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Enhancing synergies between gender equality and biodiversity, climate, and land degradation neutrality goals: Lessons from gender-responsive nature-based approaches

december, 2020

Land- and nature-based approaches in the agroforestry and forestry sectors provide a unique opportunity to generate win-wins against the interrelated environmental crises of biodiversity loss, climate change, and land degradation. Harnessing synergies among these environmental goals, reflected in the Rio Conventions, critically hinges on land-use decisions, which are influenced

Ecological status as the basis for the holistic environmental flow assessment of a tropical highland river in Ethiopia

december, 2020

There is an increasing need globally to establish relationships among flow, ecology, and livelihoods to make informed decisions about environmental flows. This paper aimed to establish the ecological foundation for a holistic environmental flow assessment method in the Gumara River that flows into Lake Tana in Ethiopia and the Blue Nile River.

Webinar report: Potato Seed Production Technology in Southeast Asia – with special focus on Vietnam and Philippines

december, 2020

Consumption of potatoes and potato products is growing rapidly in Southeast Asia. There are significant opportunities for improved potato production and utilization of technologies in this part of the world to address poverty, food security, and environmental degradation. Potato production is also a highly profitable activity. The market for fresh consumption of potatoes is expanding in most of Asia in response to income growth and urbanization.

Gender-responsive participatory variety selection in Kenya: Implications for common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) breeding in Kenya

december, 2020

Participatory variety selection (PVS) is the selection of new varieties among fixed lines by farmers under different target environments. It is increasingly being used to select and promote new crop breeding materials in most African countries. A gender-responsive PVS tool was piloted in Embu and Nakuru in the first and second cropping seasons of 2019 to understand similarities and differences between men’s and women’s varietal and trait preferences for biofortified released varieties and local bean varieties (landraces).

Funding Agricultural Innovation for the Global South: Does it Promote Sustainable Agricultural Intensification?

december, 2020
Sri Lanka

This study, carried out in 2020-21 by Dalberg Advisors Asia (relying on secondary and primary funding data, modeling, and expert discussions), answers some of these key questions. The study covers four key categories of funders – (i) Global South Governments (domestic funding), (ii) Development Partners, (iii) Private Companies, and (iv) Private Equity/Venture Capital (PE/VC) funds. It studies their funding across the last decade (2010-2019) for the Global South and seeks to achieve a baseline understanding of these funding patterns.

The Climate Security Inequality Nexus: A critical analysis of pathways and synergies

december, 2020

Inequality is a key component of any crisis, whether it is related to climate, conflict, or a global pandemic, as it can reveal why some people and regions are disproportionately impacted over others. While interaction of climate impacts with structural inequalities can exacerbate already existing risks of insecurity and fragility, it can also leave room for institutions and interventions to address unequal power relations between actors and find paths for social cohesion and peace.

User Guide to the G+ Customer Profile Tool (G+ CP)

december, 2020

The G+ Customer Profile is a tool for identifying and describing target customers (users) of a breeding
product, such as crop varieties and breeds of livestock. The use of this tool highlights gender
differences among customers or users to ensure that they are considered when target customer
segments are defined. This tool helps a breeding program to prioritize its customers (e.g. how many
they are, their geographical distribution and their socio-economic situation, besides their preferences

What Are the Main Limits to Smallholder Livestock Production in the Tropics - According to Farmers?

december, 2020

Livestock production is central to the livelihoods of a billion poor people. Transforming livestock production would have transformative effects on local economies in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Development efforts in the livestock sector have tended to be top-down without enough feedback loops to understand farmer realities and aspirations. This, despite the Farmer First movement that began in the 1990s. The Feed Assessment Tool (FEAST) was developed as a reaction to top down livestock feed development approaches.