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Stratégie Nationale de Gestion Durable des Eaux et des Sols dans l’Espace Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral Au Cameroun 2007.

National Policies
Middle Africa

Confronté à la fois aux insuffisances du cadre institutionnel et réglementaire du secteur de l’eau; et aux contraintes liées à la gestion durable des sols; et à la maîtrise et à la gestion durable des eaux, le Cameroun a élaboré, en 2007, le Document de Stratégie Nationale de Gestion Durable des Eaux et des Sols dans l’Espace Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral.Cette stratégie constitue un cadre d’harmonisation et de mise en cohérence des initiatives de gestion durable des eaux et des sols, permettant de répondre aux objectifs de production soutenue dans le secteur agro sylvo pastoral, tels que définis dan

Ministerial Decree No. 214 On lease of public forest land.

Western Asia

This Ministerial Decree regulates the modalities of lease of public forest land to natural and legal persons. Forested and unforested land can be granted on lease for reforestation in accordance with contract for the period of 10 years. The applicant shall submit the application form containing personal data, address, location of requested forest plot land to the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources. Sub-lease of public forest land shall be prohibited.

Amended by: Ministerial Decree № 198 amending the Ministerial Decree No. 214 on lease of public forest land. (2017-05-10)

National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 (2000 Chapter 97).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Act concerns national parks and other protected areas and access to the countryside. The provisions of this Part of this Act shall have effect for the purpose of conserving and enhancing the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the protected areas. The Act provides for establishment, management and conservation of national parks and nature reserves and for compulsory acquisition of land for purposes of this Act. The Act also concerns public rights of way and access to open country.

National Parks Act (No. 11 of 1975).

Southern Africa

The Act concerns the setting aside of land as a national park and for the appointment by the Minister of the Board of Trustees, which shall control, manage and maintain national parks. The Board shall be a body corporate. It may in national parks, among other things: take measures that will ensure the preservation and security of animals and vegetation and set aside parts of a park as breeding places for animals or nurseries for vegetation. The Act also provides rules for the hunting of animals or the damaging or gathering of plants in a national park.

Regulation on protection, utilization and consolidation of agricultural lands.

Western Asia

The purpose of this Regulation is to determine lands that could be used for other than agricultural purposes when needed and to determine lands of with a potential high level of agricultural production. The Regulation sets forth provisions on cadastre, land registration, actions to be taken for protection of environment, land leveling by determining all vegetative production areas including meadow and pastures, preventive measures for erosion, efficient use of lands, drainage network, land valuation and land parceling, in the field of land consolidation.

Environmental Regulations for the Minerals Sector, 2012.

Sierra Leone
Western Africa

These Regulations, made by the Board of the Environment Protection Agency under section 62 of the Environment Protection Agency Act, 2008 as amended by the Environment Protection Agency (Amendment) Act, 2010, provide with respect to environmental protection in mining operations. They shall apply to body corporates and individuals applying for or issued minerals rights under the Mines and Minerals Act 2009.

Regulations of Hainan Special Economic Zoon on administration of forest lands.

Eastern Asia

The purpose of these Regulations is to strengthen the protection and management of forest lands, and rationally develop and utilize forest land resources. The Regulations consist of 7 Chapters: General provisions (I); Land tenure management (II); Protection and utilization of forest lands (III); Expropriation and occupation (IV); Legal liability (V); Supplementary Provisions (VI).The forest lands are under the State ownership and collective ownership. The forest lands owned by the State or owned by collectives, may be used by the entity or individuals for forestry production.

Décret n° 2014-1216 PM du 21 juillet 2014 portant création, organisation et fonctionnement du Comité Technique Bilatéral de mise en œuvre et de suivi du Plan d'Urgence Gouvernemental.

Middle Africa

Le présent décret fixe les règles de création, d’organisation et de fonctionnement du Comité Technique Bilatéral de mise e œuvre et de suivi du Plan d'Urgence Gouvernemental.Ce Comité constitue une haute instance stratégique de mise en œuvre et de suivi de l'exécution des actions prioritaires retenues autour des plans sectoriels, entre autres, un Plan d'urgence urbain; un Plan d'urgence agriculture et élevage; un Plan d'urgence énergie; un Plan d'urgence eau. Pour accomplir cette mission, le Comité comprend le Comité de Coordination et de Supervision; le Secrétariat Technique.

Water Law.

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Southern Europe

This Law provides for in a comprehensive manner for the management and conservation of water resources for purposes of water use, protection against pollution including pollution of coastal waters, development of river beds and flood protection, for the management of water works facilities and public water resources, for financing of related activities and duties, for defining the responsibility and duties of the authority of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, canton's authorities and legal entities and citizens, as well as regulating other issues of importance for managing of water,