer mechanisms in place for different groups of farmers.

Are stable agreements for sharing international river waters now possible?

december, 1994

Proposed here is a new scheme for allocating international river water that accounts for the stochastic nature of water supply and the dynamic nature of its demand. The suggested scheme is expected to improve the efficiency of river basins' water allocation and the riparians' welfare.International river and lake basins constitute about 47 percent of the world's continental land area, a proportion that increases to about 60 percent in Africa, Asia, and South America.

Roads, lands, markets, and deforestation: a spatial model of land use in Belize

december, 1994
Latin America and the Caribbean

Will intensifying the road network around market areas produce greater economic returns and less environmental damage than extending the road network into new areas?Rural roads promote economic development but also facilitate deforestation. To explore the trade-offs between development and environmental damage posed by road building, Chomitz and Gray develop and estimate a spatially explicit model of land use.

Conservation, reclamation and grazing in the northern Negev: Contradictory or complementary concepts?

december, 1994
Western Asia
Northern Africa

Paper explores the relationships between the following concepts under the conditions of Middle Eastern semi-arid ecosystems. Paper states that there are two apparent contradictions in the title of this paper. First, grazing by domestic livestock is often considered to be hostile to nature conservation, especially in semi-arid areas (the ongoing conflict between ranchers and environmentalists in western USA is just one contemporary example of this).

Land degradation and grazing in the Kalahari: new analysis and alternative perspectives

december, 1994
Sub-Saharan Africa

Results from this study show that the over-used but under-researched association between grazing and land degradation in the Kalahari has been oversimplified. In typical Kalahari conditions, the ecological changes that have been brought about by grazing cannot be linked with more fundamental changes in ecosystem function. Basic soil processes appear relatively unaffected by grazing pressure outside the sacrifice zone, and there is no evidence to suggest that the resilience of the system has been affected through soil degradation.

Nepal Agricultural Perspective Plan.

National Policies
december, 1994

The Agricultural Perspective Plan (APP) is a national strategy with a cross-sectoral approach with a duration of twenty years (1995-2015). Its goal is to add two percentage points to the country’s agricultural growth which would expand per capita agricultural growth sixfold, from its current 0.5% to 3% per year. The APP strategy is based on the acceleration of the agricultural growth rate sufficiently to obtrain strong multiplier effect on growth in employment, both in agriculture itself and in nonagricultural sectors.

Programa de Acción Nacional de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía (PAN-LCD).

National Policies
december, 1994

El Programa de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía (PRONALDES) publicado en el mes de Junio de 1996, fue una primera etapa para identificar los problemas y soluciones para las Zonas Secas en Bolivia, juntamente con los Mapas Preliminares de Desertificación de Tierras y de Erosión de Suelos que identifican geográficamente a las zonas afectadas (Noviembre de 1996); sin embargo, el proceso nacional se debe llevar aún más adelante considerando las oportunidades que la CLD ofrece, como son los mecanismos participativos institucionalizados y los mecanismos financieros, para poner en march

Environmental Quality Standard for Soils of the People's Republic of China.

december, 1994

The State Environment Protection Bureau approves this Standard, which aim at preventing soil pollution, protecting ecological environment, ensuring agriculture and forestry industry, and ensuring human safety. It rules the maximum density of pollutant in soils in accordance with its function, protection objective and the character of the soil. In part 3 it classifies the environmental quality of soils into three grades, part 4 is the standard for each grade, part 5 is the examination standard.