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Mining Act 1992.

Papua New Guinea

This Act provides for mining, including alluvial mining, and regulates in detail various aspects of mining tenements, i.e. (a) an exploration licence; (b) a special mining lease; (c) a mining lease; (d) an alluvial mining lease; (e) a lease for mining purposes; and (f) a mining easement, granted or deemed to have been granted under this Act.A tenement granted under this Act is not an interest in land for the purposes of the Land Act 1996 (sect. 2). The Head of State may grant a special mining lease on specific terms and conditions under section 33.

Legislative Decree No. 59 implementing Directive 96/61/EC concerning integrated pollution prevention and control.

Southern Europe

By way of implementation of Directive 96/61/EC, this Legislative Decree aims at the integrated prevention and control of pollution which arises from the activities specified in Annex I. There are established particular measures intended to prevent and reduce emissions into the air, water and land, comprising general principles in matter of waste management. Furthermore, the Legislative Decree regulates the issue and renewal of the environmental integrated authorization which is required for the installations mentioned in Annex I.

Chapter 1 of Title 41 of the Pohnpei State - Pohnpei Land Use Planning and Zoning Act of 1993.


This Act concerns land use planning in the State of Pohnpei. Its objectives are to promote responsible and balanced development, to preserve and enhance cultural and traditional values, to conserve and protect the natural environment, and to assure adequate provision for community facilities and requirements. All use of land, both public and private, must be consistent with provisions of this Act.The Act establishes the Pohnpei Land Use Planning and Zoning Commission. The Commission shall prepare a master land use plan, the scope and contents of which are set out in this Act.

Conservation Act 1986-87.

Cook Islands

This Act makes provision for the conservation of nature and the protection of the environment in the Cook Islands. It shall apply to such parts of the Cook Islands and Cook Islands waters as are specified from time to time by the Queen's Representative by Order in Executive Council. The Act consists of 57 sections divided into 11 Parts.The Act establishes the Conservation Service as a body corporate.

Décret concernant la protection des marais, des sites marécageux et des zones alluviales d'importance nationale.

Western Europe

Le présent décret a pour but de conserver intacts les marais et sites marécageux d'une beauté particulière et d'importance nationale, ainsi que les zones alluviales d'importance nationale. L’article 4 établit que à l'intérieur des zones alluviales, des hauts-marais, des marais de transition et des bas-marais, il est interdit de construire, d'exploiter de la tourbe et d'effectuer des nouveaux drainages ou des travaux de réfection des drainages existants.

Legislative Decree No. 1/2006 on Urban and Spatial Planning.

Cape Verde
Western Africa

This Legislative Decree, composed of 50 Chapters, approves the basic Order on Urban and Spatial Planning. In particular, it provides a classification of land comprised under the national territory and defines the basic principles undergoing spatial planning and management. Particular attention is paid to the institution of an integrated management system involving national and local administrations, as well as the provision of framework contracts as urban planning tools.

Kerala Forest (Vesting and Management of Ecologically Fragile Lands) Act, 2003 (Act No. 21 of 2005).

Southern Asia

This Act aims at transferring to and vesting in the Government the ownership and possession of all ecologically fragile lands held by any person in order to minimize the degradation of these ecosystems and their biological diversity.The Government shall have the right to declare any land to be ecologically fragile land which shall be deemed to be reserved forests according to the provisions of this Act.The Act provides for the constitution and functions of an Advisory Committee which shall be responsible for identifying ecologically fragile lands which shall then be managed by Forest Depart

Chapter 2 of Title 6 of the Pohnpei State Code - Planning.


This Chapter makes provision for developmental planning in the State of Pohnpei. The Chapter requires each local government to develop a comprehensive plan for the development of the area where it has jurisdiction. A plan shall consider, among other things, the conservation of natural resources and protection of the environment. The Chapter sets out the procedures for the approval of development plans by the Legislature and provides for hearings and review prior to approval.

Organic Law of Georgia on Local Self-Government.

Western Asia

This Law establishes exclusive plenary powers of the self-government bodies in the following areas: (a) management and disposal of public land resources; (b) land use planning; (c) management of local public forest and water resources; and (d) management of local water supply, drainage and sewerage systems (art. 16). The local self-governing representative bodies (Sakrebulo) shall have plenary powers in the following areas: (a) establishment of management rules and regulations applicable to local public land, forest and water resources; and (b) land use planning (art. 22).

Law “On technical supervision over hazardous equipment”.

Northern Europe

This Law establishes that equipment representing risks for human life and health, and also to environment, shall be considered hazardous and it shall be subject to mandatory state supervision and control in the form of inspections. The scope of the Law shall be to ensure safety and security of the aforesaid equipment for human beings and environment. The list of hazardous equipment shall be validated and published by the Cabinet of Ministers. It shall not be applicable to naval, air and railway means of transport and military activities.

Law No. 5485-IIs “On setting up protected area of the Imereti caves and management thereof”.

Western Asia

This Law regulates legal relations in the sphere of setting up and management of the system of protected areas of the Imereti caves, related to management of land area, forests, water and other natural resources, including historical and cultural heritage. The scope of this Law shall be to ensure setting up of protected area, regulation of the management mechanism thereof and conservation of unique natural ecosystem. It classifies categorization of the caves, gives mapping and location of different caves.

National Forestry Reform Law of 2006.

Western Africa

This Act makes provision, in 23 Chapters, for the management and conservation of forest resources of Liberia, defines ownership rights and other rights in forests, regulates commercial and other use of forests resources, provides for the protection of the environment and wildlife in forests, regulates the trade in forest products and provides for various other matters relative to forestry and wildlife.The Act defines the principles of forest management and conservation to be undertaken by the Forestry Development Authority.