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Lessons Learned from Post-Earthquake Policy in Nepal

Reports & Research
maart, 2019

Displacement Solutions was approached and commissioned by DFID to carry out research on the housing, land and property rights issues arising from the reconstruction process, with an emphasis on the planned relocation aspects thereof. Displacement Solutions undertook a three-person mission to Nepal in November 2018 during which time extensive interviews were carried out, field visits made, and film footage taken for the production of a short documentary film which has since been completed.

Sustainable financing for forest and landscape restoration - the role of public policy makers

Institutional & promotional materials
maart, 2019
Costa Rica
United States of America

Public policy makers from developed and developing countries, at all levels (national, regional, local), have the opportunity to take leadership as FLR financing champions. Even without controlling private capital, they can support resource mobilization in a number of ways This publication shares the experiences of some initiatives from around the world which public policy makers can learn from and adapt.

Descubriendo los bosques

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2019

Esta Guía de aprendizaje ilustrada tiene como objetivo introducir en el mundo de los bosques a niños de entre 10 y 13 años. Va acompañada de una Guía docente, adaptada a los planes de estudio en el ámbito de las ciencias, la geografía y la ciudadanía, entre otros.

Local Perspectives on Ecosystem Service Trade-Offs in a Forest Frontier Landscape in Myanmar

Peer-reviewed publication
maart, 2019

Extensive land use changes in forest frontier landscapes are leading to trade-offs in the supply of ecosystem services (ES) with, in many cases, as yet unknown effects on human well-being. In the Tanintharyi Region of Myanmar, a forest frontier landscape facing oil palm and rubber expansion, little is known about local perspectives on ES and the direct impact of trade-offs from land use change. This study assessed the trade-offs experienced with respect to 10 locally important ES from land user perspectives using social valuation techniques.

An Analysis of the Causes of Deforestation in Malawi: A Case of Mwazisi

Peer-reviewed publication
maart, 2019
United States of America

Deforestation is recognized as a major driver of the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. It also disturbs natural processes such as biogeochemical, hydrological, and ecological cycles. In Malawi, deforestation is estimated to be responsible for the loss of 33,000 hectares per year, and is mainly attributed to agriculture expansion, tobacco growing, and excessive use of biomass. However, little research has been conducted at either the local level or that of forests located on customary land.

Re-Evaluating the Climate Factor in Agricultural Land Assessment in a Changing Climate—Saskatchewan, Canada

Peer-reviewed publication
maart, 2019

We established the statistical relationships between seasonal weather variables and average annual wheat yield (Hard Red Spring and Durum wheat: Triticum spp.) for the period of 1979–2016 for 296 rural municipalities (RMs) throughout six soil zones comprising the arable agricultural zone of Saskatchewan, Canada. Controlling climate variables were identified through Pearson’s product moment correlation analysis and used in stepwise regression to predict wheat yields in each RM.

Beyond the urban-rural dichotomy: Towards a more nuanced analysis of changes in built-up land

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2019

Urban land and rural land are typically represented as homogenous and mutually exclusive classes in land change analyses. As a result, differences in urban land use intensity, as well as mosaic landscapes combining urban and rural land uses are not represented. In this study we explore the distribution of urban land and urban land use intensity in Europe and the changes therein. Specifically, we analyze the distribution of built-up land within pixels of 1 km2. At that resolution we find that most built-up land is distributed over predominantly non-built-up pixels.

Preventing young farmers from leaving the farm: Investigating the effectiveness of the young farmer payment using a behavioural approach

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2019
United States of America

The number of young farmers has decreased over recent decades in several developed countries such as the United States and European countries. A recent strategy adopted by the European Union to address the resulting age imbalance is the Young Farmer Payment which provides an additional payment on top of the average basic payment introduced in the last Common Agricultural Policy reform. The objective of this study is to determine, by means of a behavioural approach, how this payment influenced the incentives of young farmers to stay in the farm.

Female labor outcomes and large-scale agricultural land investments: Macro-micro evidencefrom Tanzania

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2019

This paper examined the extent to which Large-scale Agricultural Land Investments (LALIs) has delivered on its promises (e.g. increased productivity, job creation, and rural development, particularly for rural women). We conducted empirical analyses using the Living Standards Measurement Study-Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA) dataset (macro evidence), which was complemented with two case studies of LALIs in Kilombero district, Morogoro region, Tanzania (micro evidence). The findings from the study revealed that the LALIs have limited effect on agricultural wage.