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Global manifesto on forgotten foods

december, 2020

This Manifesto on Forgotten Foods1 is the result of a broad and intensive consultation process carried out in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe and the Middle East (see Annex 1 for the roadmap). It was facilitated by GFAR as part of its Collective Actions to Empower Farmers at the Center of Innovation; led by a coalition of Regional Research Organizations and their partners, in particular, AARINENA, APAARI, FARA; and supported by CFF, and the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT.

Kenya County Climate Risk Profile: Migori County

december, 2020

County Climate Risk Profiles are a key tool to guide climate smart agriculture (CSA) investments and priorities at the county level in Kenya. These documents provide analyses of the underlying causes of vulnerability and on-going and potential climate change adaptation strategies. They also provide a snapshot of the enabling environment for building resilience by providing a synthesis of the policy, institutional and governance context.

Kenya County Climate Risk Profile: Narok County

december, 2020

County Climate Risk Profiles are a key tool to guide climate smart agriculture (CSA) investments and priorities at the county level in Kenya. These documents provide analyses of the underlying causes of vulnerability and on-going and potential climate change adaptation strategies. They also provide a snapshot of the enabling environment for building resilience by providing a synthesis of the policy, institutional and governance context.

Approaches through which anticipation informs climate governance in South Asia

december, 2020

This report presents the RE-IMAGINE research in one of its four regions: South Asia. RE-IMAGINE builds on climate foresight expertise of the Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Program and analyses the role of foresight in climate governance across the globe. Scenarios and many other methods and tools are used today to imagine climate futures and develop strategies for realizing new futures while governing climate change.

Life history, uses, trade and management of Diospyros crassiflora Hiern, the ebony tree of the central African forests: a state of knowledge

december, 2020

The Central African forest ebony, Diospyros crassiflora Hiern, is a small tree native to the moist forests of the Congo Basin. Its appealing black heartwood was one of the first products to be exported from the Gulf of Guinea in the 17th century and is today one of the main sources of ebony globally. Like for other ebony species, its commercial exploitation raises serious questions about the long-term sustainability of its trade and the viability of its populations, but the dots are yet to be joined.

Functional diversity of soil nematodes in relation to the impact of agriculture - a review

december, 2020

The analysis of the functional diversity of soil nematodes requires detailed knowledge on theoretical aspects of the biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationship in natural and managed terrestrial ecosystems. Basic approaches applied are reviewed, focusing on the impact and value of soil nematode diversity in crop production and on the most consistent external drivers affecting their stability.

The nutritional quality of cereals varies geospatially in Ethiopia and Malawi

december, 2020

Micronutrient deficiencies (MNDs) remain widespread among people in sub-Saharan Africa1,2,3,4,5, where access to sufficient food from plant and animal sources that is rich in micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) is limited due to socioeconomic and geographical reasons4,5,6. Here we report the micronutrient composition (calcium, iron, selenium and zinc) of staple cereal grains for most of the cereal production areas in Ethiopia and Malawi. We show that there is geospatial variation in the composition of micronutrients that is nutritionally important at subnational scales.

What and who has determined adoption? A study on improved forage technologies in Colombia from an Agricultural Innovation System (AIS) perspective

december, 2020

The complex process behind the adoption of improved forages in Colombia remains largely unexplored. Despite governmental and scientific efforts to promote and disseminate the implementation of improved forages for the sake of sustainable livestock production, local livestock producers continue to extensively use native species and adoption rates of more efficient forages remain low. This study explores the dynamics behind the development and diffusion of improved forage technologies in Colombia, from the 1960's to the present through an Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) perspective.

Toward a digital One CGIAR: Strategic research on digital transformation in food, land, and water systems in a climate crisis

december, 2020

The global research consortium CGIAR is restructuring itself to build a more integrated global organization (“One CGIAR”) that fully leverages its strengths and refocuses its research strategy through 2030 in service of a renewed mission: End hunger—through science to transform food, land, and water systems in a climate crisis.

Designing climate resilient agricultural systems with some examples from India

december, 2020

For the purposes of this short review, we will focus on CSA as it relates to decisions made at the farm level and may encompass single technological innovations (e.g., a more heat or drought tolerant crop variety), packages of innovations (e.g., a bundle of agronomic practices with climate information for decision-making) through to the design of farms and farming systems to cope with climate variability and extreme events. Examples from semi-arid farming systems in India are used.

Kenya County Climate Risk Profile: Kirinyaga County

december, 2020

County Climate Risk Profiles are a key tool to guide climate smart agriculture (CSA) investments and priorities at the county level in Kenya. These documents provide analyses of the underlying causes of vulnerability and on-going and potential climate change adaptation strategies. They also provide a snapshot of the enabling environment for building resilience by providing a synthesis of the policy, institutional and governance context.

Avena sativa AV25-T (Altoandina) supplementation as alternative for Colombia's high-altitude dairy systems: An economic analysis

december, 2020

In the Colombian high-altitude tropics (2,200–3,000 m.a.s.l.), Kikuyu grass (Cenchrus clandestinus) is the main feed source for the dairy system. This grass species has good characteristics regarding adaptability and productivity, but is affected by frost, grass bugs (Collaria spp.) and precipitation-related production seasonality. Forage deficits might thus be a problem at several times in a year. As a strategy to maintain production stable, dairy farmers use commercial feed concentrates increasing their production costs.