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Presidential Decree No. 1152 - Philippine Environment Code.

South-Eastern Asia

This Act makes provision for the protection of the environment of a broad sense. Its provisions are divided into Titles, the major part of them dealing with specific aspects of environment protection.Title I makes provision with respect to air and noise pollution.Purpose Title II to prescribe management guidelines aimed to protect and improve the quality of Philippine water resources.

Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources.

Eastern Europe
Northern Europe

This Directive aims to reduce water pollution from nitrates used for agricultural purposes and to prevent any further pollution. It is closely linked to other EU policies which address air and water quality, climate change and agriculture.

Forestry Act 1967 (Chapter 10).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Act, governing forestry contains, after amendments made to it, virtually all statute law relating to forestry in the Great Britain. The provisions of the Act concentrate almost exclusively on forestry administration and related matters and the powers of an authority here continued, the Forestry Commissioners, to control felling. The Commissioners, established by the 1919 Forestry Act, are charged with the general duty of promoting the interests of Forestry, with the development of afforestation and the production and supply of timber and other forest products in Great Britain (sect.

Beach Control Act (Cap. 45).

Antigua and Barbuda

The Act provides for the vesting of the foreshore and the floor of the sea in the Crown and regulates the use and control of those areas and related matters. The “floor of the sea” means the soil and subsoil of the sea off the coast of Antigua and Barbuda between the low water mark and so far out to sea as is deemed by law to be within the territorial sea (sect. 2). Use of the foreshore and the floor of the sea requires a licence.

Loi nº 95-72 portant création d'une agence de protection et d'aménagement du littoral.

Northern Africa

La présente loi porte création, missions et modalités de fonctionnement de l'agence de protection et d'aménagement du littoral, chargée d'assurer l'exécution de la politique de l'Etat dans le domaine de la protection du littoral, et notamment de la gestion des espaces littoraux et du suivi des opérations d'aménagement, de la régularisation et de l'apurement des situations foncières, de l'élaboration des études relatives à la protection du littoral et à la mise en valeur des zones naturelles et de la mise en place de systèmes informatiques pour l'observation de l'évolution des écosystèmes li

Environment, Sports and Territories Legislation Amendment Act 1995 (Act No. 25 of 1995).


The first and second Schedule to this Act set out amendments to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975: offences (sect. 38); preparation , amendment and revocation of plans of management by the Marine Park Authority (new Part VB); search powers of inspectors (sect. 46); penalties (various sections); and other matters. The Authority may prepare plans of management for: (a) one or more areas of the Marine Park; (b) one or more species in the Park; (c) one or more ecological communities within the Park (sect. 39X).

Physical Planning and Development Control Act, 1990 (Act No. 1 of 1991).

Western Africa

The Act provides in Part II for the establishment of a Planning Board (sect. 3) and Planning Authority for each planning district (sect. 5). There shall be 4 types of draft plans for spatial development of land. These are: National Plans; Divisional Plans; Development Plans and Local Plans (sect. 8). The Board shall prepare a National Plan for the Gambia. The Board shall also draft Division Plans for each Division of the Gambia (sect. 11). The Board shall, within the framework of the plans aforementioned, prepare development plans for the area covered by that plan.