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Understanding Land in the Context of Large-Scale Land Acquisitions: A Brief History of Land in Economics

Peer-reviewed publication
januari, 2019

In economics, land has been traditionally assumed to be a fixed production factor, both in terms of quantity supplied and mobility, as opposed to capital and labor, which are usually considered to be mobile factors, at least to some extent. Yet, in the last decade, international investors have expressed an unexpected interest in farmland and in land-related investments, with the demand for land brusquely rising at an unprecedented pace.

ชุมชนบ้านงามเมือง: การจัดการลุ่มน้ำย่อยและการปรับตัวต่อการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศ ต. ยางฮอม อ.ขุนตาล จ.เชียงราย

Reports & Research
januari, 2019

โครงการเสริมสร้างความเข้มแข็งเครือข่ายท้องถิ่นและหน่วยงานท้องถิ่นเพื่อการจัดการลุ่มน้ำอิงอย่างยั่งยืน (Empowerment of Local Networks and Local Authorities (LAs) for Sustainable Ing Watershed Management หรือ โครงการอนุรักษ์แม่น้ำอิง) ภายใต้ความร่วมมือระหว่างศูนย์วนศาสตร์ชุมชนเพื่อคนกับป่า (RECOFTC) – ประเทศไทย กับสถาบันความหลากหลายทางชีวภาพและสิ่งแวดล้อมเพื่อการพัฒนาท้องถิ่นและอาเซียน มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฎเชียงราย โดยมีภาคีท้องถิ่นในการดำเนินงานคือ สภาประชาชนลุ่มน้ำอิง กลุ่มรักษ์เชียงของ สถาบันปวงพญาพยาว มหาวิทยาลัยพะเยา ซึ่งได้รับการสนับสนุนงบประมาณจากสหภาพยุโรป โดยมีพื้นที่ชุมชนเป้าหมายในการปฏ

Making Land Rights Work: ZOA Land Rights Guidelines

Manuals & Guidelines
december, 2018
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Secure access to land and secure use of land, for housing-, agricultural- and other purposes is one of the cornerstones of making sustainable, positive development possible. As ZOA provides relief, hope and recovery to people impacted by conflicts and disasters, addressing land rights issues will need to be a permanent point of attention in our work.


Training Resources & Tools
december, 2018

About the risk model tool

This platform details the first results generated by our global disaster displacement risk model. It presents data on displacement risk associated with sudden-onset disasters. The main objective is to start presenting evidence on how to address internal displacement from a prospective point of view by assessing the likelihood of such population movements taking place in the future.

Impacto do desmatamento progressivo da Amazônia na precipitação do Brasil

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul

A Floresta Amazônica possui importância indispensável para o equilíbrio terrestre, pois proporciona diversos serviços ambientais. O desmatamento é uma ameaça imediata a este ecossistema, pois afeta os níveis de evapotranspiração da floresta, tornando o clima local mais quente e seco; podendo influenciar no clima além de seus limites, devido à circulação atmosférica. Este estudo avalia os efeitos de longo prazo do desmatamento progressivo da Amazônia sobre a precipitação no Brasil, através do modelo CCM3-IBIS.

Spatiotemporal Degradation of Abandoned Farmland and Associated Eco-Environmental Risks in the High Mountains of the Nepalese Himalayas

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2018

Globally, farmland abandonment has been a major phenomenon for eco-environmental and social landscape changes in the mountain regions. Farmland abandonment led to endangering the capacity of mountain ecosystems as well as variety of eco-environmental processes that play a pivotal role in regional as well local level eco-environment security.

Impacts of strict cropland protection on water yield: A case study of Wuhan, China

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018

Land use and land cover change is a critical factor of ecosystem services, while water yield plays a vital role in sustainable development. The impact of urban expansion on water yield has long been discussed, but water yield change resulting from cropland protection is seldom concerned. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the impacts of cropland protection on water yield by comparing the water yield in two cropland protection scenarios (i.e., Strict Cropland Protection scenario and No Cropland Protection scenario).