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Annual report 2021: CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems

december, 2021
Sri Lanka

2021 was WLE’s final year – the culmination of a decade of science and impact. Throughout the year we saw the real-world difference made by our flagship projects and watched solutions unfold at landscape and basin scales. We also saw our research flow into larger processes in a year of international action that included the UN Food Systems Summit and high-stakes meetings of the UN Conventions on Climate Change and Biological Diversity.

Peruvian authorities are using a gold mining monitoring tool for early detection of illegal gold mining in Southern Amazon

december, 2021
Hong Kong

Gold mining in Peru has caused the loss of more than 96,000 hectares of primary forest in the last 30 years. In February 2019, the Peruvian government started an unprecedented mega-operation aimed at eradicating illegal gold mining in La Pampa by using a near real-time information system called RAMI (Radar Mining Monitoring) to detect gold mining and related deforestation in the Amazonian region faster and all year long. This is enabling them to target interventions to stop illegal practices.


december, 2021

The report describes the stakeholder engagement workshop convened to introduce the AqF Initiative (in particular the AquaPlans work package) to the traditional leaders, community representatives and stakeholders working within the Kafue flats. Participants were drawn from Royal Highnesses from seven chiefdoms of the Kafue flats, Community resource Board representatives, development agencies, extension officers from government line ministries, NGOs and the academia.

Assessing the risk of climate change to select agricultural systems in the world's most vulnerable regions

Manuals & Guidelines
december, 2021

The Climate Risk Planning and Managing Tool for Development Programmes in the Agriculture and Food Sector (CRISP) project, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)/ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), aims to address the shortfall in climate risk screening tools. The project is a collaboration between Eurac Research (Italy) and the Alliance of Bioversity and the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT).

Rapport d'atelier sur le foncier au Senegal

Conference Papers & Reports
november, 2021

Au demeurant, bien accompagner et appuyer les communautés locales dans la défense de leurs droits fonciers suppose une bonne connaissance des mécanismes nationaux et supranationaux de protection des droits fonciers des communautés. Or, si les premiers sont connus et mobilisés par les acteurs et organisations dans le cadre de leur travail, les seconds restent encore largement méconnus et donc peu mobilisés dans la défense des droits fonciers des communautés locales.

The State of the World’s Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture – Systems at breaking point (SOLAW 2021)

Reports & Research
november, 2021

Satisfying the changing food habits and increased demand for food intensifies pressure on the world’s water, land and soil resources. However, agriculture bears great promise to alleviate these pressures and provide multiple opportunities to contribute to global goals. Sustainable agricultural practices lead to water saving, soil conservation, sustainable land management, conservation of natural resources, ecosystem and climate change benefits. Accomplishing this requires accurate information and a major change in how we manage these resources.

El estado de los recursos de tierras y aguas del mundo para la alimentación y la agricultura - Sistemas al límite

Reports & Research
november, 2021

Los recursos de aguas, tierras y suelos del mundo están sometidos a presiones debido a que deben satisfacer la mayor demanda de alimentos. La agricultura reviste importancia para mitigar estas presiones y contribuir positivamente a los objetivos relacionados con el clima y el desarrollo. Las prácticas agrícolas sostenibles pueden dar lugar a mejoras directas en el estado de la tierra, el suelo y el agua, así como generar beneficios ecosistémicos y reducir las emisiones derivadas de la tierra.

Diamonds in the Delta

Institutional & promotional materials
november, 2021

Diamonds in the Delta (DiD) is an international research-action network of scholars, water professionals and civil society advocates who are concerned about how climate change compounds problems of flooding and subsidence in delta cities. We – the people in the network – are united in our conviction that the needs, experiences and aspirations of communities that are actually or potentially most affected by these problems should be the focus when designing and implementing solutions.

Quantitative analysis of the impacts of climate and land-cover changes on urban flood runoffs: a case of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2021

Over the past half-century, the risk of urban flooding in Dar es Salaam has increased due to changes in land cover coupled with climatic changes. This paper aimed to quantify the impacts of climate and land-cover changes on the magnitudes and frequencies of flood runoffs in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. A calibrated and validated SWAT rainfall-runoff model was used to generate flood hydrographs for the period 1969–2050 using historical rainfall data and projected rainfall based on the CORDEX-Africa regional climate model.

Support to Strengthen Governance of Tenure through the Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure Of Land, Fisheries and Forests in Tanzania - TCP/URT/3702

Manuals & Guidelines
november, 2021

Land has played a critical role in the development of the United Republic of Tanzania, with the roots of land tenure frameworks, issues and conflicts dating back hundreds of years Current land laws in the country are seen as progressive policies and legislation recognize the equal rights to land of men and women, including unregistered rights under customary laws, and any transfer of rights requires the consent of local people In practice, however, land tenure rights are disputed among village, district and national administrative authorities, and conflicts over land are common, widespread