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Decree No. 56 of 1997 relative to the establishment of a nature planning function.

Western Europe

The State Institute for Public Health and the Environment shall at least once every four years report to the Minister in the form of a scientific study on the state of the nature, forests and landscape indicating also probable and otherwise foreseeable future developments regarding the environment. The Minister shall indicate all bodies that shall be involved in the preparation of the plan. The report shall be sent to the parliament.

Décret nº 99-339 modifiant l'annexe du décret nº 94-1139 du 26 décembre 1994 définissant les territoires ruraux de développement prioritaires.

French Guiana
South America

Ce décret modifie l'annexe du décret nº 94-1139 du 26 décembre 1994 définissant les territoires ruraux de développement prioritaires, en ajoutant la liste de ces territoires pour le département de la Guyane.

Landfill Tax (Site Restoration and Quarries) Order 1999 (No. 2075 of 1999).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

Section 43C provides an exemption from landfill tax for the disposal of "qualifying material" which is used to restore to use a landfill site. Subsections (2) and (3) define restoration as work that is required by a planning consent, waste management licence or a resolution authorizing disposal of waste on or in the land, to be carried out after the completion of waste disposal operations. Section 44A provides an exemption from landfill tax for the disposal of "qualifying material" which is used to fill existing or former quarries. Certain conditions must be fulfilled.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 13/2000 establishing the Urbanization Plan of Évora (3rd Revision).

Southern Europe

This Resolution of the Council of Ministers regulates the Urbanization Plan of Évora (3rd Revision). It consists of 5 sections concerning this Regulation specifying the aforementioned Plan (PUE), which aim is to regulate all activities relevant with occupation, use and transformation of urban and agricultural land of Évora area.

Guidelines for the calculation of damage caused to atmosphere, land and water resources by oil pollution.

Central Asia

These Guidelines establish the modalities of the calculation of damage caused to atmosphere, land and water resources by chemicals, regulate calculation of payment for the compensation of damage caused to land by oil pollution and shall be applicable to all land categories. The Guidelines shall be applicable to dispute settlement regarding environmental offences and shall be used by the authorized environmental institutions and nature managers carrying out oil transactions. Damages shall be intended losses related to the mitigation of the consequences of environmental pollution.

Timber Resources Management Regulations, 1998 (L.I. 1649).

Western Africa

These Regulations implement provisions of the Timber Resources Management Act, 1997 with respect to the granting of timber rights and related matters and regulate the calculation and payment of stumpage fees and the registration and use of chainsaws.The Regulations set out the procedures for the inventory and reservation of specified lands for timber utilization. The Chief Conservator of Forests shall identify lands suitable for grant of timber utilization contracts and initiate procedures of inventory of forest resources on such land and to obtain consent of landowners.

Natural Resources Conservation (Permits and Licences) Regulations 1996.


These Regulations provide for the grant of permits for activities in prescribed areas in the sense of section 9 of the Natural Resources Conservation Authority Act and the grant of licences in accordance with section 12 of the same Act for existing facilities. The Conservation Authority may, by notice, require the owner or any person having the charge or management of an existing facility to upgrade such facility to current standards applicable to new facilities (reg. 9). Regulation 13 provides for renewal of licences, regulation 15 for the revocation of suspension of a licence.

Town and Country Planning (Appeal Tribunal) Rules, 1997.


These Rules outline requirements for and procedures of notification of appeal and appeal with the Tribunal against enforcement notices pursuant to provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act. A notice shall be accompanied by the following documents: (1) the enforcement notice to which the appeal relates; (ii) where the relevant enforcement notice requires the cessation of work in any development, a certificate from the Government Town Planner certifying that the work has ceased in conformity with that Notice (rule 3). (5 rules)

Presidential Decree No. 82/1995 on peat land development for food crop agriculture in Central Kalimantan.

South-Eastern Asia

The Decree makes provisions for the extension of peat land to one million hectares in the Province/First-Level Region of Central Kalimantan. The formulation of development programmes is entrusted to a Team for Peat Land Development. The technical implementation of said programmes shall be carried out by government agencies according to the legislation in force.

Habitat (Broadleaved Woodland) (Wales) Regulations 1994 (S.I. No. 3099 of 1994).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

The aid granted under these Regulations aims at the management of land of broadleaved woodland compatible with the requirements of the protection of the environment the beneficiaries of aid shall conclude an agreement with the Secretary of State in which management requirements laid down in the Schedule to these Regulations are included.

Order No. 767/96 approving technical rules to be followed in the planning of coastal areas.

Southern Europe

In compliance with Decree-Law 218/94 of 20 August, this Order establishes technical rules to be followed in order to carry out planning of coastal areas. This Ministerial Decree deals with the morphological aspects of coastal areas, specifying the aspects to be examined in the planning process.